Will The Children Of The Future Think That Privacy Is Weird?

in #children8 years ago (edited)

Everybody's on their phone, CCTV cameras are everywhere. Google Glass is here and now even contact lenses that can record the day's events are here. Will we get to the stage where privacy is just about impossible? It's not impossible to think that the children of the future just accept technology as omnnipresent and 'grow up' with the idea that they are visible to the public. That they're permanently online. That their friends and classmates can see what they're doing at any time of the day. Could the bully of the future insist that a child is weird for not being online and visible, 'just like everybody else'?
It's true that there are security issues, but I'm starting to adopt the view that this is the way that societies will go, that I should 'friend' everybody I can, that I shouldn't NOT be in touch with whoever wants to connect with me. I may delete them later if I think that they're not the right person for me, but I can't delete people from society, when I go out somewhere. I have to be in their company sometimes, whether I like it or not. I've grown used to that. So shouldn't I also grow used to them being in my online world too, at least for a short period of time? Isn't it better to foster my 'connectedness', rather than being iolated?
Technology is accelerating all the time at a rate that we probably won't be able to keep up with, in some not too distant point in the future. I think the children of the future may see 'connectedness' like breathing, or walking. So normal, that if you aren't connected, you may be classed as weird !


I like my google glass, and you can hack them to do what you like - so there is amazing possibilities with it as well as concerns to be had.

They took it off the market for a while didn't they. Is it back yet? My mother has Alzheimer's and I was seriously considering getting her to get it, so that she could go over what she had done. Occasionally, I unfortuntely get accused of taking her wallet (which I would never do in a million years), so it would be nice to have evidence of where she's hidden it

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