Country folks have always been preppers!!

It was a good day today, got to sit around and talk with my dad for a good bit of the day. It's funny how even at his age, he still has stuff to talk about that you want to hear. As long as you have lived your life right, then you will always have something to talk about.


So today we talked about preppers and how this takes place. You see my pops is a smart man, never really believed in the fiat scam and when it comes to truth he knows that you can only believe half of what is told to you. So we got off deep into the subject of preppers versus country folks. You see they are really the same just one has a fancier name. Preppers have to really on stock piles and country folks rely on skills.


Not to take the words from the song, but my dad asked me 6 very important questions today. Here they are in no random order.

  1. Do you own a gun and are able to use it?
  2. Can you skin a buck?
  3. Can you run a trout line?
  4. Can you farm and have seeds if needed?
  5. Do you have more valuables in your safe then in the bank?
  6. Do you know how to protect your family?

Now we talked about all 6 of those question thoroughly. We talked about the difference in someone hunting versus stock piling food. We talked about being able to grow your own food. We talked about and traded silver for awhile. But honestly is there a difference between a true Country person and a Prepper? I couldn't really see one myself. I think Country folks have known for a longer time that somethigs not right. I think that they have always known that there is more fake shit, then real shit in this world.

My dad made it a point to let me listen to a song, now for some reason my father still feels like he is 30 but there was a point behind the song, he wanted me to realize that more people are starting to become aware of the monetary issue than every before. Now I wont tell you the name of the song or even the artist, but I will have a little give away at then end of this post, so keep reading.

It was gift time, over the past three or so years, we seem to swap silver as a gift, each piece having a relevance to the other person.

Now mine to him was a little touchy cause he didnt get it at first. See I gave him a medusa round, to remind him that once something is turned to stone it will collaspe. Example our current US monetary system is turning to stone, not long from now it will collaspe.


He gave me a overcomb Donald Trump round. He told me that Donald Trump was proof that people are starting to wake up. Even if the round was a joke title, it was still proof that not everything is what it seems.


These are the father days that I will always remember.

Now lets get on to the grandpa song of the day. Now I will give you a small verse of the song, the 1st person who can tell me who it is will get a 1 oz silver round. Now time stamped of comment will determine who wins.... ready for this???? Might not be word for word but its close.

" when the stock market crashes, I'll be somewhere deep off in these pines, killing shit, kicking ass and taking what the hell is mine"

Good luck and Happy Fathers Day!!!

Keep stackin y'all




Not sure if it is right, but it sounds like a song Luke Combs was featured on. After checking, is it Upchurch?

Upchurch is correct! Congrats KS!!

Awesome, I knew staying up a little later working would pay off! Haha! Thanks @raybrockman!

I did really enjoy your post last night. I know the concept of having skills was something that was ingrained into me. Because it is always better to have them and not need them vs needing them and not having them. Also, they help you to be prepared for various situations you might encounter in life.

Congrats bro! Beat me by an hour lol.

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Thanks @dwingsworld! I am usually not up that late, but I am glad last night was one of those nights. Haha!

Looks like I need some seeds!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Questions 1 - 6 : check ☑️. Here in the UK it is still legal to own a firearm as long as you have a licence and pass a few checks. So I got that covered

I learnt to fish and hunt before I even discovered silver, so I guess I was a always a prepper before I was a stacker. I try and teach 1/2 pint, but obviously he's a little young at the no, but he can recognise plants and knows when the strawberrys are ready!! 😊

Sounds like your old man brought you up right....and still is.

Having just moved to the country myself I do get a sense of people being a bit more down to earth and awake, but the main difference I could sum up into one word - Resilience.

Country folk seem to be a hell of a lot more resilient than city folk. They can handle losing power or roads or communications etc, to the point where they don't need to prep or stockpile. They can live off the land with what they already have and have learnt.

@raybrockman first off so happy you have an amazing relationship with your dad and that he is still there to share the time with.
I have to agree there is not much difference between country folk and preppers. My father grew up dirt floor poor like no indoor plumbing till he was almost in high school keep in mind thats the early 70s. He always taught us hard work, be inventive, protect yourself, and think for yourself. I can not thank him enough for what he has taught me and hope I can learn so much more from him.
Thanks my friend for a marvelous post and happy DAD day to you and your father!!

Posted using Partiko Android

It was great that you have a father to discuss these life changing issues, as mine was taken away too early. Glad you had a day to remember.

Good article Ray, “preppers” is sometimes used derogatively when in reality it makes a lot of sense. Also, pretty savvy old boy to ask you the 6 questions he did. 👍

Yes PREPPERS, We will make it to The Other Side Ray.........

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