in #steemthought8 years ago

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The value of STEEM is dropping! Steemians are going MIA! What’s a Pepper to do?

Sometimes, roller-coaster rides are not all fun and games.

Sometimes, they can be scary.

Sometimes, Fabio gets hit in the face with a bird!

Anyway, the great new notification system let me know that @adamt mentioned me in a post recently. Apparently, @adamt is getting a little antsy over the price of STEEM and the future of steemit. He even wondered if it may cause steemians like @deanliu, @gringalicious, and @papa-pepper to stop posting and disappear into digital darkness.

Honestly, the thought hadn’t really occurred to me (yet) as a valid option… but is it?

Lately, STEEM has been doing a little bit of that whole decreasing in value thing, hasn’t it? What then am I doing here, and what’s the plan for the future as far as @papa-pepper is concerned?

Honestly, my plan is still the same. I work hard all day long at my job, and then make sure to post, upvote, and comment a bit here on steemit every day too. I’ve got money in hand to purchase about eight acres, and should be doing so soon, and then I’ll need money to build a house.

I haven’t worked out the details yet, but I plan on building it myself with some friends in the construction trade. Overall, I’m trying to save about $25,000 to build with. I’ve got some opportunities when it comes to jobs that I can do, and I’m hard at work on that too.

a steem.png

When it comes to steemit though, my full account value hovers between the $3000 - $4000 range these days. I’ve got just over 30,000 STEEM between the liquid STEEM and the Steem Power. If STEEM crept back up to about $1 USD, I’d be tempted to say, “I have reached my goal,” and begin to power down and cash out, so that I could build my home.

As the end of my posts state, “The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.” If I can cash out my current STEEM and build a house with it that would be great. I know that despite the current state of the value of STEEM, the potential is still huge! Therefore, I have not cashed out any of my STEEM yet, and I have no desire to power down.

Honestly, I came to steemit to try to earn some money, and I certainly have. There has always been some money to make here, and there still is, it’s just not always that easy to get your hands on. My time interacting with all of you has lead me to draw some conclusions though.

  • If STEEM becomes worth nothing (at least temporarily), I think I would keep making posts.
  • If STEEM becomes worth enough for me to cash out and build a home for my family, I think that would create a lot of great content for some excellent posts, so I’d keep making posts.
  • STEEM does not hold the sole value of this platform and community, all of you add incredible value
  • Steemit is still very young, still developing, and anything is possible.

I’ve heard that even more improvements are in the works. When we combine that with the end of the first round of power-downs nearing, things could turn around in the near future. Personally, when I see whales powering down, it just makes more room for us. As certain votes become worth less, those of us holding onto our SP have the potential to increase our influence, especially if the value of STEEM rises again.

So, for those of you like @adamt who may have concerns, I’ll say that my plan is to continue being @papa-pepper on steemit, regardless of what the future holds. If you have grown to enjoy my posts and interactions here, then I’ll continue to do what I do.

Hopefully, steemit will continue to help me build not only a home but also to make a future for my family, but only time will tell. I’ll see you later!



Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)

The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.


I'll stay, I'm in this experiment for the long haul.

Steem is good. After BTC correction steem will hit 0.5$ at least. :)
I think one of the best crypto investment for now.
So don't panic, be patient.
Long term investors will be rewarded :)

Yeah, whenever BTC jumps up, the Alt-coins drop anyway.
I'll be in for the long run, thanks @anagamidev!

Even if the price of steem crash to 1 cent, who cares. Steemit is great. No adds, almost no cencorship, it's full of interesting posts and people.
The fact that we get payed is just a bonus.

I think most users take the unique features for granted. I'm not going anywhere soon. I'm here for engagement. It's ludacris at this moment to think that you can make some serious money on Steemit. But getting payed even a couple of bucks is still a huge plus.


Who else even offers a nickel for posting elsewhere?

Keep Steeming things can always change for the better plus you would miss all your followers if you left

The way I look at it:
Right now during the lowest prices is the best time to be posting, as the amount of STEEM per dollar ratio is so high.
If the price of STEEM was $1 right now, I would only be getting 5 STEEM for a $5 post, so say the value goes up to $5 per STEEM, that means that those 5 STEEM are now worth $25.


If my post makes $5 while the price of STEEM is $0.10, the end payout would be 50 let's just say that the value of STEEM went up to $5 again like in the first example, that would mean that those 50 STEEM that you made from your $5 would now be worth...

Please standby, mathing in progress


Final thought: Just keep steeming, just keep steeming, just keep steeming.

I agree, the best time to be posting is right now!

Excellent job on that math too!

Awesome job man ! I didn't see any user on steemit to put more effort than you ! I envy you and I really appreciate that.
Hope that your dream will become true soon ! Just work hard and I'm sure about that.

Great article @papa-pepper. Like you mentioned... even though steem may be worth nothing... steem is more than the platform alone. It's the people that add the value and keep you here! So happy to be part of this little family! And hopefully the price will go up again so you can build that beautiful house!

There sure are a lot of great people already here, and who knows what the future will hold! Thanks for adding some thoughts to the conversation!

If STEEM went all the way down to $0, would I leave?

And do what? Go back to Facebook where there is not even any potential to earn from my work?

Is the sole reason for being here to mine money?

I'm here because I get engagement from other users, like the wonderful @papa-pepper and the @little-peppers. this is fun because of that engagement. I earn a good living as a web developer. I don't need an extra $20 or so a week that I could make writing posts.

I don't check the value of STEEM, because it is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is checking the relationships I have with other Steemians, because that is important.

OMG the whales are powering down! The sky is falling! Bbut that's the point isn't it? You work hard on your posts, earn some STEEM and then cash it out to buy stuff. But if the rich guys do it then the world is going to hell?

That's just silly.

To those so concerned about such things like 'everyone is leaving', 'will Steemit die?', just chill. Do what you do - write posts, vote, resteem, comment, enjoy the community, both online and in the real-world connections we are making. Then if it all does die, at least you will have had a good time, made some good friends and the time spent here will have some value.

Otherwise you're just being a miserable doomsayer and trying to bring everybody down = self-fulfilling prophesy.

This is still all really new. Revel in the fact that you are part of the start of something trans-formative. No matter what happens you can always say you were part of it.

So, I'm with @papa-pepper on this one. I'm here until they kick me out. And I'll bring as many people in as I can, along the way.

You are never at a loss for words my friend, and those words sound great to me! I think that regardless of what happens with the value of STEEM, this community is amazing!

Here for the long run and as many have said if the price goes down its no biggie just opportunity to spread the SP more evenly, which I think would help steemit in general.

Some interesting things are happening, which could certainly benefit the platform long-term! Thanks @simonjay!

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