Announcing PsyCultureRadio | A Hub For Psychedelic Culture & Dialogue | 2/2 - The Mission

In part 1 of this announcement I have eluded to the situation of the psy scene and the need for a new media outlet to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the psychedelic community. But there are also many positives to be mentioned, new ideas to be explored and new theories to be elaborated on, as seen through the eyes of those who experienced paradigmshifting moments.

In this second half I want to dive more into the scope of the project and what topics will be adressed as it progresses.

It is my hope and aim that PsyCultureRadio will not only help to be an honest, entertaining and thoughtful mirror of the developments in the psy scene, but that it will become a hub of psychedelic culture generally that features any kind of underrated thought, work or prospect getting way too little attention within the "alternative" media landscape. We need outlets that adhere to what it is about, we need new journalists asking some tough questions and - most of all - we need to create something out of empathy for all those out there who feel the same way - people who deeply care about this strange little worldwide scene that has yet to make its major debut on the world stage. I sincerely hope that - when that time comes, and I feel it will come - that the scene will be strong enough to withstand the full public onslaught of the same old gang that has (often successfully) tried to subvert nearly everything in the public realm that human beings once cherished to the fullest.

Call me naive but I would forever regret not having tried to sow some seeds for psy culture's strength while I still had the chance.

It will not be a project solely for my voice but rather, a culmination of voices having something profound and powerful to share with the community, even and especially when it's not a popular thing to say. Brutal honesty - I feel - is what the psy scene could really use about now and if I can manage to pull it off in a way that adheres to an empathic and respectful, entertaining and humble approach to these almost inexplicable and seemingly invisible subjects I feel I will have followed an important call of my heart.

As such I have just created a steem account for psycultureradio and would like to publicly disclose here that me, @paradigmprospect, is the sole owner of @psycultureradio at this time, which will function as an outlet specifically tailored to anything psycultureradio-related. Which is a lot ;)

@paradigmprospect will remain my main focus for the time being, at least 'til I am on the road for good towards the end of 2019, at which point I plan to start releasing material on a long list of meaningful topics that have been waiting to be elaborated on from new angles for a long, long time.

There will be interviews discussing experiences on altered states with people we have never heard about, people we may have heard about and people some would rather not hear at all. There will be talks on the path of an artist, on workable ideas to live a life in awareness with nature and our fellow men, explorations of potential future paradigms not already hijacked by the matrix and ways to be able to move closer to our inner calling.

There will be guides and support for artists struggling to find their way, for poeple on the search for meaning struggling with their innermost fears. There will be broad discussions on what it means to be a human being, topics that are often rushed or not explored as fully as they deserve to be. There will be people telling their story, there will be tales of failure and success, there will be a whole array of lifestyle options that vaporize the illusion of enslavement to the system structure.

There will be spiritual considerations and their counter-arguments. There will be explorations of metaphysical paradigms and a long list of follow-up authors and sources to empower the listeners and viewers on a path of their choice.

There will be opportunities to form networks, to build tribes within the tribe. There will be opportunities to meet resonant people pulling in the same direction, there will be a microcosm of empowerment and there will be unpopular viewpoints, needing to be discussed in a way fit for public release but pushing the bounds of what can publicly be said.

There will be music, art, poetry, collaborations, suggestions, resources for knowledge and reconsideration, advice, lifehacks and endless questioning of the things we hold to be true since we were children. There will be unforeseeable outgrowths of this cultural culmination and there will be many ways for people on the search to stumble upon one bit of information that may forever change their life.


PsyCultureRadio will ultimately be a repository of human insight into life, an accumulation of high grade considerations that tickle the imagination and open up new dimensions of living life on Earth.

I feel confident that I am in no way exaggerrating with this list <3

It will take time and the universe will ultimately be the guide for how this will all unfold. But that is the mission and I can't wait to get started with this project.

We have recently seen somewhat of an end of the first psychedelic trance era, with some of the established outlets, festivals and acts passing the batton on to the next generation. It's palpable everywhere - on the floor, in the music, in the discourse about psychedelics, in the way humanity approaches its window of opportunity to shift its existence.


If I don't lay the foundation now, I know I would forever regret it. The scene, the music, the culture and most of all the people I have met on these journeys have become my greatest passion and source of life energy over the years - a place where I feel more home than anywhere - and I will not stand idly by while my intuition yells at me to start bringing the tribe(s) together, and to offer a different point of view on these subjects and interests many of us care so deeply about.

A proper introductory post for the work of PsycultureRadio will be written when the universe says it's time, when the artwork has been done, and all the necessary channels have been opened and work can commence. Until then the account will act as support for those on Steem sharing their psychedelic insights, lessons and experiences with humanity, those who produce high-input music and art that push the bounds of what is considered genre-defining and 'normal' today, and those writers and video producers who I feel are doing their best to elevate the game in a notable manner out of sheer (com)passion for humanity in a way that is rarely if ever discussed within the emerging mainstream of the "alternative media" scene.

PsyCultureRadio is not meant as a critique of the people and projects already tackling these issues in the manner they see fit, rather it will be a project to point to new rarely-discussed frontiers, lay open discrepancies in current developments and dogmas, and call out these issues while there is still time to do so, pointing out alternative pathways that get too little attention despite their amazing prospect.

If you would like to stay up to date with the project you could follow @psycultureradio right now or simply come back to this blog from time to time, as I will be sure to not only resteem all of PCR's works but also give updates about where the project is and when it will finally be launched with episode 1.

For now, the foundation has been set, the ball is rolling and the intuition-call has finally been answered with the formal founding and announcement of this project on the steem blockchain.

I am really excited to see where it goes and hope you'll tune in when the universe tells us it's time for lift-off.


Img srcs:
True Humanity
Gunnar Eichweber Photography

Thanks for stopping by <3


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