Haiku [Autumn Sunflower] and Ginni (Excerpt) from Novelette, DigitaL Photography and Art

in APPICS4 years ago (edited)

[Autumn Sunflower]

autumn sunflower
diminished crescent moon
seeded in the dark




A merciless child’s plaything, the float plane yo-yoed up and down, up again, and then to the side. Ginni fought back her stomach.

The beauty of snow-capped mountains and glacial lakes barely made it past her bleary eyes. She tried to enjoy the alpine scenery, rich greens with the odd speckling of fall gold. She swore she’d even seen a bear, a round blur of black among the pines, but now, it was look forward or puke.

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This was her first trip out of the city. The big city of the eighties was hectic and fantastical: big hair, fast cars, vast fortunes, and even vaster egos. Ginni loved it—the people; the lights; the variety; beautiful clothes; dinners, clubs, and parties; and most importantly, rich men, to buy her beautiful clothes and take her to dinners, clubs, and parties.

She’d taken the city for all it offered, realizing too late that everything had only ever been on loan. She hadn’t chosen the wilderness. The city had rejected her. She’d rather have had her eyeballs vacuumed than live in a suburb or a small town. No, it hadn’t come to that.

So into the wild she went.

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Words and Images are my own.

Ginni is published in Strays, Strays is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.







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