in #steem-pocalypse7 years ago (edited)

Some players were eliminated last round, and others replied after the 24 hour response time so they were eliminated.

I am still sorting through it all, and should have a full valid players list out later. Please only reply to this post if you also replied to the last one and you already signed up for this season.

Please be fully aware that this is an elimination game where only the players that are already signed up can participate. Anyone not already signed up that is interesting in playing must wait until Season 6 to do so.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you. Play by the rules and live to play another day (as long as you don't die).

Please also make sure to reply to the Option Comment below. For each option provided, I will make a reply to my own post. Players should find the reply of the option that they wish to choose and reply to that comment. This will also help streamline gameplay as we move forward. Players should also mention any items that they have found replying to avaid losing them.


For some, the last round worked out very well, but others died. Let's see the results.

OPTION 1 - Try to check the beat up looking truck for anything valuable before moving on.

The players that chose this option searched the truck from top to bottom. They tried to start it too, but could not get it to start. Eventually, there is the back seat, they found something incredible!

Yes! Beef jerky! Each player who chose this option now has a backup food supply. Each player must eat once during every two days of gameplay (four rounds). Backup food supplies automatically to prevent starvation. Make sure to reply with "one backup food supply" in your responses so that you do not lose it.

OPTION 2 - Try to check the nicer looking car for anything valuable before moving on.

The players who chose option probably thought that a nicer looking vehicle had a better chance of starting, or at least might have something better in it.

Under the driver's seat, they found a can of beans. Normally, in a regular situation, this would not matter. But, in a STEEM-Pocalypse situation, this could be the item that helps someone win the game.

Each player who chose this option now has a backup food supply. Each player must eat once during every two days of gameplay (four rounds). Backup food supplies automatically to prevent starvation. Make sure to reply with "one backup food
supply" in your responses so that you do not lose it.

OPTION 3 - Try to check both vehicles before moving on.

The players who chose Option 3 apparently thought that checking both vehicles would be the potential way to either find a working vehicle or get some supplies. However, time was of the essence and the city was already starting to get violent and gunshots were being heard nearby.

While they were searching the second vehicle, a small group of armed cannibals looking for a meal found them. A few shots later, the cannibals had their next meal. The players who chose Option 3 have now been eliminated from gameplay. Thanks for joining in, and I hope that you come back next season.

OPTION 4 - Try to just move on without checking any vehicle.

The players who chose to move on did not find anything useful, but they did escape with their lives.


After making their way to the edge of the city last night, daybreak brings a new threat. Last night gunfire, explosions, and shouts could be heard through the city, but things have quieted down now. The silence does not make things any safer, though, as increased visibility means that the players will be easy targets out in the open.

The players are getting drowsy and fatigued. They've got to find somewhere to hide and sleep for a bit, or sleep deprivation will lead to bad judgment that could cost them their lives. Also, the players will need to eat before the end of the day to avoid starvation. Perhaps they could even choose a hiding spot with something edible by it.

Looking around, the options seem limited. They could crawl under the bushes at the edge of the woods. Or, perhaps high in a tree would be better. If they stay near the buildings, a pile of old pallets could be made into a haphazard hiding place with room to sleep. Maybe they can just skip sleeping for now and press on... Either way, a choice must be made soon.


Options are limited this round. Things are rapidly progressing and decisions should be made with caution, so always choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to hide and sleep under the bush, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 2 - Try to hide and sleep up in the tree, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 3 - Try to make a haphazard shelter/hiding place out of the old pallets to sleep in, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 4 - Try to just move on, skipping the nap, and keeping your eyes open for anything edible.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. Any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.


The current Prize Pool is 75 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



* OPTION 1 - Try to hide and sleep under the bush, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

Upvoted as an excellent example of a reply.

Wow! THANK-YOU, that is some hefty upvote! Those upvotes are worth more than what I normally make in a day from everything combined lately. Very, very much appreciated. In return, I can offer you the rights to use my 'I Love Steem Button' (I don't have a lot I can offer you at this time). The code can be found on either of the 2 sign-up pages for my zombie games (game 2 and game 3). It wouldn't be fair to issue the 'I Survived' buttons unless you actually survive, so I cannot offer that button unless you actually play and survive. Sorry about that.

Hey @happyme, I see you in that bush up from my secure spot in the trees. Make you a deal, I will let you know if someone is approaching if you have my back, maybe throw me up your belt for extra tie off security ;)

Sounds like a good deal to me! Just don't fall asleep while on look-out duty! Here, take my shirt and use that to tie off with. The length between the sleeves will be longer than my belt.

@happyme giving me the shirt off his back, what a great guy :) Shifts can work, besides I am a light sleeper.

I have an unloaded pistol & a Beefy Jerky Food Supply and I choose Option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and a backup food supply (beef jerky), and I choose option 1

I have a pistol and one back up food supply(jerky). Yum. I choose option 1 this round.

I have a Magnesium fire starter and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 1

I have a magnesium fire starter and backup food supply. I choose Option 1.

I figure that I don't want to end up like @papa-pepper with a huge gash in my head, so I will avoid the tree! The pallets feel a little too vulnerable to me, and I know that I need some sleep (and maybe some more food). Bushes could have either berries, grubs, or bird eggs. And if I choose the right bush, I will be well-protected and safe from prying eyes. It is also easy to escape from the bushes if something goes wrong.

As a kid, I pruned child-sized tunnels running under the blackberry bushes on our property. I know a thing or two about hiding in bushes!

I figure that I don't want to end up like @papa-pepper with a huge gash in my head, so I will avoid the tree!



With my Pistol and Beef Jerky tucked away down my pants, I will take a chance and sleep in the bushes, feeling a bit tired and drowsy had a quick look and could not see anything, but then again the sun is not fully up, hope I did not missed any creepy crawlies that might do me harm. (Option 1)

I decided to skip the pallets since the cannibals might need some fire food to cook the other body's they already carved up, plus making shelter with them might attract attention.
Having fallen out of many trees as a little boy, surviving the apocalypse with broken limbs can't be great.
I feel I won't survive much longer going without sleep, so need to just rest my tired head somewhere.

A quick good night prayer just incase death befalls me... Ok good night and good luck too all.

pistol & jerky, option 1

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and back up food supply and I choose option 1 ! I will take a nap and dream of the General Lee and my long lost cousin Luke! I miss you Luke!

I have a pistol. I will go with Option 1.

Day 16 (2)

Dear Diary,

I made it out to the street and I am slowly making my way out of the city. I have been trying to stay as quiet and as hidden as possible as to not attract any unwanted attention. I came across a newer looking car but left it alone because it likely had a car alarm and that would have brought all kinds of attention my way if I set it off. Down the road a bit I found an old beat up truck and I figured it might be good to check for supplies since I doubted it would have any kind of alarm. I was about to give up but I’m glad I didn’t stop because I struck gold, Beef Jerky! It’s not bullets for my pistol but at least I won’t starve for a day or two. I’m starting to get exhausted so I am going to try and find a place to make a shelter and see if I can hide and rest. I want to keep moving away from the fires and gun shots I keep hearing but I don’t think I will be able to make it much further without rest. I thought about climbing a tree to get out of sight but I was afraid I would fall asleep and then fall out of the tree with my luck. Another option was using some of the scrape I found lying around to make a shelter but that seems like it would be bring attention to myself as an obvious place someone was hiding. I decided it would be best to hide in the brush and lay low and maybe find some food in the bushes. How long has it been seen I saw her… I can barely remember…

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), And I choose option 1

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round. Man, I love Jalapeno Jack-Links, I really do!

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply(beef jerky). I choose option 1

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply and I'll choose option 1 for this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and choose option 1.

i have a fire starter, and i choose option 1

I choose OPTION 1

  • One backup food supply (Beef jerky)

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

With all the commotion going on, I'd rather take a short nap than risk going sleep deprived, where I could potentially crash sleep and allow others to easily sneak up on me. Also, remembering the rule of 3s, it only takes 3 seconds to make a bad decision...and that would be much easier if I start getting drowsy and lack the energy to find a suitable sleeping place. This dense bush seems like a good option with the possibility of quick escape if need be. Hopefully I'll find something yummy in these bushes.

option 1 - unloaded pistol, 1 perduable food (The end of my stories. May it makes your job at least a bit easier:))

Option 1 - pistol, 1 backup food supply

I have 1 unloaded weapon (pistol) and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 1 in this round.

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 1, the bush, as a resting place.

I reckon as I have no idea how to sleep in a tree without falling down, let alone be able to fall asleep at all on something as comfortable as a branch, I'd best stick to the basics and sleep in the bushes. Maybe I'll find some berries, or grubs in the soil, or an unsuspecting mouse will wander by my mouth.

I have the pistol, and choose option 1, a nice shady bush

I have a magnesium firestarter. I choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply and I choose option 1 for this round.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol but no bullet, have one food supply and choose to hide under the bush so I can be fast to react if any cannibals come around the trees seems hard to be fast and the pallets may be noticed by cannibals.

I choose option 1. I have a pistol and a can of beans.
The cover of the bush will protect me while leaving my escape options open. Although it's not as safe as the tree, the quick escape may prove to be invaluable.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply. I will choose Option 1.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I will go with Option #1.

With my empty pistol on my side and a backup pack of jerky in my back pocket, I think I will lay down and catch a few zzzzzzz's under the bushes. It seems if something happens I may be able to sprint from my hiding place, I didn't want to be stuck up a tree or under a pile of wooden pallets if caught by surprise.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 1.

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose option one this round. Hopefully i find some berries. Lol

I have a magnesium fire starter and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 1.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply. I choose Option 1.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply and I choose option 1

I choose option 1

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply (Beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

The tree is tempting, but I'm afraid I'll be seen.

I have a pistol and got a backup food supply(beef jerky) in the earlier round.For this round I will choose option 1-Try to hide and sleep under the bush, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (delicious jalapeno flavored beef jerky. Hermetically sealed and unopened, so hopefully won't attract a bear), I'll choose the bushes this time.

I swear, if I die by bear I'm not gonna be a happy camper ! (I'll be a camper-on-a-stick)

Also, If I live... dips on whatever the guys in the pallets have, cause I call "Cannibals hear noise from rearranging pallets" death !

I have a pistol + 1 backup food supply (jerky). I choose option 1.

got beef jerkey and a pistol. i feel like the bush is the best place

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply, I'm gonna try the bush. Option 1 please

I have an empty pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 1.

I have a pistol, and nothing else, and I choose Option 1. Hopefully I don't wake up in the morning to find myself cowering in a patch of poison ivy.

I have firestarter and 1 backup food supply OPTION 1 for me this round.

As long as I watch out for rotten old tree limbs that will try to scalp me I will take my fire starter and beef jerky and carry out option 1, hide and dine on findings under the bush.

i have a pistol, one backup food, and choose option 2. thanks :)

I have a pistol and I choose 1.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 1 to sleep in the bushes.

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply (jerky). I choose option 1.

I don't think pressing on is a good option. Old pallets mean nasty splinters and rusty nails, and I don't think I could sleep very well in a tree - I'd be too worried about falling out. So I'll try my luck in the bushes, even though I know this location is the most easily accessible to bad people/things.

Incidentally, are those who found the can of beans going to have to find a tool of some sort to open it before they can eat it? Let's see.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply (Beef jerky!!! Mnyam. Mnyam) and I choose option 1.

Wood, like pallets, can use for a fire. Besides, I'm afraid to fall from the tree in the dream. In the bushes I can find some small animals, or berries. From the bushes I can see that someone is approaching and in case of danger to escape.

Possible question: "The southern part of the United States" is exactly where? There's wet, dry?

I chose OPTION 1

I have: a pistol (no ammo); one backup food supply (beef jerky)

At first I thought the pallets may be a good option, but no, that's where scavengers will look for stuff eventually. I'm not a monkey so I can't comfortably sleep in a tree, but I badly need sleep... under the bushes may be a good hiding spot with easy escape options... there also might be some edibles to forage?!

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 package of beef jerky. I will go with option 1 for this round and sleep under the bush.

I choose option 1


1 Pistol (Day 1 - Round 1)
1 back-up food (Day 1 - Round 2)

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a Magnesium fire starter and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 1

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I don't have anything.....yet :-) so I choose option 1.

I have a fire starter & no food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have backup food supply (beef jerky) and I choose Option 1

(bush is actually full of blueberrys, yummy :-))) )

I am @lrich, it is Season 5, Day 2, Round 1 and I have:

  • 1 firestarter 🔥
  • 1 back up food supply🍴 (can of beans)
    and I choose:
  • option 1

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

have pistol & 1 backup food supply I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a Firestarter and 1 backup food (beans, willing to trade for jerky!). I choose option 1. The bushes seem like the safest bet to me.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a magnesium fire starter & 1 backup food supply(beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply(beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I'm going to hide and sleep under the bush as option 1

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose Option 1

I have a Magnesium Firestarter and a Beef Jerky, I'll choose Option 1 this round.

I choose option 1. I have 1 pistol and 1 backup food (can of beans).

* OPTION 2 - Try to hide and sleep up in the tree, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

I have pistol & 1 backup food supply and I choose Option 2 in this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply, I choose Option 2 for this round. Thanks

Option 2 - Pistol

Let's hope we don't encounter any snakes up here!

I have a magnesium firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round. My little rabbit feet brought me into the woods and to a tall tree. Thinking it would be a good place for a rest I took a large leap onto the lowest branch. Hopping higher and higher this bunny reached the top branch. The view was peaceful as I nestled into the tree for a nap.

I see you from my bush, and I'm quietly rooting for you. Good luck little guy.

I thought I smelled a human nearby! Good luck to you as well!

I think that I might know that specific tree.

Okay papa, I choose option 2

  • One backup food supply
  • Magnesium firestarter

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have my pistol and one backup food supply i choose option two. time to start climbing

I have a magnesium firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

Ill take my luck climbing up the tree
I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply

Pistol + one backup food supply (yummi beans). Choosing Option 2.

I choose

Option 2 - Pistol, Jerky

Oof. It seems like "falling out of a tree" is an easy way to kill us off.
But so does "the bear smelled your beef jerky and ate it and you at the same time."
I've slept in trees, but it only seemed safe because of the particular tree I was in. So it depends on the tree.

I'd like to tie myself to the tree with my clothes. I'll keep my eyes open for food in the tree. So much of a tree is edible.
But also
1 pistol
1 beef jerky

I have 1 pistol & 1 backup food supply and i will be choosing to sleep in the tree

I have a fire starter and one back up food supply. I choose option 2 (hoping i dont fall off the tree) . It worked for katniss though so heres to hoping

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter and 1 Backup food supply. I choose option 2 this round.

Unless there's a lightning storm, I'm sticking to the tree!

I choose OPTION 2

  • One backup food supply (Ranch Style Beans)
  • Magnesium Firestarter

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have one backup food supply, I choose option 2 and hopefully I don't fall out of this tree.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter & a backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I choose option 2!
I have a firestarter and a backup food supply (can of beans).

I Chose Option 2. I have a firestarter and a backup Food supply

I have 1 firestarter and 1 back up food supply and I choose option #2.

Firestarter, extra food supply - option 2

Magnesium fire-starter is still tucked securely in back pocket. It's hard to climb holding my backup food supply of beans, so I tie the can up in the bottom of my shirt and scope out a nice location among the branches for a snooze. Hopefully, there's some munchables in view from up there here, too!

I have a magnesium fire starter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply. The tree branches look sturdy and broad and it doesn't look like rain tonight. Since I'm a still sleeper, I'll grab some shut-eye in the tree.

I have no supplies, no food
I'm tired and need to rest. People so rarely look up, I think it is the safest hiding spot. Hoping to find food . . .
I choose option 2.

I have a firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply. I choose Option 2.

Ratticus securely pockets the beef jerky along with the empty pistol and decides to get a decent height up off the ground to sleep, allowing dangers to pass below. Hopefully there's some edible fruit on these trees, but if not that jerky will come in handy.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 for this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose Option 2 for this round.

I hope that I don't fall down, while I'm sleeping.

I have a magnesium firestarter and got a food supply back[beef jerky].For this round I will go with option-2.Sleep in the tree and find something to eat.

I have made it out of town successfully, but I am afraid that the light time is just as dangerous as the dark time. I found some food in the truck that I searched, but it wasn’t without a cost. In the back seat of the truck was a man who had shot himself. The back window sprayed with blood looked like a twisted inkblot test. The gun he used was long gone but who ever took it failed to look under the body. As I rolled the man over, and tried not vomit, I found some jerky. Now, hopefully I will live a little longer in this wasted world. After getting the food, I figured that I would try to start the truck. It did not work, which was expected. So I moved on. As the sun started to rise, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time that I slept and my body was screaming for me to find somewhere to lay down. I could’ve tried to find some place last night but the gunshots and explosions were coming from everywhere and because of that, I couldn’t have slept even if I had tried. The light time brought silence and it was welcoming and fearful all at the same time. My legs ached so much and I knew that soon I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes open. I had to find somewhere to sleep, or at least relax. So I continued.
I have found a tree with some braches that look sturdy enough for me to climb but it’ll take the last of my energy to reach a safe distance up. It is risky but it’ll be worth it to not be on the ground, where a cannibal could just stumble upon me sleeping and have an effortless meal. Besides, there may even be some food in the tree if I climb high enough. I just hope that I don’t fall out of the tree while I sleep.

I have an unloaded pistol and 1 back-up food supply (Jerky). I choose option 2.

I have 1 Fire Starter, 1 back up food supply (Beans) and I choose option 2

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose Option 2 for this round, thank you!

I have a magnesium firestarter and choose option 2!

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply and I choose option 2!

I have a pistol, option #2!

I choose Option 2 and climb up in a tree to get some high ground.

Magnesium firestarter
one backup food supply.

I have a firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

A nice apple, perhaps, or even a pear?


I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2.

I have a pistol and a back-up food supply of some tasty Jalapeno beef jerky. I'm gonna hang out in the tree tonight and try to get some shut eye. Option #2 for @liberty-minded!

Option 2 Please.


  • 1 Unloaded Pistol
  • 1 Back Up Food Supply (jerky)

Just sleeping in the bush is a bit risky, any one or anything walking by can stumble upon me, and I have no vantage point if I hear anyone coming. Building a shelter out of scraps will use up my energy and it will be a very probable place for someone to come scavenging for fire wood or what ever else they can find. I am a light sleeper, and i have my clothes and a belt to tie myself off with up in a tree, so I climb up, just enough to be difficult to see from the ground but not too high where a fall could cause major damage. Besides being a light sleeper, I should be able to hear anyone approaching and have a good vantage point to scout out the land around me.

Making sure I secure my pistol and the beef jerky I found, I climb into the tree, scout for some food and any information I can gather then tie myself off in a sitting upright position, and begin my rest choosing option 2.

I have a pistol without ammo, and I choose Option 2.

I have an unloaded pistol, a backup food supply (beef jerky) and against my will, I choose option 2......haha @dwells I better not die!

I have a pistol and one backup food supply and I choose Option 2 this round!

I have a pistol and one backup food supply, I choose Option 2 for this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose Option 2

I have a pistol(No Ammo) and one backup food supply(Beef Jerky). I will choose Option 2.

I have a firestarter and one backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round. I love climbing trees!

I have a Firestarter & one backup food supply, i choose option 2 for this round. Thanks

firestarter and beef jerky option 2

* OPTION 3 - Try to make a haphazard shelter/hiding place out of the old pallets to sleep in, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply
And I choose OPTION 3.

I don't know, I just like to work with wood and build things :) Good night everyone!

I have a Magnesium fire starter and 1 backup food supply (beans). I'll go with option 3 this time.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply.

Option 3.

I have a I have a Magnesium fire starter and no food, I chose option 3

You were eliminated for not posting before Day 1 Round 2's deadline. You'll have to try again next season.

I have a magnesium firestarter and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), And I choose option 3

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply -beef jerky I'll choose option 3 this round.

I am sorry if I double posted. My phone is acting up..

I have a magnesium firestarter and beef jerky (backup food supply). I choose option 3, to make a shelter out of some old pallets and keeping my eyes open for anything edible.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply -beef jerky I'll choose option 3 this round.

I have an empty pistol and I choose option 3.

I chose option 3. I have firestarter and 1 backup food supply.


I choose option 3!

I have a pistol and a can of beans backup food supply and I choose option 3.

Here is a link to our video discussing our strategy for this round and we pay tribute to the fallen from the last round.

I walked until my feet ached and I cleared the city limits. Man, I’m exhausted and hungry. I felt like I was too tired to continue at the pace I was going. Also with the sun starting to rise It’s going to start getting hard to travel un-noticed. With that I had to evaluate my options: Safety, Sleep, and Food. I’m not a survivalist, but I did watch Man vs Wild a few times. Now all I need is a camera crew to bring me a burger. Mmm that sounds so good….Anyways, I thought I could just take the minimalist approach and hide under a bush and maybe they’ll be a grub worm or a bag of Cheetos to eat, but then I thought that being so close to the woods could attract a curious Mountain Lion looking for a snack or rabid Squirrel. My next thought was maybe hide out in a tree, of course there were not a lot of trees to climb in the city. The thought of falling, breaking my neck, and having Vultures peck at me sounds horrible. Luckily I came across a pile of old pallets. My thought process: With no power, there is no Pintrest. With no Pintrest, there’s less of a need for pallets. Unless they want to make a bonfire…Hmm that would suck. I’ll take my chances with the pallets, I should be able to make a big enough space to sleep for a couple hours, then I’m going to need some food.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply, i choose option 3.

I have a pistol and backup food supply, I choose option 3 🙂

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply [a can of beans].For this round my choice is option 3.I will make a hiding place from the old pallets and try to sleep.Seems safer .

I'm empty handed, but hopeful i may find some stray food near the pallets.

I choose option 3!

I have a pistol and I choose option 3

* OPTION 4 - Try to just move on, skipping the nap, and keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

I have a pistol, ill keep walking and try and find food I need my strength. Option 4

I have a magnessium firestarter and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 4

I have a pistol, and backup food supply (jerky).
The Royal Marines (UK) use night as their primary time of travel during missions. The reason being, there is a much lower chance of being spotted, and one can essentially go unoticed. Yes, I will be more succeptible to attack from animals etc. but the only large mammals in this area, which might be active at night are bears, which sleeping folk would be equally likely to be visited by. I'll trek on, and find a place to sleep during the much more unpleasant conditions of daytime. Insects should be plenty, so food won't be an issue :)

Pistol & Backup Food supply - Option 4

I choose option 4 this time. I have a magnesium firestarter and a backup food supply.

I choose option 4!

You were eliminated for failing to reply to Day 1 Round 1 before the cutoff. You aren't playing this season anymore. Try again next season.


No not this soon @ papa-pepper will have to wait for Season 6 now Good luck to all the players have fun i will be watching from the side line :-)

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 :D

You need to reply to the option 1 comment.

You need to reply to the option 1 comment.

Just a kindly notice: You posted your choice in option 4. Your reply should have been made in the option 1 location. Yes, I know... I'm helping the competition, but that is just who I am.

Didn't reply to option 4 but rather the OP though.

Oh.... Did I goof up? It looked to me like there were no replies to the original post and that there were some stray responses in the option 4 position. Sorry if I messed up.

You have to reply to the option comment, not in the main thread.

You're not signed up to play this round.

Bro @papa-pepper do you have winner of your meme contest @dwells photo rocket!!😊😊

No!!!! I'm dead... lol

haha :') greed got you :P

:( no. It was a calculated risk. possibilities are endless in all options :P

good post
plise followback..

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