SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "steemCreated with Sketch.

in Hindwhale Community7 months ago

Hello Everyone!

Warm welcome to my Steemain friends, I am @qasim78 from Pakistan How are you all, I hope you are all doing well and enjoy your precious life, I am also fine by the Grace of Almighty Allah. Today, I am glade to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by Hindwhale Community Community's SEC-S16/W3 Engagement Challenge Contest. The theme of this engagement challenge is "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? " " This is very interesting topic all time I participate in this without any further delay so let share my thoughts .

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How does a father have a strong influence on children?

Fathers hold a signficant position as the leader of the family and exerting a profond impact on their children developmment & char acter formation and many believe th at this role is bestow upon them by a higher power and emphsizing their responsbility to overse the family as well being in financial, emotional,& physical aspects and also They are likened totrees, enduring life challenges like sunlight, yet providing stead-fast shelter to their loved ones. I love my father and he is hero for me because he support me in every situation of life.

As role models, fathers are expectted to embody qualitis suchas gentleness, kindness, thought fulness,& affection, serving as guiding ligghts for their children and Refllecting on pers onal experiences and I have been influeenced by both my parents, drawing upon different virtues fromeach.

Its crucial for fathers to dediicate quality time totheir children, attentively listening t them, offering suport & providing encourageement on a daily basis and engaging in play full activitie together not only strengthen the father child bond butalso offers valuablle teaching moment and leading through action & demonstrrating desired behaviors first hand fathers efectively set examples for their children t follow.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

In my view, a mother impact onher children is increedibly important and I strongly fel that mother are vital intheir children lives often being th e main source of emotional streength in the family and I have experienced a mother capacity to ofer love & support with out condition set the stage for a child's emotional & social growth.



Caring & Comforting: We know a mother often give lot of care & comfort to their child making theem feel loved & safe because this help kids growup feeling happy & secure.

Teaching Important Stuff: mother teach kids impportant thingsthey need to know for her in life like how to be solve problems & make good choices in life.

Making Friends: mother also help child learn how to be good with others & how to choce good friends & They seeks to their child how to talk to people & be kind to everyone in life.

Keeping Healthy: Mother also make sure their child eat healthy food and exercise & also stay clean because they want the ir kids to be strrong & healthy.

How does a teacher have a strong influence on children?

Teachers are often refered to as our spiritual parent play a crucial role in children well being andFrom the start teacher recogniize the imense educational potential in kids and they skill fully impaart know ledge & moral guidance fostering a positive inflluence on children education and Personally childreen spend a signif icant portion of their day around 4 to 6 hours at school where teacher provide care & inspire positiivity and Children learn notonly the school curriculum but also gain knowledge like wisdom, creativity, & essential elements for personal growth I am an intellectual and moral guide who shapes the perspective of the world of the children I teach.



How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

We know that Siblings play a cruccial role in each other lives offerring emotiional support & companion ship that foster asense of security & belonging and also through shared experiiences they confiide in one another & provide comfortduring tough times and this bond helps shape their identiities & influences their interests & values as they grow.

Interracting with siblings also helps childrren developp vital social skills such as sharing coperation & conflict resolution & through play & communication theylearn to navigate relationsships & understand diffeerent perspective preparing them fr interactions beyondthe family.

Siblings serve a s early role models with youngerones often looking up to their older siblings & emulating their behavior & Older siblings may feel a responsibiility to set apositive example contributing to the ir younger siblings developmment.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?

Friends are esential part of a childs life and often liken to the perfect compllement like peannut butter to jelly and they provide companion ship share experiiences & enjoy funtimes together and through friends hip children develop crucial soccial skills such as comunication, cooperation & teamwork.


Friendship goes beyoond mere enjoymentt friends also offer emotionall support and they stand by eachother during toughtimes and lending a listening ear offer ing advice & bosting eachother confidence and Friends play a signifiicant role in shaping a child social & emotional development enriching their liveswith shared experiences & meaningful connections.


Here's my today's engagement challenge, and I hope you enjoy it alot and Thanks a lot for checking out my activities, and I'll see you all in my next post and need your support in the form of comments and vote. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye, my Steemit family.

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 7 months ago 

Fathers hold a significant position as the leader of the family and exerting a profound impact on their children development & character formation and many believe that this role is bestowed upon them by a higher power and emphasizi

Growing up, I always looked to my dad as the leader of our family. He carried this aura of strength and guidance that I couldn't help but admire. His influence went beyond just providing for us – he taught me valuable lessons about responsibility and integrity, shaping who I am today.

Caring & Comforting: We know a mother often gives a lot of care & comfort to their child making them feel loved & safe because this helps kids grow up feeling happy & secure.

I've seen firsthand the nurturing nature of mothers. Whenever I was feeling down or scared, it was always my mom who knew exactly what to say or do to make everything better. Her love and warmth created a safe haven for me, and I'll always be grateful for that sense of security she provided.

Teachers are often referred to as our spiritual parent play a crucial role in children well-being and From the start teacher recognizes the immense educational potential in kids and they

Thinking back on my school days, I can recall a few teachers who left a lasting impact on me. They weren't just there to teach lessons – they genuinely cared about our well-being and growth. Their dedication to nurturing both our minds and hearts made all the difference in our educational journey.

Good luck

Thank you so much @drqamu

Friends could also influence children positively or negatively. They have a great impact on their decisions and their strengths and weaknesses. Friends give children the confidence they need to make things happen.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Yah of course thank you brother

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