5 Effective Ways To Be The Change You Want To See In Any Organization

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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Hello steemchurch parishioners. It's another great day that the Lord has made and of course the only thing we can do is to rejoice and be glad in it.

So quickly today, I might tilt a little bit on this one as I discuss the topic "5 Effective Ways To Be The Change You Want To See In Any Organization''.

Why is this important? Some days ago I read a post from @Sirknight responding to @Langford concerning Government leadership stating the deplorable state of health care and educational facilities . On that one which can be found in the link below,


Langford did blame the government for the poor condition of living in our dear country Nigeria reacting to the President's speech he gave while in a Commonwealth meeting calling Nigerian Youths "Lazy".

However the great Knight responded with a post which I will term the best post I have seen in all my stay on steemit in the link below.


In his post, SK did say a lot of things I agreed with but the summary made more sense. He summarized by saying that;

If this Knight can convince just one Nigerian parishioner to take that path less trodden and be genuinely productive each and every day - you will achieve success far beyond that of the academic herd.
So in response to your big question Langford, a question asked by so many young people...
... who will free us from this bad Cheese?

So that got me thinking. Sometimes ago I did a steemchurch promotion offline where I paid in full for painting and renovation of my students body office. You can see that post below in the link.


It may interest you to know that before that giant stride, the office has not been renovated for years. Likewise there were other offices (departmental offices) around that same office which has not been renovated for a long time. New administration comes and goes and the office is left the way it was met.

After taking that step, other offices contacted me to ask me the cost I used in doing the project. Before you can say jack, all other offices around that office has been renovated and painted. Now everywhere is beautiful.

That's what change can cause at times. You may be the only one who starts a movement but you will see a great deal of people flocking in to support you in the long run. Mahatma Ghandi once said that;

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.

Travel anywhere in this word, you will see people complaining about this and about that. Instead of taking the bull by the horn and making decisions that will change their future. Years to come, no matter how the government make life easy for the citizens, there are still some people who will still complain and that is certain. Therefore, you have to lead the change you want to see in your organization, workplace and environment.

Leadership comes with a lot of responsibilities and you may never know how it feels until you get on that seat. Well the simple truth is that change begins with me and you. We can live very simple lives and lead very dramatic and life changing decisions for the good of everybody by doing any of the following .

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Firstly, if you want to be the change you want to see in your organization, workplace or family, you must attend to whatever God has entrusted In your hand to do with happiness and enormous appreciation. Today will never come back after it hits daylight tommorow. What does this tell us, it means that how we spend our lives daily is of significant importance. Get to your place of work or study with significant joy and appreciation. You see someone who is beautiful, compliment them, you see someone with a fine show, compliment him or her, you greet everyone with a smile. You treat everybody and everything with happiness and appreciate God entirely for what He has given you. Doing this will bring contentment and peace with cannot be bought in the local or international market.

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Secondly, you've got to learn to show love and care to everyone around you. It makes you feel happy too when people are happy. There was a day I saw a boy walking bear footed. I called him and asked him where his shoes where. Surprisingly he told me he doesn't have and by the look of things, his leg were already showing stretch marks. I was moved with love to help the young boy out. Anytime I see that boy wearing the shoe, there is a kind of joy that fills my heart.
Creating that kind of atmosphere around you all through each day gives you a peace of mind that is unquantifiable.

Likewise, you might be a leader but sometimes, just a little compassion and understanding goes a lot to create a joyful atmosphere in the work place. Is your employee not looking happy when coming to work?, You may never know what made him look like that and instead of pouring it all out on him for coming late, try to be a friend and not a boss that moment. Once you treat people specially, they are naturally moved to be there for you when you even least expect them to be.

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Thirdly, the essentials of a happy and joyful working atmosphere is fairness and creativity. Of course you can see that right here in steemchurch. Therefore, learn to abide by the rules of any association or organization if you don't want to bring disorderliness. In my last point, I did hint that a leader needs to be compassionate at times but please learn to as a follower you must learn to abide by the rules of the organization you find yourself. Imagine that you are told to close work by 4PM daily but immediately you go for lunch break, you dissapper from work everyday, then you are giving the leadership of the organization cause to raise alarm which may sound unfair to others who don't know your offence. If you want to lead a change you must obey rules. It's that simple.

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Fourthly, you must learn to have self-control. In an out of controlled world, one of the best gifts you might have is self control. This means that all you have laboured for can fall right before you if you fail to exhibit self control. As a leader or an individual who wants to lead a change, you will definitely be happy when you stop reacting and start controlling your emotions. Basically, I not against you showing your emotions but what's important is that there is a time and place to show all that.

Lastly, if we want to lead a change in our work place or environment as the case may be, we must learn not to take advantage of people. Over here in Nigeria, we call it "Monkey dey work and baboon they chop". This simply means someone will be working himself out and reaping very little while someone sits comfortable somewhere reaping all the benefits. Of course, we must learn to trust and believe in the Goodwill of other people.

Once we diligently and conciously do all of these and many more as will be seen in the comments of our blessed and creative PARISHIONERS, we will be leading a change not only in blockchain but in our various environments and workplaces.

I hope this article touched a nerve? Thanks for reading.

Feel free to add more points below.

I remain my humble self,



Travel anywhere in this word, you will see people complaining about this and about that. Instead of taking the bull by the horn and making decisions that will change their future.
Leadership comes with a lot of responsibilities and you may never know how it feels until you get on that seat

Well said apostle yes indeed the post did touch some nerves , wonderful composition and thanks for sharing we must be the change we want to see

If everyone takes care of their family,
If everybody contributes their quota to the growth of their village
Then those in the town's contribute their quota to the growth of their town's
Then those in the cities contribute theirs
When the government add theirs , change will be conspicuous

Let's learn to lead the change

Warm regards


This is full of wisdom ,each soul needs to read to better our system....hope you good apostle

The best way to experience change is to be the change which we want from other people.

We most times want a change but we are not ready to change ourselves

Another problem in reality
We complain about other people when we ourselves have not changed
Let's be living examples to people
Sometimes we are the only books people read and it is expedient that we are always on the right path

Warm regards


This article did not only touched a nerve, it touched my entire system.
Like, you said challenges (and complain) is a universal thing. But then, whining does not bring about any of the changes we desire, instead it add up to whole issue. Honestly, changing our world starts with us (you and I)— changing our very own attitudes as individuals, groups, or as a society, on the premise of love. This is where the "changing magic" lies!

Thanks for sharing @owoblow-steemit.

Yea @degreatmyke
I couldn't agree less

Warm regards


Sometimes we have to really take the bull by the horn no matter the circumstances really, @sirknight response to @Langford was exemplary, sometimes when things aren't what we expect them to be we need things to get better the way we exactly want them.
I'm really inspired this morning, thank you so much brother OS

Am glad you got the point there

Warm regards


Is not an easy thing to lead but this world will be a good place if we are ready to lead by example, to be the change that we want to see in the life of others.
Some people take advantage of people they are leading just because they were opportune to step in the position of leadership and they will still expect the best from those they are leading and at the end of day they will still complained of how this world is not experiencing positive change whereas they are not ready to change the world through their deeds

Funky love
I agree with you on this one
Corruption is everywhere but we cannot afford to join that teeming population of corrupt individuals
Let the change and right mindset begin with us and in no time visible progress will be made

Warm regards


The most ideal approach to encounter change is to be the change which we need from other individuals.

We most circumstances need a change yet we are not prepared to change ourselves

Yes without a doubt the post touched a few nerves , superb organization and much obliged for sharing we should be the change we need to see

Leadership brings a lot of responsibilities along with it.

Over here in Nigeria, we call it "Monkey dey work and baboon they chop".

That's very common here in Nigeria and I'm sure it is everywhere.
I believe if we all set good examples, others would follow and change would gradually take place.

If this Knight can convince just one Nigerian parishioner to take that path less trodden and be genuinely productive each and every day - you will achieve success far beyond that of the academic herd.
So in response to your big question Langford, a question asked by so many young people...
... who will free us from this bad Cheese?

I love what the leader said here, this is insightful, the change begins with you and me.
Leadership comes with a lot of responsibilities and you may never know how it feels until you get on that seat. Well the simple truth is that change begins with me and you. We can live very simple lives and lead very dramatic and life changing decisions for the good of everybody by doing any of the following .

Who we are now is not who we were last year, last week, yesterday or even a minute ago. Life never stands still, no matter what we do. Change is the very nature of existence—our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, even our relationships are as changeable as rain and sunshine, or night and day. But, as much as change is inevitable, it is not always welcome or easy to deal with. It can upset our world and generate many conflicting feelings.

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