More than the Big Buddha

in #travel8 years ago

Almost all travelers arrive to Lantau. Almost all say: “Big Buddha”. And then divided into two groups. The first and really only come here for the sake of the Buddha. Second look the entire island. And I'm definitely for the second one! If you have no plane in two hours and you already came to far distance Lantau, look around!;)
The big Buddha on Lantau island
It is the free Hong Kong: the mountains, the forests, the sea, the vast expanses and the churches... And for tourists not to forget where you are, after all, in contrast to all this heavenly harmony here on Lantau, there are quite a human joy – good shopping. Near the metro is one of the most famous in Hong Kong, Citygate outlets, and there is not only madamada, but also a lot of sports shops. Sometimes you can find good stuff with huge discounts. I love back to the Buddha to look only for the best of Nirvana))))

After the store – the only place in the world where a photo of your own feet is the place to be: on the cable car to the Buddha.
The 25 minute flight to it have themselves become the attraction. An hour floating cabins can take up to 7000 people! It is the longest cable car in Asia – almost 6 km.

You can go in a normal stall, but you can – with a transparent, or, as I like the literal translation of crystal cab crystal bottom. She, of course, more expensive;)
We have here by the way rumor has it that the cost of a glazed cubicle is the same as ordinary. But what is more important – experience! And you can save on the way back, if you sit in the bus. At the same time the cows will see. Hong Kong)

The only thing that can spoil impression is a queue, sometimes for 4 hours... And now the attention! Give secret information how to get around! The information is so secret that it is even written on the official website and translated in English))) But do not know about it, even the local, not the city.

So, to pass a few hours waiting, only need to buy advance ticket online:) And all! Pass by kilometer queue of tourists as the Poor gold card!

After this is the last chance to dine at the vegetarian tourist village. From it the road leads to a place that is well worth a visit, regardless of faith – to the Big Buddha.

If you divide the Hong Kong authorities, it turns out sleduushee: “Heart” is its port. Brains, of course, Central. Light – Lantau. Bladder, always crowded – it Mon Mine. The arteries of the road. And the soul... the Soul – somewhere in the lungs, on Lantau(and I soul since childhood, was always looking for somewhere in the lungs). The soul of Hong Kong is just a Big Buddha. And a bit of the nearby Po Lin monastery.

This energy is felt even my grandmother is a complete atheist;) In the mountains of Lantau, next to a smiling bronze statue of the giant everything is calm and harmonious...the height of the statue – 24m, weight – 250 tons. For us, these numbers are not that important, but Buddhists valuable every inch – they all love to measure the Buddhas. Hong Kong was the largest bronze Buddha prior to 2007. And after he became the world's largest bronze Buddha, but (attention!) already seated in the open air!

To the Buddha are 268 steps, which all always so proud of. Guys, again about his grandmother: she is 80 and she passed them in 4 minutes;) and also to be photographed immediately began! So it's not so difficult;)

Buddha sits on a Lotus is a special flower and there are at least two reasons:

1 – In Buddhism, believe in the cyclical nature of life and the best illustration than the Lotus, is hard to find: it blossoms with sunrise and closes at sunset. This return of vitality, youth, immortality.

2 – also, the Lotus is the symbol of purity. He is born in dirty water, but drawn to the light that runs through the Il intact. So the Buddha, was born in an imperfect world, but passed it and reached Nirvana.
Lotus figured out. Back to Buddha)))

He sits in meditation posture. Right hand raised in the Abhaya mudra – rassevat fear protects. At a glance – the Dharma wheel is motion and progress. The fingers of the left hands joined in the mudra Kubera – grants wishes. So don't forget to make your;) And a Big Buddha – the world looks not to the South,and North to Hong Kong and China. And blesses them.

Attention! On the way to the Buddha is the tent with the tickets. Confuses many travelers))) the ascent of the giant statue free. But inside the Buddha is a Museum, the ticket which just sell at the beginning of the stairs. It costs 33 hkd and threw it right behind the Museum is not necessary, even if you don't collect trophies from trips))))

It should show in the cafe at the Po Lin monastery and you all get to eat:) the Food, of course, will be vegetarian, but delicious!

Then it's best to visit the Po Lin monastery. After that, the path of wisdom! There, as a rule, already reach not all tourists. The first time I did not understand, right there are: almost no people, the path of the ordinary and even boring, and long, kind of...maybe, after all to return back?? But it should be:)

At the end of the road you will enjoy the amazing views for which was the wooden signs in the shape of infinity with a prayer on them is verses from the Heart Sutra. It is from here begins the path to the second highest point of Hong Kong – 934m peak of Lantau. I highly recommend you direct him a little bit to go: the steps were stone, and ballet flats you can;) after 10-15 Minutes you will have super views of the Buddha, the cable car and the Path of wisdom. Photos turn out much better than when you go to the statue and photographed close selfishboy monocrystallite. And these photos almost no one;)


How beautiful! That water is such a gorgeous color. I wish I could visit. Maybe someday :)

Have not been there for a long time. I think it's time to visit HK again.

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