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RE: Is global warming just happening in England?

in #dlive6 years ago

No,actually it is happening all over the world.I think you may have heard about the recent flood situation of Kerala,India.The temperature of earth has increased over the last several decades.

Flood,Hurricane and drought this type of natural disasters are taking places more often.So it is not just in England but all over the world climate is changing.


Thanks for your reply @philipkavan. I'm not denying that warming might be happening in some parts of the world... however I'm not convinced that it is global warming, and when the news tells us that the temperature is getting warmer but I can see with my own eyes and feel with my own body that it's not, in my part of the world, it certainly leads me to ask questions.
It feels as if some parts of the world are getting warmer and others are getting cooler... or maybe that's just how it's always been.
These changes, which are certainly devastating for some areas, could be due to different phenomena altogether – in my opinion.

Well,actually it is like that some parts are getting colder and other parts are getting warmer.I understand what you are talking about.By 'Global Warming' it doesn't only mean that the temperature is rising but it means due to global warming our climate is changing.There are many different adverse effect of global warming.

People's perception is very important in understanding the effect of global warming.Just like you have said you don't see the temperature rising in your area.But you haven't measured it or haven't studied the weather report from the last several years.We are paying no attention to climate change because we can't always understand it with our common perception.

This phenomena is known as 'Gidden's Paradox' in Climate Change studies.Anthony Giddens a British sociologist showed in his climate change theory that sometime people fail to perceive the environmental change of their surroundings this is why we don't pay attention to the climate change and global warming issue.When we realize that we are destroying our environment,it already becomes too late.

Well... this is why I said in my video that I'm going to look into it further. Thanks for the info about Anthony Giddens. A sociologist. Actually that's interesting, because I do agree that people often fail to perceive the environmental change of their surroundings, but that works both ways. When I was making this video, I checked back through my posts on Facebook to see what the weather really had been like in Scotland from June to August, because I was aware that I might be jumbling things up in my mind.

I'm a passionate hillwalker, and every week I post photos of my latest walk on Facebook. I generally walk once or twice a week. So it's an easy way to remember what the weather really was like, because when you're walking in the mountains (I organise hillwalks) it's essential to keep tabs the weather forecast, so that you know what gear to bring.

I think that we often look back to our childhoods with rose-coloured specs, for example, so when a friend started insisting that UK summers in the 1960s and 70s used to be warmer, I really didn't believe her and we had a bit of an argument about it. When I got home, I did a bit of online research, and found that I was right - there was virtually no change whatsoever. But I didn't tell my friend as I thought the argument was best forgotten, and I didn't keep the stats. I'm going to do a bit more research, because I think statistics can be spun in different ways.

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