[Song Reviews] Ayah - LAONEIS BAND

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Hello, Steemian

When asked who the figure merit in the family, certainly not a few who mention their father's figure. A father who is in the top position in a family does bear a small burden of life. Not only confused about how to take care of the family so that they can live properly and also run well, even the father figure must be the leading person in guarding his family from any danger.

Maybe we have all heard that "the sins of all family members are actually borne by the father". Therefore, from childhood we are asked to continue to do good, pray for parents and maintain the good name of the family.



However, not a few sad stories come from people who are now no longer able to see the father. There are those who have lived since they did not know their father. Not even a few feel how close they are to their father, so it feels difficult to carry out their life in the future.

Then I remembered one of the songs from Laoneis Band entitled "Ayah". When you hear this song, for those who are no longer able to hug the father in the real world, you will surely feel sadness. Crying can also be.

However, I write this not for later we dissolve in sadness, especially those that are no longer with the father. I want to invite to continue to do good and pray for our father wherever he stay now, to be given salvation from God, the world and the hereafter.

This is the "Ayah" lyric for you all:

Ayah ku kirimkan doa
Semoga engkau tenang di alam syurga
Ayah kan ku ingat selalu
Pengorbanan yang telah engkau berikan

Ayah terlalu cepat kau pergi
Meninggalkan aku sendiri
Ayah tak bisa aku ingkari
Tanpa engkau hidupku terasa sunyi

Ayah dengarkanlah
Dan teringat saat kepergianmu

Ku taburi bunga mawar untukmu
Dan berdoa untuk melepaskanmu
Ayah berlinang air mataku

Ayah terlalu cepat kau pergi
Meninggalkan aku sendiri
Ayah tak bisa aku ingkari
Tanpa engkau hidupku terasa sunyi

Ayah dengarkanlah
dan teringat saat kepergianmu

Ku taburi bunga mawar untukmu
dan berdoa untuk melepaskanmu
Ayah berlinang air mataku, berlinang air mataku

Ayah tak bisa aku ingkari
Tanpa engkau hidupku terasa sunyi

Source of Lyric

About the Song

Laoneis Band.jpg


The song of "Ayah" tells about a child's nostalgic feelings for their father from simple families. The father who became the backbone of the family died due to an accident after he sought sustenance. And according to Laoneis Band's own manager, this song was inspired by the story of the band's own personnel.

The band was formed on November 25, 2011. The song "Ayah" itself was launched in 2017 with the audience on YouTube reaching one million views. This Lampung band has its own charm with its distinctive sound.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://owner99.epizy.com/2018/09/12/song-reviews-ayah-laoneis-band/


Selamat pagi bg wahyu @owner99 senang rasanya bisa bersua dan menyapa lagi di kesempatan kali ini. Tembang ini sebenarnya tidak asing lagi di indra dengar youtuber, kebetulan bagi saya pribadi tembang ini sedikit banyaknya telah membuka mata bathin saya kembali mengenang seorang sosok ayah yang begitu berharga buat anak-anaknya, semoga tak pernah membuat kami alpa untuk mengirimkan doa. Sukses selalu bang, saleum takzim lon tuan dari seputaran bandara malikussaleh

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