Everybody, attack!

in #story6 years ago

Yesterday was Chinese New Year so Pinky and Spiky decided to celebrate too. The problem was they didn't know how.

But they knew someone who did. So Pinky went outside to the garden next to the apple tree were titmouse Zituke and her friends would be feeding on Spiky's sunflower seeds.

Sure enough, a few of the birds were there and Zituke was among them.

Pinky asked, "Zituke, you have flown to the whole wide world, you surely must know how to celebrate Chinese New Year."

Zituke said, "I'm flattered but I didn't fly that far. However, I have seen some animals make special dragons for celebrations."

"Dragons you say... How do they look like?"

"They are very colorful, have a big head and look funny."

"Thanks for a very detailed description. Now I know what to do."

Pinky went back into the cabin and said to Spiky, "We're going to make Chinese dragon. We need some colorful materials, some glue and scissors."

They agreed that their dragon should be yellow for it would bring them luck this year.

Spiky was very excited. He found the glue and scissors among his organ maintenance tools. The rest of the gang went to look for colorful clothes into the attic.

Cornelius found some old yellow coats, Dietrich - yellow scarfs, Betsy - yellow gloves and Victor - yellow underwear. Not sure whose was it... He thought it was Spiky's but he swore he saw it for the first time... But everybody knows Spiky's memory is messed up from doing too many pull-ups.

They all gave their material to Pinky, who invited all of them to use the glue and the scissors to turn them into the dragon.

Pinky did the head, Spiky - the neck, Cornelius - the chest, Dietrich - the belly, Betsy - the buttocks and Victor - the tail.

Victor was grumpy why the smallest one in the gang has to do the longest part of the dragon to which Spiky replied, "Be joyful, Victor, because you will get to slap somebody with this tail..." Victor's spirits were naturally uplifted after that.

Then the time came to actually wear the dragon mask and they all lined up according to their height.

Pinky went first, then - Spiky, Cornelius, Dietrich, Betsy and Victor at the end.

Wearing the dragon, they went outside from the cabin to the garden so that the titmice would see them.

Since Victor was the smallest one, he had a hard time keeping up with the rest of dragon's body.

Then the titmice saw them and were actually very scared and wanted to defend themselves against the dragon. But Zituke, knowing that the best defence is always attack, screamed, "Everybody, attack!", and the birds charged forward.

Poor dragon fell on its side and the legs of Pinky and Spiky gang appeared tumbling in the air.

Zituke yelled in terror, "Show him no mercy! The dragon just ate our friends!"

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Haha, poor Victor. He should ride on the head rather than being inside.

That's a good idea for Mardi Gras.

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Happy to see them helping each other to make the Chinese dragon

Great story telling friend, are you planning on writing a book on the adventures of Pinky and Spiky? That would be awsome. There are guidelines for that as far as what age audience your looking at. I took a short college coarse on how to write children’s books, and illustrations. There were so many words you could put on a page, depending on the age, things of that sort, that would be something to look into if you where going to do that. It was a fun read @organduo❣️

I will write a book for grown up piglets and hedgehogs... I would love to do these stories as multi panel comics but there isn't enough time in the day...

Hehe, I like the story. And if course, pull-ups always mess with my memory too :0)

Haha this is very funny but wonderful. Then came the time to wear the dragon mask, all of them lined up according to their length. Very beautiful story

"They're very colorful, they have a big head and they look funny." Very beautiful this talk

Does yellow color brings luck already hahaha this is awesome

Yesterday was chinese new year but i guess i can still wish you happy chinese new year

Thank you!

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Haha this beautiful they went to eat the sunflower seed

Victor is the most fun. Because of its small size spider funny

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