My adolescent child has changed both socially and emotionally: What can I do to help my child control his/her emotions?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #child7 years ago (edited)

Please read my last post on Stages of Child's development: Growing together. Now you will learn about social changes, emotion development and wellbeing of your adolescent child in this article.

Adolescence Development

Do you know that your adolescent child's development is shaped by your child's unique genes, environment, experiences, community and culture?
During adolescence, you'll notice some changes in your child but do not be bothered, it shows that your child is learning to be an adult, all what you need to do is to support your child and be a good role model.


These are the changes you might notice in your adolescent child
  • They spend most of their time on their phones: social media
  • Starts to explore a sexual identity: might start to be in a romantic relationship
  • They get influenced more by friends
  • They will start to develop a stronger individual set of values and morals.
  • They seek for independence and responsibility.
  • They look for new experiences and engage in more risks taking behaviour.


    Your adolescent child's mood might seem unpredictable and you have to understand that your child's brain is still learning how to control and express in a grown up way.
  • They begin to develop new skills.
  • They become self conscious: they might start to compare their bodies or their clothes with those of friends and peers.
  • All teenagers have bad moods and they behave in challenging ways. Most of them become rebellious and major conflicts with their parents. Parents, you have a big role to play in helping your adolescent child develop.


    Your child will undergo dramatic changes and parents need to influence their children long-term decisions such as career choices, values and morals. You can help by supporting them through the following sentences.
  • Be a role model, your child is watching your steps and also learning from it.
  • Know your child's friends and welcome them into your home.
  • If your child have something to tell you, give him/her your full attention.
  • Talk with your child about relationship and sex. Find out what your child knows about relationship and sex, correct any misinformation and give them real facts.
  • Stay connected with your teenage child because they need you.
  • Express your feelings to your child, let your child know what is going on in your life.
  • Praise your child in every aspect, encourage them not to give up.

    Do you want your child to be confident enough to manage on their own? Well i gathered some steps for you from a book Building services and systems to support the healthy emotional development of young children by Jane Knitzer.
  • provide security
  • encourage but don't push
  • allow them to make mistakes
  • ask for their help.

    There are different stages of Social-Emotional Development. The development of a child is essential to his appropriate understanding of life, behaviour and transition to adulthood. It helps shape your child into what he/she will become. Have you read Erikson's eight stages of development? Well, if you haven't, I am going to discuss about it in my next post, please don't miss it.

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    Thanks to @camzy


    I love this post @plojslydia.
    The fact these days is that most parents find it difficult to make out time for their kids let alone to have time to talk to them. A lot of parent are always busy....working to make ends meet and to make money......neglecting their children especially the adolescent teens. It's a huge error that has negatively impacted on the society at large.
    More informative posts like this and more of such enlightenment for parents would hopefully change the negative trend.

    Some parents think of themselves first and it is very bad. No matter how busy they are, it is good for them to always have time for their children

    the first thing is to remember that you can not ' control' them. You can mould, influence and guide them only. It is best if you build a relationship on trust much before they become teenagers. If a kid trusts you he/ she will never be out of control. In return you need to trsut your own upbringing and the values you have imparted. Do not except the kid to listen to you if you have never listened to your parents in front of the kid.

    Set an example for them with your behaviour. If you want the kid to not go to parties, you have to give up your own kitty party. With teenagers it is always 2 way street- do not expect to control them- you can only influence them.

    Setting a good example helps a lot also. Most parents think that by controlling their child, they will be great. Controlling them makes them scared to talk to you

    Everything about adolescent is from home.
    What ever and how you were being brought up determines how to handle some challenges at times

    Yea, thanks for reading

    So on point. Adolescence is thr hardest part of a child's growth. Not like its is inevitable but it can be curtailed to positive use rather than negative. Most parents believe restricting a child would finetune that child into the saint they want but they only give those adolescent more curiosity to explore negatively. One can never know to be a perfect parent but pray for God's guidance for a perfect balance.

    Yeah exactly, so it is better to have a good relationship with their children and make sure they teach them the things they need to know

    I have been motivated with this, most time children of this time don't want to be corrected how do we go about it?

    Talk to them, make sure you tell them the disadvantages of whatever they are doing. Also try to influence them with a good attitude, know their friends

    This is the most crucial stage for parents to fully get to know their wards, give them support,and as well some encouragement. This is the face that also determines the kind of relationship they will have with their parents in the future.
    For example ,if you are too strict and such a child is not free with both parents ,inorder to pour his or her mind out. The outcome might be disastrous. I must commend you for takin your time on this.

    So it is better for parents to be friendly and not too strict so that their children can pour out his or her mind out. Thanks for reading

    Wow you've said it all
    I wish parents will look into this post of yours and grab some knowledge. It's really helpful
    I look forward to see your next post on the "eight stages of development".
    So creative!👍

    Thank you and thanks for reading

    I wish a parent can read this right now...

    But as a parent to be, i must say that this indeed is going to help most of us that are privileged to read this...

    Especially some of us that growing up wasnt all that rosy and lack the precautionary aspect of growing up...

    Your child will undergo dramatic changes and parents need to influence their children long-term decisions such as career choices, values and morals.

    This isssss so true, i am definitely going to bookmark this page!!

    Thanks for sharing...

    Thanks for reading dear

    Been a role model is need from parents expecially the mother. Teach them what they need to know and give them proper guide about relationship

    Both parent should be a good role model because the child might decide to follow the step of the father or mother

    Parenting is broad. Constant monitor is necessary. Thank you for this post.

    Yea, thanks for reading