Follow me to eat in Khao San Road! The most detailed Raiders!跟着我吃考山路就对啦!最详细攻略!【4】

in #food5 years ago

Below is our main food stall, Thai traditional cuisine fried strips.


The strips have different thicknesses in different stalls, and some can also be mixed and fried to experience different tastes, such as the transparent crispy river powder and the thick noodles of the strong noodles. Generally, the stalls selling vegetables are accompanied by vegetable spring rolls. The crisp spring rolls are wrapped in vegetables and have a little bit of salt and pepper.

The vegetables that are fast-fried and fast-fried have a clear taste. The tree I chose is a bit oily. I enter the soy sauce and the oyster sauce. There is also a little bit of Thai spice garlic. The store will prepare dried chili and hand-grinding for you. Peanut kernels. The peanuts are really too fragrant, evenly rolling on the surface of the noodles, oily and delicious.

In terms of price, an egg is 40 baht. I want to add an egg and a shrimp [six-seven], a total of 50 baht. As a staple food, you can say that you can eat too much!

Next to the strip, I bought a coconut with 50 baht. It tastes sweet. It is sweeter than the sugar cane juice but rich in flavor. It tastes more mellow and silky. It is also ice-cold when it is buried in the ice. I feel super happy.

Knock the key! Don't leave it when you're done, let the store dig out the thick fresh coconut meat, and then ask the stall owner to add ice cream. I added two servings here, so they all overflowed, and then topped with chocolate sauce and Stir-fried peanuts, ice cream sweet and refreshing with coconut, plus a piece of coconut, silky and fresh. This one requires an additional 50 baht.


When walking, there are tricycles on both sides of the police. The colored lights are matched with the enthusiastic voice of the masters, so that you can start to miss the colorful night market without going out of the corner. In addition to the food, the two sides of the bar in order to attract tourists with a subwoofer loudly and beat each other, the traditional Heiner tattoo, the rebellious spirit of the braids are all impressive.

If you are a backpacker, it is better to choose your first stop and feel the charm of the Thai night market.


nice preparation. nice street food. hope it is very testy. Your photography makes it more testy. Is not it?

It do tasty:)

Ice cream melting in coconut looks so chill and tasty I've never ever seen about this!

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