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RE: Podcast talks Facebook banning for Tommy Robinson and Brian John Thomas

What about this statement do you find to be BS? When Labour supports Hizbollah and Hammas two organizations that seek the destruction of Jews, not just Israelis like their apologists claim. For that matter if Hizbollah wanted to Kill all Americans(And they do), except for ones that didn't live in America do you think Americans would be okay with that?

Another point Jew-hating and socialism go all the way back to Marx.

It's not like racism is hard to find pretty much every person on the planet thinks that their kind of people are better than everyone else when you ask a native what the name of their tribe means half the time say "The People". And that includes the other ways people define themselves other than race.


What about this statement do you find to be BS?

....Are you serious?
historical information is not current propaganda.

jew hating labor ????

all labor hate jews, do they. Do you know this or are do you rely on brian for this information. Sources?
Tommy robinson is a zionist, so must hate all labor ...

See how this goes?
See how stupid it is?
... tell me you do...

  • all white people are racist ... all muslims are terrorist, all.....all ...all....political one liners most people with an IQ of 70 could manage.

.... it's not information war . It's propaganda for sheep to follow ..

I'm not a sheep.


There I made my obeisance to your cry for a non-generalized statement, you are so right not all labour members are jew-haters just most of them(especially the muslims who vote labour), but not all.

All white people are as racist as every other race( pretty racist but no big deal doesn't mean they are bad people)

historical information is not current propaganda.

If you support a Jew-hating Ideology that has ethnically cleansed the entire middle east of jews and wants to finish the job in Israel then you are a jew hater.

Next thing your going to tell me that #NotAll Socialists don't hate white people and aren't spreading anti-white hate.

So you really, actually saying - and believe - that over

260,000 labour party members are anti -semitic?

that is what you're saying?

the majority must be over 50% and there are over 500,000 members...

You are saying this is a truth?


snap (3).jpg

You don't think/feel you are being led by the emotional nose here ..... just a little..?
(statements like jew hating labor party really help this..see what I mean, yet?)

If you support a Jew-hating Ideology that has ethnically cleansed the entire middle east of jews and wants to finish the job in Israel then you are a jew hater.

You support a non jew hating ideology then?? that definition - if i don't support any ideology, I'm then not a jew hater?

Only idiots support ideologies.
Brainless fodder for the manipulators to use to their advantage, to gain power.

I already said #NOTALL,

In fact I would say that the majority of people(in any group) are not filled with hate and yet they can follow ideologies that espouse hate.

The Labour party espouses hate for "oppressors" like White men and Israelis while embracing the incredibly Oppressive ideology of Islam.

Are they against oppression? Or is it self-hatred (for the jewish and white Labour party members) or hatred for dhimmis of whatever stripe (but especially the jews) for muslim Labour party members?

But you use it in your argument? ....!!.

sophistry is as weak as shit.

Which part is sophistry? Any fact you dispute? shpez1 says...

shepz1 (70)
· 9 hours ago
Jew hating labour, what a complete fucking tool.

Real high IQ comeback...

....just pointing out that it's not just me that see through political rhetorical BS and an atemept to emotionally manipulate poeple.
Following the manipulators of men who use negative connotations to fuel support - is a fools errand. are aware that most of the leadership in bolshvieks were Jewish , right?

With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews.

Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein).
Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon)
Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky)
Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution
and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
Assessing the Grim Legacy of Soviet Communism

by Mark Weber

That is information , not propaganda - see the difference?.

The bankers who funded the Russian revolution in the US were also predominantly Jewish.
(if you want the sources, you dig back into one of my posts)
These are facts.

Marx hated the Jews - and was Jewish himself, what does that say?...
....that's not information, that's a leading title...

Are you seeing the difference of the information warrior and the manipulative politician...?

And how did that work out for them?

Leon Trotsky - Icepick

Grigori Zinoviev - Firing Squad

Karl Radek - Murdered in prison by the secret police

Lev Kamenev - Firing Squad

Two died from natural causes and one assassinated before they could be purged.

Did you know that Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians were the most heavily over represented in membership in the Bolshevik Party?

How's that for a leading title?

Who do those Jew bankers work for? The Vatican, the same people who brought us Liberation theology(Cough, Socialism).

Marx was a German and so was Engels.

So we agree on much - I don't support political emotional rhetoric, driving divisions- which was the point of the this whole thing.

Politically motivated headlining BS - imo - has no place in the informationwar.

because that's called propa- fuckin'- ganda' and not information.

Propaganda is the biggest weapon in the informationwar, would you only let your enemies use it against you?

....old paradigm - you're using old weapons - truth and transparency are the new ones - are far more lethal.

Only the manipulators for power will try to hang on to old weaponry.... they cannot use the new ones!
(that's why they are so lethal)

I don't think calling a party Jew-Hating, when they align themselves with Hizbollah is untrue.

Change my mind.

...only you can change your mind - but it starts with taking the blinkers off and offering allegiance to no one without good reason, and not blind faith.

I'm not your shepherd of your flock.
I wouldn't try to change your mind...

No Blinkers here, I just find your accusation of ulterior motives baseless and false and while I may be a Canadian I won't be saying sorry for defending a position I hold, if realize I'm incorrect I will simply correct myself.

My allegiance is to my family and my country not to a Journalist or activist of any stripe, so you can shove your sheep allusions where the sun don't shine;]

ah ok....fucking hell...

At the end of all this am I right in saying there isn't a wide disagreement here, but my use of a click-baity headline is the main problem?

I honestly believe that most members of Labour are not Jew haters but that the tone is set by the leadership which has been captured by a virulent and nasty strain of Jew hatred. As the tone of an organisation is usually set by the leadership, I call it the Jew hating Labour Party.

I got sick of being on the losing side so I went and read Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. I'm using it for good.

I honestly believe that most members of Labour are not Jew haters

So you need to use a falshood to get your message across?

How weak does that make your message then?

Sophisty is never a good strategy - especially in the age of the internet. You look fake.
'Rules for radicals' is an essential read - but your application of it is totally incorrect.

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