Pothos Corner

in #houseplants4 years ago

Hey are there any feng shui experts here on Steem? Because I just did a bunch of houseplant care today and ended up moving all my pothos to the dining room (that isn't a dining room) before I even realized I'd done it. I think (but am not sure) that they are all golden pothos - and I just wiki'd it and apparently they're called "money tree" in parts of India. The dining room is the money corner of my bagua map. So I'm thinking I just did a good? LOL


Currently the dining room is a bit of a mess but I've been working on getting it cleaned up. The kitchen is really a mess, but we won't go there just now... ;)


It was Repotting Day here in the apartment homestead in the sky. Hey, I gotta get my plant fixes in the winter too!

pothos 3.jpg

To the left is a pothos in recovery that I inherited from a friend; to the right is Dudeplant. Dudeplant I inherited from a neighbor whose cat named Dude was eating it, ergo his name in honor of the kitty. He's part palm plant and part pothos - the looooooooooooong vines of pothos that are nearly encircling the entire dining room at this point!

pothos 4.jpg

Besides repotting some pothos, I potted some Wandering Dudes that had trailed off (they do that), and put five spider plant babies in pots.

pothos n wandering dude n Danu.jpg
the mama spider plant, Danu, next to a small pot of very viney Wandering Dudes and guess what - more Dudeplant! - above some dragon trees (who are named Dudley and Síle)

Yes, I name my plants, though sometimes it takes a while for me to figure out their name. :)

Also in the dining room, a snake plant (AKA mother in law's tongue) that I repotted in some of my homemade compost last summer and who grew like mad after I did so! :D

snakeplant n spiderbaby.jpg
next to one of the just-potted spider plant babies

And some grafted cacti:

spiderbaby n grafted cacti.jpg

So that's some of the plants in my nice and green dining room. :D I enjoyed my plant time today. 14 plants in that space now. I'm up to 26 inside the apartment after today. Before I moved in here, I had thirtysomething plants while staying at my parents' house; but when I moved back out, I left the plants for the week so I could settle and make spaces for all of them without them getting knocked over in the chaos. Meanwhile, my semi-senile dad thought he was "helping" by PACKING THEM IN BOXES - some of them upside down - almost as soon as I left (whether he really thought he was helping or if he just couldn't wait to get me and any sign of my presence out of the house, I cannot say for sure, but he claimed he thought he was helping. However my mom didn't stop him, so I think they just didn't want any sign of me anymore). So a lot of them died. A lot of those plants I managed to get for cheap because I worked at the Home Depot during that time at my parents' house and the garden manager knew I was a plant person and would come to me with all of her TLC-needing cases and a discount (as employees there is no discount at HD, she was just marking them down because they were suffering). So I have slooooooooooowly been adding plants over the years.

Also, you'd think I'd have AMAZING light for lots of plants given that the balcony - and the balcony-door-to-nowhere - face south. But there is a tall building right there one parking lot over, so the light isn't what you'd think it would be, lol. It's indirect. My best light is actually from the east.

How are your plants doing, Steem fam? And what about that feng shui? :D

Plant a Tree for Free

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Lotta happy plants in those photos! I don't trail the pothos but loop them back up and around. They end up looking like this:

Pothos before crop January 2020.jpg

Those vines are probably 20' - 30' long and there's probably 7 - 8 of them in that pot.

26 is a good number for an apartment! I've got around 75 here in a house.

Great idea! I am going to try this ❤✌🏼

I learned the hard way with Ayla that I have to be very careful with where I trail the vines. If I trail them to a not-sunny-enough area, the whole vine could die off! :( Ayla is in recovery too - she's now in the dining room with the others. :)

I'm with @goldenoakfarm on "looping the pothos" I've had lots of them over the years, they just keep getting leggier and leggier.
I'll cut them, what's in the pot sprouts out newer, thicker healthier stems and leaves, the cuttings will root anywhere just about.
I love all your plants @phoenixwren.
This is on my little 'deck' and it has been a real adventure getting things working.
Most of the time, I have two halogen lights, pointed down just for heat at night or when it is below freezing I have a small ceramic heater in there.

Your dragon trees are so tall! Mine are very bendy because of the light. They go hard sideways. :)
Are your plants enjoying their greenhouse?

I imagine they would prefer it being warm enough to sit outside without it but they, like the pothos, get too leggy and need cutting back to improve and propagate.
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