Connect Everything for the Spy GridsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


I have been thinking about this "connect everything" movement that the big tech companies are pushing everywhere, in relation to my last article. There is certainly a big push to "connect everything" coming from big tech companies, Internet companies, appliance companies, phones, computers you name it.

Everyone wants your data, they say it's the information age, so everyone will hunt for information from Government spies to your local grocery store.

I mean this smart appliance movement is getting ridiculous. Soon we will have smart toilets that will have a camera installed in them that you can share your dump on social media. It is getting Orwellian and trendy liberal idiots are loving it.

I am sorry I will break with my political correctness here and I will call them out. Liberals are idiots. It is really the useful idiot political class, either the young guys who are drowning in student debt because they were so big morons that they went into colleges and then their diploma is worthless.

I mean let's be frank here I have been tolerating the "average" people out there, which are the Liberals, Liberalism is the mainstream political position nowadays. But my patience has ran out, I am starting to get fed up with these people.

They are the useless idiots, the helpless complacent class that just puts up with everything no matter how abusive and tyrannical it is, plus the progressive sub-faction is responsible for my increasing tax bill, so FUCK THEM!

That is not to say that I don't have a problem with the conservative factions, but if it comes down to it, I'd rather align myself with conservatives rather than liberals. At least they are rational people.

Why is the Connect Everything Mentality Retarded

Okay so political rant out of the way, let's look at it why it's retarded in by itself. Well first of all, it's a collectivist nightmare.

We know collectivism is tyranny. Period. Be that technological collectivism or political one, centralizing things are bad, but even connecting things is.

Things have to be separated to some degree, I am sorry but this is just how nature works.

  • Pandemic

You don't put 20 people in 1 room apartments, otherwise massive epidemics will break out, this is well known, and it could threaten the entire civilization.

Even big cities are a disaster, despite quality sanitation systems, if a pandemic disease were to break out in a big city, it's game over. The only reason the Spanish Flu got contained is because people lived in rural areas, separated from eachother. If they'd lived in big cities like now, it would have been much much worse.

  • Electrical Grid

Why do you think engineers put electrical fuses inside circuits? Is because if 1 disaster happens, you don't wipe out the entire grid for the entire city.

Even in the most connected system, which is the electrical grid, it's not actually directly connected but filtered through these checkpoints that can contain these damages, sort of quarantining risk.

So you can attach, detach things to it without compromizing the entire system, it's itemized.

Smart Appliances

Now you don't see these measures in smart appliances do you. Every Laptop has a microphone and a camera in it, but why the fuck there isn't a hardware switch to turn them off? Oh so you turn them off by "software", as if that can't be exploited by hackers.

And then you connect your Smart Phone to your Wireless Router and your Smart TV and your Smart Frige and Smart Speakers....

Oh boy, they don't build switches in them by design, so they can be turned into a Spy Grid. It's not even a conspiracy theory, it's just so obviously true.

Why the hell would a TV need a camera in them? They admit in their privacy policy that the TV "might" listen to your conversations so you should not talk about secrets in front of it. Well how convenient, now if you stuff your house full of them, then your entire house becomes like a prison. Plus your neighbors do that too, and you have CCTV cameras outside with microphones in them as well.

So it's an Orwellian Spy Grid, that is what it is.

Can Smart Appliances be Cured?

Well hard question. For me, I would not trust any of them, period. But I guess some of them could be salvaged by placing provable hardware switches in them.

  • Like in a mobile phone, detachable microphone and camera. How hard is to design that? Not that hard, and then you will be sure that your phone won't listen to you.

  • In a Smart TV you should have the same, either a detachable camera+mic, or a hardware killswitch, certified by electrical engineers that it does indeed cut off the power, not some shady backdoor crap that pretends that the power is off but in reality it's still in "Spy mode":

  • Smart Speakers are crap, and very creepy, these products should not exist. It's like having Skynet in your house.

  • Appliances could be smart, but not too smart, and I'd not like them to be Internet connected. Like I would not mind a fridge that can automatically set the cooling temperature based on the outside temperature, so smart in that sense. Not smart in the sense that it has a microphone in it used for voice commands and then the company just uses your voice for data mining.


So really, I am getting fed up with these technologies, and with the stupid people that just takes them all in without looking at the side effects.

Fucking degenerate gambler mentality in this hedonistic liberal age. It's almost like people have no survival instincts anymore. Just put your hand in a crocodile's mouth because it's trendy. Go take on huge debts, and forget about the side effects.

It makes me sick to live amongst people like these. But my faith is in rational intelligent people who can see though the bullshit and the propaganda. The future is theirs. If you live only for the present, then you will have no future.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Well detailed post. \technology with its own tears.

What I really hate is all of these are being designed and pushed out without any actual testing.

Its like the early days of Winders. There was NO security.
Today's Winders should have a sticker that says (Virus Inside). It really starts off as already compromised.

The only thing these new all connected products have going for them, why they aren't outright obvious crap, is that most people don't care about you. The people that want to spy on you, want to make sure nothing overt happens. At least nothing that can't be blamed on stupid electronics.

And! Why indeed to computers come with microphones and cameras that do not have a physical switch?

As much as I don't like Microsoft for it's monopolistic totally evil business strategies and like violating antitrust laws constantly and pushing out privacy hostile products:

I hate the liberal trendies much more. I mean taxation is coercive. Using a product is not.

So then why would people use abusive products and services? It's because they are dumb fucking idiots, that just love to be exploited.

And as a result of their stupidity, they put all of us in danger. People used to cheer for Hitler too, mindlessly. It's these hordes of mindless zombies that are too stupid to think for themselves.

I really got a distaste for them.

Just don't engage with them and explain to other why. I do some listen some think i'm bonkers but I feel much better for it and still enjoy that thing called nature.

Read the book 'The Spirit Level'

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