Of Cannabis the Natural Medicine - Entry for the Canna Wisdom Challenge...

in #weedcash5 years ago

First off I have to say how happy I am that Cannabis is now legal here in Canada!
Now I'm free to grow this herb right along with my other herbs without it being a legal issue.

I started an indoor gardening project and included my cannabis plants.

Indoor Gardening Project - Cannabis Plants at the Back - Mothers


2 Images (Combined) Showing the Growth of the Cuttings Taken From the Above Mother Plants.

2 pictures of cuttings showing good growth.JPG

Cuttings Now as Plants Ready to Go Into the Ground

indoor sunroom with flowers in foreground and Cannabis in background plus lettuce.JPG

These plants gives us a nice stash of bud, which we always like to keep on hand for medicinal purposes and emergencies.

It has already saved our dogs life and given my husband the pain relief from some serious injuries (crashed hand and badly lacerated hand) which was something the prescribed drugs he got from his doctor couldn't do. Also being over 60 he likes to use his smoke to take the edge off when he is doing hard physical work like getting the firewood (we heat our house with it in the winter - about 5 or 6 cords per year.)

How we used Cannabis to save our German Shepard Dog's Life

One weakness in the purebred German Shepard is that they may have seizures and our dog did. They were mostly pretty short and we just stayed with him and kept him calm until it passed.

One day when he had a run in with the two big neighbor dogs ( the 2 uncut males were always tussling over the boundary of their territory), he must of had a seizure in the midst of a fight and they took him down.

We had got him inside and he had a bit of a limp but we couldn't notice any other major physical wounds. We were soon to find out these were not his biggest problem.

When he went back outside again, he immediately began shaking. He had become terrorized out there and was a beaten, broken dog.

We bought him back in and tried to settle him but he kept shaking. We did manage to get him settled in his night spot in the porch but he was groaning. I got him soothed somewhat and we went to bed.

The next day we had to take him out to do his business. Putting the leash on seemed to trigger his mind to settle (having his leash on to him means we're getting down to work.)
He was almost normal when we took him out for his walk although he became somewhat fretful when he came into the yard, close to the other dogs territory. He went right back into his security spot inside and he really wasn't into eating and was still quivering and moaning.
We did our best to sooth him but this was going on now for a couple of days and we figured we had to do something to break this near seizure state he was in.
We had some old buttery mini cakes that we had made from our cannabis shake (they were quite strong.) First we tried to just feed some to him but he didn't want them. Then we tried masking them in some hamburger and we manages to get some of them into him.
This worked to break the shivering and moaning and he fell asleep.

The next morning I figured he needed to get out for a pee. Although it was still kinda dark I put the leash on and kept him close to the house. He went kinda crazy in the dark and was trying to dig a big hole in the deep snow to crawl into. We got him into the house but he was a mess again, back to shivering and moaning.
We were having trouble getting the food into him and we were beginning to think we may have to put him down for this had been going on for days now and he was in pain.
One last attempt, we managed to get a big chunk of the Cannabis buttery stuff into him which broke the tremor, seizure like behavior.
We took him out for a walk (the leash doing the trick to put his mind into a calm state.) He was really stoned and didn't know where he was placing his feet (he was lifting them real high).
Getting that big dose into him did the trick, the seizure type fretting and moaning was broke and we could calm him down inside plus he began eating again.
Because we came so close to losing him we vowed that we would keep him close to us either indoors with us or on the leash outside - no more running free in the yard and getting into trouble with those neighbor dogs. They had his number now and taken over his territory, ready to take him down again.

He is 7 years old now and has a good life. He goes for two walks up into the hills every day where we can let him run without fear of those neighbor dogs. He also has a nice big run that he likes to go in, which is safe and he can be outside and see all around.

Thank goodness we had some Cannabis around to help our big guy, Bruno, through his trauma.

Bruno Running Free on the Hill

If you have any stories to tell of how you use Cannabis for medicinal purposes come share them in the Canna Wisdom Challenge at: https://steemit.com/weedcash/@naturalmedicine/cannabis-as-natural-medicine-win-steem-weed-tokens-and-an-upvote-for-life-from-canna-curate

Thanks for stopping by!

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You’ve been visited by @riverflows on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Oh my goodness - the thought of Bruno being stoned and lifting his paws really high makes me giggle. Dogs are so cute when they are out of it. Not that I'd do it on purpose - was just thinking like after they have an operation and are still drugged up. Glad you had something on hand to help - and wow, those plants are looking well ready for spring!

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50SPII100SPII200II500SPII1000SP ♡♡♡

What a great story. I'm glad cannabis is legal for you. I live in Texas, which is ruled by politicians who say they are against big government, yet refuse to let us legally grow or use cannabis, have more rules about shipping alcohol than ammo, and want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Oh it is so irksome to have people tell you what you can and cannot do - really what gives them the right to govern over people like that!

Your plants looks amazing, very impressive. I REALLY need a grow room like yours. Wow! Are you going to plant some outside?

I love your story about using it for pain management and Bruno (poor guy) stuff like this is herbalism at its best.

oops sorry I missed where you said they are ready to go in the ground! :)

Yes I have a covered garden that we made a special bed for them.


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What a beautiful story about Bruno - loving to see cannabis medicine for more than our self-induced lifestyle aches & pains, and shared with other Beings. Nice entry, @porters.

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Thanks for the interesting article.

Congratulations that it's been legalised over in Canada.
What a story, I'm glad he's well and out going right now.

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