Success vs Failure article by @rajasalman1

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)
We often see in our life that people fail despite working hard While there are some people who get success due to their small qualities and today we're going to look at what are the qualities that make so many people successful and what are the reasons that why so many people fail


Reasons for failure
So first we will discuss the reasons for failure An unsuccessful person develops an idea before starting any task He then tells people I'm going to do this instead of working on that plan.

You may also have guessed that whenever you share your idea with someone before starting work then the idea doesn't have much value and you can't even do the work After that, the main reason for the failure of the unsuccessful person is that he wants to succeed quickly and do something big in his life.So in this regard he also faces every problem that comes his way and as soon as he faces failure, he gets discouraged and eventually he gives up on whatever he's trying to work on and doesn't try again and thus, after wasting his time
he comes back to the place where he started and stops.

Qualities for Success

Whereas a successful person also has an idea but instead of telling people his idea, he works on it and makes a master paln to execute it.He does not take any wrong step to succeed quickly but keeps focus on his destination and he also fights the problems like a failed person but he does not get discouraged like a failed person but motivates himself to fight against difficulties and he learns from his mistakes so by learning from his mistakes and facing difficulties he finally reaches his destination and then he is called a successful person


At the End

We should Always remember that if want to be successful, always cultivate the qualities of successful people in yourself.

We must always remember that if we want to be like successful people, we have to create the same qualities in ourselves.There are many of us who want to be successful and want to achieve success, but the sacrifices that success demands, we shy away.
Success requires us to work hard, but we soon tire of it and We think that we don't have to work hard.
Success requires us to be constantly connected to our work and soon we get distracted and busy with other things. Success requires us that if you want to be successful, you have to stay awake at night and has to work hard while we take it easy It proves that if we want to succeed, we have to change ourselves.

We have to remember that God gives the fruits of his labor to the hard worker.


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