Tada not done

in #entertainment5 years ago (edited)

I am not really sure why I decided to go to bed yesterday and I think my brain was also like wtf are you doing it is only like 2am. Then it went and finally opened a game on my phone which I have been avoiding since I downloaded it.

I do that quite often when I am bored, I scroll through things that will tickle my fancy or more specific triggers my brains instant gratification addiction. It is worth mentioning that I am being the bigger man here and not just opting for a quick wank.

So anyway, last night I decided I will give finding a movie worth watching another shot. This and finding apps or games even worth downloading is not an easy task and might also be why it is so satisfying when you do find something which is not utter trash.

The Movie


It is really good. Ok so now that I have reviewed it, you can watch the trailer with that in mind.

The Daddy looks like a skinny Jack Black but although I do not know who the actors are I do know it is not Jack Black.

I am not a big fan of children in movies but fortunately, this girl is one of those special kids and does not have an entourage. There are exceptions, and one other exception is a horror mini-series I found a few weeks ago. The general rule still remains: if it is not Disney or some kids network then why are they on my screen?

So not to spoil anything but I think the trailer hints at it anyway; these are people with super-powers. As the story progresses we learn a little bit more about the specific context but it is generally assumed the viewer can fill in the gaps.

As with all superpower movies every generation gets stronger. Hence the girl. We can't be sure if she gets to showcase her strength as the story plays out which made it a bit frustrating but because a lot relies on the girl understanding things.

Her coming to conclusions and figuring out what might be obvious to me was more a reminder of how different people do think, and I thought it was also quite accurate in showing how children might process information.

With that and the very xenophobic way the humans deal with the so called Freaks, I like the movie because it has some awesome displays of power but also is accurate in how I think society would deal with such "threats" today.

I like it because it shows a little of how pathetic society really is... Ok that might be me reaching but anything that hints at that usually gets a nod from me.

Then I go watch people do good things on youtube. Cause why not.

The Game


It is a fun classic RPG. Where you can choose the usual suspects and other stuffs.

It is not an idle clicker or some shit that irritates the fuck out of you because you need gems to get things done. The game however does have that option but you should be able to finish the levels without watching any ads for gems.

It is all optional. That is what I like about it, the game does not force anything, some sidequests give gems and other than that you get a drop item when battling as to whether you wish to then take a break from murder and watch a commercial which is murdering society.

As this is the first full game like this other than Polytopia that I have played on the phone, I might be wrong in thinking the movement is better than anything else. Even how you manage multiple powers by drawing symbols as opposed to having an epileptic finger look for the right button and the smooth movement of the hero.

At first it is not very hard and a lot kinda just gets told to you like where to go etc. I suspect this falls away when you finish normal mode. Currently I think even watching all the ads and getting the gems to open the special loot boxes on a mission has caused my Mage to be overpowered but that gives me the freedom to focus on other mechanics like crafting and such.

Emperium Game

The interface and everything is very old school, tried and tested, it is just a big game though but what they did very well is that you can finish downloading levels and once that is done you can play offline which is always a great option. Anyway it is fun and I have played it now for about 6 hours so I imagine I would happily keep playing for another 24.

That is it

That is all the shit I got to say, I have been a bit absent as in there are things I need to still comment on but somehow I am like sure soon as I have the energy then I play a game for 6 hours. Go figure; or I read articles from curiosity.com because those are nice little science etc tidbits I get to quickly read and have no need to comment.

I don't even think they have a comment section which really alleviates the pressure. Ok I lie I also don't read much on steem, if I have resteemed it yeah then I have read it but other than that a title is good enough for me with a quick skim inside, I nod and go "Nice." then move the fuck along.

So it makes me wonder maybe I should try do what I like, such as the little short informative things, I think @chekohler does it quite well. I do tend to ramble a lot and wonder about stupid shit midway. Which is exactly what I am doing now; I could not just leave it at hey watch this and play this fucking thing.

Noooo I had to go add more woords and stuff. My psychologist would ask "What are you trying to account for?" and I would have to get a real psychologist then because the mirror is being a bit pushy.


Helpiecakes likes your new style I see! Dude we’re always chasing dopamine hits it’s all we fucking know how to do, the moment you start to think you’re better than that you start dealing with all that existential bullshit!

Do whatever you want with your posts, there is no try! Fuck my back is killing me and I’m craving refined sugar but yeah time to man up!

Haha, yeah just not existentialism, what todo. Pornhub to the rescue. I live on refined sugar so not sure what everyone's issue is with something that sustains life :)

I think helpie is just filling a quota, which is kinda nice considering in SA I am not part of any inclusive quotas haha.

Lol pays to post when no one is posting these days! I sometimes wonder what happened to all those people who would post and get all the helpies and those peeps who did all the crypto YouTubing what are they doing now?

Well if you’re in crypto you’re basically a quota because literally no one gives a fuck about it lol


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A dual review, and not just of two things, but two things related to the prelude of the post. Great idea!

I haven't seen the movie, but I would probably like it unless it was full of not so concealed references to all the BS in our real world. I watched the game video and it looks pretty cool, but I know if I played it I would definitely end up wasting so much time!

Reason #1 I stay away from all games, but especially ones that look interesting.

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