The Steemit Awards 2022: Choice nomination from @radjasalmam

in Hot News Community2 years ago


In order to give appreciation and also an encouragement to improve the quality of the Steemit Platform, the Steemit team reopened the announcement of the Steemit Awards 2022 ,this is an extraordinary step for the umpteenth time in giving appreciation to the Best Author, Best Contributor to the Community and Best Community.

This method not only rewards those who have worked hard to make a good impact on the Steem Blogging ecosystem for this year but also measures the extent to which users understand the development of other users including the community.

For the sake of enlivening the great initiative, I am quite happy to be able to participate in determining the 3 categories of my choice, following the category of my choice.

Best Author

My best writer of choice is @fantvwiki, the reason I chose Irfan is that he has shown the meaning of consistency in producing content. Many good options to get the best authors, but seeing the content that Irfan posts with good quality, then for this year I chose it.


It's not easy to come up with ideas every day, and it's also not easy to write regularly with good sentences every day. We hope that in the next year there will be many great writers who continue to grow on the Steemit platform so that the value of a post can increase the blogging ecosystem that is really interested.

Best Contributor to the Community

As contributors to the community, people need to have a strong dedication and Leadership spirit, the ability to communicate and understand many things about the Platform is part of supporting this category. It is not uncommon for his behind-the-scenes initiatives to have a huge impact on the community, as well as able to embrace many users.


For the best choice of contributors to the community, I chose @heriadi in this category. The reason I chose it is dedication and strong Leadership spirit with many initiatives, and certainly can embrace many users.

Best Community

And the last Is The Best Community category, which is considered the best home for users. For the best community choice, I chose the Hot News community as the best community of 2022, the reason is quite simple. The Hot News community is a new community formed at the beginning of 2022, since now this community for internationals has become a community for many users to publish their contests and posts.


Selected several times as a community that holds a Steemit engagement Challenge contest and involves many participating users, it is proof that the Hot News community is developing very well. Having a Moderator who can be the best example for users and also some weekly programs, becomes a good value for the Hot News community to grow.

Long story short, those are the 3 categories of the Steemit Awards 2022 of my choice, I invite many users to be able to participate in enlivening the Steemit Awards 2022.

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih telah memilih saya Pak Salman, ini sebuah hal yang sangat memotivasi saya dan sangat menghargai-nya. Sekali lagi terima kasih🙏🏻🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

Bagaimana cara mengikutinya pak @radjasalman

 2 years ago 

Tulis postingan seperti biasa saja dengan menggunakan bahasa apapun, lalu ceritakan siapa penulis terbaik, kontributor terbaik, dan komunitas pilihan kamu.

Yang penting buat tagar #steemitawards2022 di urutan awal agar mudah ditemukan untuk dinilai.

Silahkan mencobanya, semoga pilihan kamu sukses terpilih menjadi yang terbaik 💪💪

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas arahannya bg.
Akan saya coba. Siapa tahu beruntung. Hehe

 2 years ago 

Very good choice of nominees with the right background and reasons why nominate them.
You also deserve the @radjasalman
Good luck to the nominees and continued success for you 👍👍

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