//History series//The myth of the invention of numbers(part-01)


We live without the number of accounts in the world? The importance of number of jobs in life, from day to day accounting, is significant. And so fascinated by the greatness of numbers, many ancient civilizations have tried to find the divine relationship with numbers.

Some people thought that they were holy, and some were horrifying people. Even in the West, the faith prevails in many places today.Things like Unlucky 13 or Lucky 7 believe many people from now on. However, whether there is any goodness or misconception among the innocent beggars, it is not as interesting to refute that belief in this age of science and technology, rather than the interesting numbers and the evolution of the counting process and the diversity of history. This feature is sorted by the origin and evolution of numbers.

Start of

People have realized the need of counting since the beginning of civilization. It was essential for the people to acquire the idea of ​​accounting for the number of hunted animals or exchange of goods in exchange for exchange. But initially the idea of ​​numbers was quite unclear. The numbers were always related to objects, such as a bird, a pair of animals, two hands, one puff fish.

In Africa, Latin America and Australia, many small ethnic groups had no clear idea about number one or two hundred years ago. For example, the Hottentat tribe of South Africa can be said. Their language was only one to four, and more than four languages ​​were all in their language! Again, the indigenous people of Kamila group of Australia, representing a number greater than three, were able to sum up the numbers from one to three in the sum of the numbers.For example, they mean goods, bulan means two, bullet means three. So they used to call him four-ballon (two-two) five and five (two-three) and six (bullets).

Now the question comes, how can we say 100 or 100 thousand in the language of the Kamilarai tribe? It is very easy to understand that the counting system of the Hottentate or Kamilarei was faulty. But they did not have anything to do, because maybe they did not have to count for one hundred. But in the Neapolillian era, with the development of advanced civilizations, more advanced calculation methods were needed.
![image]( sources of Australia: www.pa-pa.ca

Egyptian counting system

Egypt's contribution to the development of human civilization is undeniable. In ancient Egypt, the need for a better calculation method was seen in the development of trade, architecture and life travel. And the requirements of the Egyptian number system developed from that requirement. They used numeral symbols to keep tighter accounts of thousands of workers during the construction of huge pyramids and huge quantities of construction materials).But it is believed that the number of Egyptians began in the process, before the pyramids, around 3000 BC
Egyptian number system

But we did not have the number of Egyptians like that number system There was no use of zero. Rather, different symbols of 10 were different symbols. Suppose we want to write 8372 in Egyptian method. In this case, we have to write 8, 000, 7, 100, 3, 10 and 2 with 1. As a result, the ancient Egyptian form of the number 8732 will be like the picture below.
Egyptian method 8732

Babylonian method

The unprecedented development of the Babylonians was achieved in mathematics. Geometry was developed on the one hand in Egypt, on the other hand arithmetic and astronomy were developed in Babylon. The far-reaching influence of Babylonians is still in our midst. Circle was divided into 360 degree corners and 60 hours in 1 hour and 1 hour in 12 hours, but the Babylonians did that, for example, 1 minute in Babylon.However, much of the knowledge gained by the Babylonians is lost in time evolution, but in the writings of the cemetery and stone engraving it is known that the Babylonians knew about Pythagoras' theorem and bipedal theorem.

Babylonians did not know the use of zero as Egyptians did. But the main difference in the number of Babylonians with the Egyptians is the fact that the Egyptians expressed a number in the multiples of 10, that is, what we have already seen. The Babylonians, on the other hand, do the same thing in the form of multiples of 60. So the Babylonian number system is also called the sixty-six methods
The Babylonian sixty-nine number system

In addition to the above symbols, they used a number of shortcut methods. Here comes a question - what is the reason for the 60 love of the Babylonians? There is no direct answer to this. There are many interconnected issues involved in it. Firstly, 60 is a number that is completely separated by 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,212,15,20 and 30. So 60 numbers of work to solve a fractal problem.

Suppose, in a business, three partners have contracted in such a way that they each receive 1/2, 1/3 and 1/6 of the total profits respectively. If you earn 60 rupees then the first, the second and the third will be 30, 20, 10 respectively. That is, if the amount of money is released, if it is expressed in the multiples of 60, then the account becomes quite straightforward.If you get 1000 rupees (16 × 60 + 40 = 1000), then the first one will get 16 rupees 30 or 480 and the remaining 40 rupees will be half of Tk 20. The second will get 16 Taka 20 and the third will get 16 Taka 10 and the first one will get half the money from the 40 rupees, both of them will get the same from the other half, so that the second gets double the third. It is very easy to share the correct distribution without any division.

One thing to remember here is that we did not know the best quality-sharing method at that time. At present, we have added, subtracted, multiplied, divided into decimal methods that have been discovered in more than 3000-3500 years in Babylon. Also, the Babylonians calculated the length of a solar year 360 days, which is close to 365 days in actual length. Their 12 hours in one day, 60 minutes in the hours we already know we know. And for these reasons, the Babylonians chose the sixty-five method, so scientists believe
imageCarved rock inscriptions of the Babylonians source: www.livius.org

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