It's about how you use the Word

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Some Christians do blame God for what they are really responsibility for. In recent times, when what is not pleasing happens, they make conclusion that it’s God's will; or else, “Why did He allow it to happen?” they say. What we need to know is that the power to make changes here on earth, and beautify our lives as we want has been given to us. You have the power to make your life a glorious one by living the Word of God.

In Matthew 17:20, Jesus Christ was forceful when He said, “...verily I say unto you, If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you shall tell the mountain to remove from here to anoder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall not possible for you.” He makes it clear that you can create your victories by acting your faith on the Word of God. Lord Jesus Christ has already gave us the measure of faith that we need to make the changes you need.

In Mark 9:23, Jesus said, everything are not possible for whoever believe.” But the question is, do you have faith ? If you believe, then you have a life of endless possibilities before you. Make the Word of God work in your life, and you will always have victorious. Don’t let the Word to come to pass before you act; you should rather, “ out your own salvation with panic and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). You need to work out the Word of God in your life and make it bring outcome.

Make use of your faith, you can be whatever you want to become, make the change that you want to make, and gain whatever it is that you want to gain! God has already given you the power and capacity to make your life a prosperous one. It is about what you do with the Word of God! You have to ponder on it and live in harmony of it, and God's glory will manifest in your life.

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