Coffee and Philosophy: Frequency

Today's mug is brought to us by the infinite color spectrum. Maybe it has something to do with our frequency.

Yesterday gives me the inclination that we have some deep divers out there that like to think outside the metaphorical box. Let's see where this one takes us today, shall we? Let's assume for a moment, or know if you are so inclined, that we are all at the base of our existence energy. Energy is constant and never ends. Energy only transforms itself into different variations of that energy. Let's build off of that and consider that energy, like light and sound, which are just types of energy, operates on a perceivable spectrum. To imagine that spectrum, we could visualize it as colors or numbers, whatever is easiest for our minds to wrap around. Every thought, action, belief, and ultimately decision we make alter our frequency. What if that frequency is really just the reality and timeline that we operate on? What if every time we change our mind we are essentially becoming something different than we were before we had that thought? Changing our thought patterns and expanding our self awareness gives us a wider range of frequencies to operate on. The higher the perspective we have the greater our frequency and the more bright our spectrum or higher our frequency then becomes. In essence, we are infinity and our ability to access that infinity is every single thought or emotion that passes through us and if we learn how to control that we learn how to control our reality. Seem plausible to you? Namaste.


Plausible! Hell yeah, and then some. I want to type out a huge reply here, or just copy and paste all my other responses here like a small guide book, but I'll just make it quick and dirty instead.

When we see the world as numbers/colors/symbols we KNOW. Upon diving deep into the frequency range and surfacing with some new knowledge nuggets, we expand the range and open ourselves to more than we could've imagined. Open our thoughts and open reality. Mold that motherf*cker however you want it. Nothing is stopping you, NOTHING!.

Kind of like the ability to go from being a person that assumes everything into a person that doesn't even have to think about anything. I choose to because I am called to write and express myself, but I don't have to or need to. I want to share everything about the experience and leave it as a blueprint for the ones that need it. Everything has a purpose and we don't need a reason or justification to help anyone. We don't need anything in return. We just know.

Yes, kind of like that :)

Very nice thughts. I bleieve we are different in every moment of our live, thus the energy we are composed of is sorted different.

Still, reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion

It's pretty amazing, once you jump down this rabbit hole a lot of things start seeming more like reality than science fiction. :)

Yap, there is some great philosophy in things like Matrix, Babylon 5, Star Trek, Firefly, even Star Wars. I would disagree on the black-and whiteness of the concept of light and dark side, but thats a story for another day ^^. Its a shame many people always think of explosions and light sabers when they hear sci-fi.

Oh I understood you wrong ^^*, somehow thought you wanna geek out about sci-fi :D.

heavy NGE Spoilers ahead Neon Genesis ends with all humans uniting back into the singular primal life form they stem from. Just to elaborate why I mentioned that one ;).

I'm feeeeeling you my friend! :) Big Reiki Hugs!! <3


:) All about the frequency.

Being an accountant, it's easier to visualize energy as numbers, and each of my thoughts and experiences is another attempt to mine a bitcoin block by changing the sequence and function of the numbers.

I like this analogy. :)

nice...u deserve resteem and upvote...

I love the concept that everything is fundamentally just energy.
Very interesting post, thank you! <3

Seems quite plausible to me! Thanks for sharing that!

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