Fitness4GHP @ p2pGarden 養生道 法自然

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

力量源于饮食。Levels of energy depends on your food.
精神源于模因。Sates of spiritual depends on your meme.
灵魂源于梦想。Influences of the soul depend on your dream.

让我们在摆龙族兴共识中,用饮食、模因和梦想,来分享养生道 法自然。
Let's share fitness practices by our food, meme, and dreams at p2pGarden.

作为共识主动性花园的发起者,大个我不但梦想: 萬教歸一、利而無稅、
還政於民,而且从玩客/WANK 开始,长期参与共识主动性社区的建设。
As the player in chief of p2pGarden, Dage I not only have the dream of stigmergy age (God without religion, GHP* without GDP, Government without politician) but also have participated in the p2p game for a long time. Please check the link for more information:

茶水免費,小費隨意 Free tea, appreciated tips

For Reservation: [email protected]

3067 Kirwin AVE, 密市白宫
Mississauga Ontario Canada L5A 2K8

养生道 法自然 Let's nature lead us

*GHP: Gift economy, Hobby job, peer to peer government.

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