Perfect Day....

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, Hope you are having a wonderful day ...


Today I was thinking about perfect day I mean what activities or situations can make a day perfect or like what is perfect day or exactly looks like?? I am trying to find these question answers in fact I wanted to know how a perfect day looks like. because obviously there is a difference between good day and perfect day.. So today I have decided to write about Perfect Day , what I think about it, what is my perfect day...


One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching...
– Mooie

In short I can say , a well spent day without problems is perfect day for me... hahaha.. But now I think it's just a good day because perfect day is something else, some specially which is not related with your daily life routine, something exceptional happened in your life that day... Perfect day can be a memorable day for you... Let's try to demonstrate my opinion...

For me , a well spent day means, a day without problems, no uncertain situations, works went smoothly , no work pressure , relax , chilling etc etc. I think everyone has their own definition about perfect day and it can vary person to person. Sometimes, a well spent day with some productive works, positive vibes plus good news can make my day perfect.


Flowers can make my day, infact whenever someone gifted me some beautiful flowers I felt good, as well as it can change my mood. Positives vibes , fresh mood help me to spend a positive day. But I can recall some of my days which are perfect till now.

Special day , when I went for a coffee date for the first time with my boyfriend, it was a perfect day. Because that day is memorable and that time was beautiful. Even I remember, Whenever I traveled some special places , those days are created a perfect memorable days for me. Closed to nature , good food, walking and exploring nature , everything was perfect.


May be a dinner date with your dearest and closest one can be a perfect day for you. It's hard to explain as I have mentioned that this type of day can vary from person to person. May be a memorable funny day, may be a place , may be a situation has made your day perfect... Who knows right???

Let me know about your perfect day, I really want to know about your journey and your opinion...

“Don’t wait for a perfect day. To make it a perfect day, dance the whole day, sing every hour, and love every moment”...
― Debasish Mridha



I am @priyanarc..... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life.I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way i can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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To me, the most perfect days usually happen during my travels. It's like you say, a break of the usual routine. Seeing new things, meeting new people and cultures, watching a big concert in a different environment... While I'm living and working, the days tend to be repetitive and there's nothing special about them. Right?

When I lead a robotoc life , there is no perfect day for me so I can understand pretty well...

A perfect day is a day with people I love doing things we love (mostly eating lol!). Sometimes it depends on our outlook and our mood how we want our day to be.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ya going out with friends or with someone special make your day perfect , may be a romantic dinner.. Thanks dear @leeart for stopping by..

Here was also very warm day ... but this warm days soon very fast end :)
And yellow trees are soon back :)

I hope you are also ready to take some nice shots... @foxkoit ... Thanks for stopping by...

Thank you!! I try soon when all trees are back yelloe :)

A day i get help where im.not put on pain management because i dont have money.

:D hehehe dear ,,, I love this type of day also @prettynicevideo ...

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