Return of the Prepper

in #prepping5 years ago (edited)

As I mentioned yesterday, one of my resolutions for the year is to get back to the ways of the Prepper.

Before I came to Steem, prepping was very much my thing with a good dash of homesteading thrown on top.

I'm not a Doomsday Prepper guns and camo type. I'm more Good Life wind and two veg.

My prepping journey began in the 70s with John Seymour's 'The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency' and trips to the Centre for Alternative Technology.

My early adult life took various twists and turns until, at the symbolic age of 40, we moved to our homestead in the hills. 17 acres and a lake on a Welsh mountainside.

The dream finally came true. I was where I wanted to be.

Alas life/work/business got in the way a little, and not all the grand plans fell in to place. But the self-sufficient, or perhaps better termed self-reliant, life has always remained firmly in our sights.

Now 20 years on, with the world getting hotter both politically and climatically, it seems an appropriate point to take stock and refocus our efforts.

We will be consolidating what we have already started, and we will be starting what we haven't.

Food production will be ramping up, water provision will be expanded, energy generation will be initiated.

We will be starting in the middle and working out.

It does feel a little selfish to be focusing on the us, but I hope we can expand out from here.

Making more connections locally, producing surplus food to give to those in need, sharing resources and skills with others around with a similar mindset.

A big part of prepping is community. That is very much part of the plan.

We are not lapsed preppers by any means, but the last couple of year I have rather taken my eye off the ball at times.

But this year I am feeling rejuvenated and eager to get back on it.

Stay tuned for what comes next...

[ image from ]


Sounds like a great adventure! I hope you make wonderful relationships along the way. I can imagine you would feel quite confident in yourself with all the preparednesses. ☀️✔🙏

I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Hoping I can connect with some more 'prepping types' along the way. Although often they are hiding in plain sight.

Wow so exciting!! John seymlurs is the first book we bought!
Looking forward to future posts, maybe some pics when you get a chance... 😊

Pics coming soon.

Just spotted there is a new version of John Seymour's book...

I wonder if any useful updating...

If you haven't yet a good thing for every prepper to have is their Amateur Radio Licence. And that comes with a built-in community if you join a local club. You can even put your prepping skills to the test by offering your services in times of emergencies and helping the club to set up a radio network to help coordinate S&R operations

Good idea. I did actually pass the licence exam about 10 years ago, but never been near enough to a club to get involved. I need to invest in some kit and get back on that.

I recently started my journey down this road and am enjoying it alot. I wish you the best luck at it as it is truly very important.

Good luck with the journey. I will look out for posts on your progress.

Sounds like a sensible idea to me!

Have you seen 'The Road'? Or read the book?

Yes, have seen 'The Road', good movie - hopefully it doesn't come to that though.

I do enjoy a good post-apoc film. Any others on your recommend list?

IO on Netflix is pretty interesting.

And try Kim Stanley Robinson's Red Mars books if you want an interesting eco scifi epic.

They defo should have stayed in that bunker with the tinned fruit!

Thanks for the suggestions. Working my way through IO - a little slow paced but interesting...

It is a bit slow in fairness, but as you say, also different! Not your usual post apoc for sure.

Those Red Mars novels are even slower, but that's deliberate!

Great plan... Very thought provoking and inspiring, We need more people with this attitude towards life on earth. Nice one.

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