How's It Growing? {March 2019 Garden & Market Update}

Hey there friends! I am happy to jump in for the first time on @simplymike's Community Garden Journal Challenge. I love seeing what all the gardeners and homesteaders on the blockchain are up to, and we actually have the start of a spring garden in our backyard I can share with you all this year. To be fair every year for the past few years we have attempted a garden, but alas some years tend to be better than others. The weather was a bit out of sorts in 2018, so we really didn't get much from our garden.

This year @dksart worked hard on a big compost pile in the backyard to try to boost the nutrient content of the soil, and he re-aligned some of the garden beds to see if they would get better sun. We are hoping those few changes will help make a difference in what we can get growing this year! Despite the ups and downs in the veggie haul, we generally have no problem with herbs so let me show you what is starting to explode on that side of things.

First up--

Lemon Balm


This tends to grow like crazy (it is in the mint family after all), so I have learned to come up with plenty of ways to use it. Salad dressings, garnishes, infused water, tea, extract, and I even dried plenty of the leaves last year to use over the winter. We still end up with more than we can possibly consume, but it's a great one to have on hand!



We've been growing this for years and it always seems to thrive, as well. I just used a big bunch of this in a pesto last night with garlic scapes from the farmers market (another seasonal delicacy).



Parsley is one that can be hit or miss, but I'm glad it seems to be doing well right now! My boyfriend enjoys using it in just about everything. He's actually really great about going out to the garden and grabbing herbs whenever he wants them. We also have mint that is going crazy all over the place (probably need to cut it back before it takes over) and a bit of sage still.


As far as the main beds, nothing too exciting is going on just yet from far away...

But when you get closer you can see the radishes are growing by the day...

...and the beets are starting to pop up, as well.

We've also got seeds started for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and hopefully zucchini and eggplant soon. It's warming up here nicely, so hopefully everything will really be kicking into gear this next month! @dksart definitely gets all the credit for the work in the garden. I just help pick what I want to try to grow, and then I cook it all when it comes in!


For some more seasonal fun, I also snagged the first of the strawberries at the farmers market this past weekend. Such a joy to see those little gems pop back up for the first time this year! We don't grow any currently (though it looks like some wild blackberry bushes may be popping up by the fence), but will be hitting the U-pick farm as soon as they open to load up.


Here are the garlic scapes and spring onions I was happy to grab, as well. I truly am always so thankful for the local farmers to provide so much variety for things we don't have the room to grow ourselves. I had never tried the garlic scapes before, but they were so fragrant and fresh! I hope they'll have them again next week, though I don't hold my breath on some of these fleeting seasonal delicacies.


Thanks so much for coming along a stroll through the garden with me. I still definitely learn a whole lot more from you all than I on offer as a very novice gardener, but it is fun to share a taste of what we are doing. Hopefully I'll have even more to share next month. Thanks for hosting such a great challenge @simplymike!


Banners by @zord189, @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


Funny thing.

A mouse chewed a hole in one of my King Oyster growing bags. After another damaged bag, I set a mouse trap and nabbed him (too bad I killed him in the process).

Normally, I would dump the contents into the compost after that because rodent bites almost always results in a contaminated bag. But this time I duck taped it and just observed.

Guess what?

Apparently, the mouse was carrying mushroom spores. What kind? Psilocybe Cubensis (magic mushrooms)!

The buggers flushed twice WITH a small flush of King Oyster!

Damn, I should have made that mouse a partner!

Namaste, JaiChai

Are you kidding me, @jaichai? Psilocybe Cubensis, for real??

Yupper. Cubensis AND Semi-Lanceata!

And I've heard from a friend of a friend, of course, that it's super-easy to make a slurry and cultivate it (i.e., fresh shrooms in honey or molasses/saltwater water X 4 hrs., remove them from the juice and viola! - a ready-made liquid mycelium culture for agar or substrate - a la Paul Stamets)...

Namaste, JaiChai


Now, I live only half an hour drive away from the Netherlands, where you can simply buy grow -kits, but I never tried it, to be honest.

But to come across them by such a coincidence is really something special. Thank you, little mouse :0)

Aww, poor little mouse! Nature truly is fascinating! We haven't tried working with fungi yet, but it might be neat to experiment. My boyfriend's aunt and uncle always foraged for mushrooms on their property, but now they've moved. I think his mom said she might still try to go this year since the property is quite large and mostly wooded, and the new owners work during the day. A little mushroom thief in the making, haha!

If you take that journey, just hit me up for some cheapskate ways to grow 'em.

I've been unusually successful; mainly because it all was a semi-experiment for me (until it became a side business) and I didn't get upset whenever I screwed up. And screw up, I did! Many times.

Philosophically, I truly believe that no one learns ANYTHING without making mistakes...

Namaste, JaiChai

Wow looks good. Welcome to #gardenjournal2019. I will be growing herbs soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy to finally join in with you all! Now I just need to make sure to pop in to all the other entries. I've hit a few, but need to check out some more. :)

The herbs are absolutely amazing! They are lush and thriving and so beautiful looking :D And it is very exciting that the radishes and beets are also promising looking :D :D :D

Those strawberries look absolutely gorgeous * ___ * I want some right now~

I am really happy to have such vibrant herbs right now! They just make everything taste like spring time. :) But those strawberries--pure heaven! I don't often buy berries in the store anymore, and these are exactly why. You can't beat the flavor of freshly picked ones! I'm going to pick bucket loads when I get the chance!

Wow your herbs are sure thriving! Parsley is a biennial and the second year it will go to seed.
I like the set up of your main beds.
Is that some composting you've got going on in the bricks at the edge? Do you plant in those holes in the bricks?
Looks like you are off to a good start. I hope you have a great growing season! And we'll be seeing more of your garden in@simplymike 's Garden Journal Challenge!

Thank you! That totally makes sense about the parsley! I know I could look this stuff up myself, but just don't seem to take the time to research it on my own sometimes. I'd much rather learn from you wonderful people on here!

That is indeed some compost on the sides. We have a big pile back near the fence, but have had some good luck getting it to turn really black and wormy in the small brick holes. Plus if we keep some things like apple cores or other fruit skins, the chipmunks and other animals seem to nibble on that and leave anything in the garden alone. Most of the herbs are actually planted in those spots, too. We try to make the most out of the space we have!

Thanks for popping by! I definitely hope to join in more often and continuing learning with all you wonderful people!

Cool tips about using those bricks at the edge of your garden for composting , keeping those pesty critters out of your garden and good spot for growing herbs!
Thanks for sharing!

It looks good. I never used to like gardening at school but these days I find that I do...

I never appreciated it when I was younger, but am "growing" a much closer connection with the earth and my food sources as I get older. ;)

Thanks for joining, @plantstoplanks.
I'm pretty sure I asked before, but I don't remember: where are you from?

Thank for reminding me I need to sow those beets and radishes soon. Because of my back problems, I can do only a couple of things a day, and these last days I've been busy planting the peas and beans, as they prefer the colder weather.

Can you imagine I didn't know that lemon balm was from the mint family...? Again, I learned something new today. That explains why it is so persistent to grow, lol

What surprised me this year was the parsley. I didn't bother to take it inside during winter, and it appears it has survived winter. I didn't know it was winter hardy.

There's so much I still have to learn... :0)

Happy I made it for March! I'm down here outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The good 'ol Southern USA. ;)

Radishes seem to be pretty happy in our garden, but I'm hoping the beets will do well this year, too. I love beets and their greens! I only recently learned more about lemon balm (thanks to some other awesome Steemians), so don't feel bad. It totally explains why it creeps everywhere, too!

I'm learning every day, so hopefully it continues to help us be better gardeners! I love my farmers market, but my wallet loves when we can harvest more on our own. ;)

I love my farmers market, but my wallet loves when we can harvest more on our own. ;)

I completely agree!

So, apparently, I was way off again when guessing where you were from. There is just something about your username that made me think you weren't that far from here. :0)

Haha, yeah I have a hard time remembering where a lot of people are from. The community on here can be so tight knit that the distance between us seems closer than it really is!

I completely agree with that :0)

Love looking at gardening post, makes me feel so peaceful and joyful just by looking at the greens. Thanks for sharing!

Can't you just hear the birds chirping and the bees buzzing? :) It truly has been a joy to spend time outside this season so far!


Amazing Katie, all those herbs already? WOW!!! We are far behind over here!!!

Haha, yeah, they have started just exploding!

I still remember that feeling of early spring in my grandmother's garden. Here it doesn't exist 😟

Your garden looks great!! Herbs are the best thing to grow. Usually, they like to grow and for some reason, they are out of the world expensive in the stores.

Thanks! We're trying. :) Isn't that crazy? I didn't think about that until you just said it, but herbs really are quite expensive to purchase but so easy to grow. I did buy some dill from the hydroponic vendor at the farmers market last week as that is one that I didn't have currently, but we planted the roots that I saved and they are already putting out lots of new shoots!

That is brilliant!! I have some good dill growing right now but it doesn't like it here in the summer. I need to find a shady spot for some more plants...

I had friends who planted a garden with the intent to save money. they looked at everything they were eating and planted all the expensive stuff :)

Your herbs look great! love to see so much goodness growing. well done :) happy growing season <3

Thanks @mountainjewel! Hoping for a good season ahead! :)

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