My Introduction

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)


Assalamu'alaikum everyone..

Perkenalkan saya Febry Kesrian, dara Aceh kelahiran 1998 yang saat ini bekerja sebagai guru di salah satu sekolah swasta di Lhokseumawe.

Online learning a.k.a Daring for my student this morning

Ditengah kesibukan mengajar saat ini, saya merasa banyak hal yang berlalu begitu saja, bahkan banyak moment penting yang terlupa tanpa terdata, ingin mencatat tapi terlalu lelah dengan semua kesibukan yang ada, sampai akhirnya my lovely sista @aisahaiss memotivasi saya untuk meninggalkan rekam jejak kenangan hari-hari saya dengan cara yang fun dan produktif. Dan ternyata kembali tersadar saya punya secret passion untuk menulis.
So.. that's why I am here. Recording my days and my moments in this incredible platform.

My partners in crime in the office and also my lovely sisters

So, this is how my writing journey begin.

Saya mengetahui platform Steemit ini dari Ms. @asiahaiss. Thanks to Ms. @asiahaiss yang sudah membantu membimbing saya untuk bergabung di Steemit ini.

Thanks a billion to @anroja @nazarul @heriadi.

Special thanks to @radjasalman dan @asiahaiss yang telah membantu membimbing pembuatan akunnya


Hey @purpleagashu
I @sarveshnegi2811 Welcome you to Steemit

First of all you have made a good introduction post .

Steemit is a block chain based Dapp where you can get rewards for sharing your daily life work through Diary game and your content such as Writing, Photography in and many more others .

I'm sharing the achievement program post by @cryptokannon , by completing these achievements you can learn how to use Steemit , like applying markdown , using wallet , use of key and all your account information.

Cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program | Cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program

And follow @steemitblog to get new updates of Steemit community.


If any query you can ask me any time at @sarveshnegi2811 .

Big thanks for the warm welcome ..
I'll try my best to be more productive and improve my writing and photography skill in this platform.
Nice to meet you here @sarveshenegi2811

 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, welcome to Steemit my pretty lady :*
You did a great job :)

Thanks for sharing this platform sista..
Big hug from here

 3 years ago 

Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung dengan Steemit dan Steem SEA.

Terimakasih @anroja
Mohon bimbingannya

 3 years ago 

Welcome to steemit

Thank you mr. @nazarul

Welcome to best platform @purpleagashi

Good luck ))

Thanks mr. @klen.civil

 3 years ago 

Selamat datang di Steemit dan Steem SEA

Thanks @steemseacurator 😊😊

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