The Steem News @ 13 February 2023 : Engagement Challenge Season 8 - Applications invited...

in #steemlast year

Steemit Inc is inviting applications from communities for Season 8 of the Engagement Challenge.

The Steemit Engagement Challenge has now reached the final week of Season 7.

Today's Steem News also includes news and updates about Power Ups & STEEM Burns, SteemPro, Steem Watcher Portal, Boylikegirl Club, Abuse Watcher Detectives, Cotify, and Contests on Steem...

1. Engagement Challenge Season 8

Steemit Inc is inviting communities to apply for Season 8 of the Engagement Challenge.

The closing date for applications is 11:59 pm UTC, on Monday 20 February...

2. Engagement Challenge - Season 7 Week 6

The Steemit Engagement Challenge has now moved on to week 6 of Season 7.

The 6th week of Season 7 has contests about childhood memories, songs of 2022, Steem missions, meditation, delicacies of love, life stories, and account security...

Pennsif the Witness

After almost 2000 days on Steem I decided it was time to take my contribution to the platform to the next level.

I have therefore set up as a Steem witness... @pennsif.witness

If anyone would like to support what I already do, and what I am planning to do, by giving one of their 30 witness votes to @pennsif.witness I would be hugely grateful.

You can read my full witness announcement here...

@pennsif.witness has now reached #15. Thank you to everyone who has voted to help get to this position.

3. Power Ups & Burns

The latest stats from @remlaps this week have revealed a small increase in the amount of STEEM that is powered up.

The past week has seen a 267K (0.16%) increase to 168,306,935 STEEM powered up, equivalent to a value of $37,978,796...

@remlaps continues to track the impact of Steemit's burnsteem25 campaign encouraging people to set a 25% beneficiary to @null to reduce the amount of STEEM, which potentially will increase its value.

In the past week there have been 634 burnsteem25 posts.

The total burnt since June has now reached 121K SP, 83K STEEM, and 909 SBD...

4. Developer Updates

Developer @faisalamin has posted news about further developments on SteemPro...

@bountyking5 has published Use Case Diagrams for the Steem Watcher Portal...

Witness developer @boylikegirl.wit has given details of a new points system for the Boylikegirl Club dApp...

5. Abuse Watcher Detectives

@abuse-watcher has given an update on the deployment of Detectives in various communities...

Steem4Bloggers and Steem For Pakistan are two new communities to have Detectives assigned to them.

@solaymann and @faran-nabeel give details for their respective communities...

6. Cotify Security Update

@cotina has posted about security improvements for their Cotify Telegram notification service...

@alejos7ven gives security advice about recovery accounts...

7. Contests on Steem

@disconnect continues to publish his comprehensive daily list of current contests on Steem.

There are 86 contests in the latest list with over 700 STEEM in prizes...

@disconnect has also produced another interesting analysis of contests on Steem...

KEY DATA [ from CoinMarketCap ]

STEEM price US$ 0.21 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC
STEEM price 0.00000962 BTC 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC
CoinMarketCap Ranking #276 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC
SBD price US$ 2.67 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC
Unique visitors ( 147,053 / day 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC
Page views ( 274,112 / day 13 Feb '23 4.19pm UTC

This is #490 (13 Feb '23) of this daily news service.

[ graphics by @pennsif ]


Thank you for translating Steem News.

You're welcome, this is very helpful for Indonesian users

Thank you very much for the translation of Steem News.

You are welcome 😊🌸

Thanks for promoting the Cotify update which have a feature that could help to beware if your account get compromised 👍🏻

Great to see the news related to our ecosystem, we are working hardest

Keep me posted with any new developments.

This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

If you like our work and want to support us, please consider to approve our witness


Come and visit Italy Community

Hi @pennsif,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using

Come and visit Italy Community

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65248.25
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51