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RE: Tool Sale’s Coming Up!

in #tools7 years ago

O: That's awesome!!! I actually don't have the funds atm, but maybe by the time the next sale rolls around I will, because $50 for a table saw?? WOW.
My tiny house building book gave a list of tools so I've been buying them when I can, like a tiny house Tool Hope Chest. The only main one it recommends as really necessary that I don't have yet is a circular saw, but a table saw is recommended if you can afford one. RENTING one would cost more than $50! That's awesome.
I agree, it was probably a rentable tool and they finally said "no." When I worked there thw rentals were super limited, but we had someone do the same thing with a tile cutter and we very proudly told them to shove that return up their asshole. Well, not with those words, but I wanted to. 😂


Well when we get closer to the date and pricing things I'll try to remember to tell you about the post so you can see if there's anything you might really want. A circular saw... $10-20 isn't unreasonable...

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