If you have an open mindsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

And want to understand

Then watch the shared video conversation between Dr. C.S. Wright and Mr. T. Vays.

About Bitcoin Cash

Whether I believe Dr. C.S. Wright is/ was the one who had the idea of creating Bit cash or Bitcoin, is quite unimportant. Although I do still tend to believe he was involved, somehow. Just like the late D.A. Kleiman was. To some extend Kleiman was probably the major smart brain behind the 'Satoshi Nakamoto' team.

It is about an unalterable, encrypted audit log system, that is the Blockchain Technology in its core essence. You see, I am alright with using the word 'core'. Just like I am okay with keeping an open mind, because at some point I might be wrong. Or it even might confirm what I already thought. And it can even add to my understanding of people their opinions. Basicly I am willing to learn and I even dare to be wrong. Or make mistakes, while even being stubborn in holding on to my own belief system. Like a donkey's rear end.

No doubt about it

Like I have stated before, Dr. C.S. Wright his intentions are very clear. Bitcoin is ment to be a peer to peer 'sound money' payment system where the mediator has been replaced by cryptographic mathematics. Banks will still excist and governments still will be able to do their thing. And the Satoshi's Vision {SV} version of Bitcoin Cash {BCH} will be legal tender all over the world. Because it's codebase will be clean, purged from anything that could be used for unlawfull activities.

This will not prevent Bitcoin, used as Cash, from getting used for any unlawfull activity. Nor will it keep any kind of Crypto, following the same principle from getting another layer build on top of it, that basicly allows unlawfull actions to take place. Yet in Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision it wont be alowed to be build into the code. No atomic swaps on chain, no external data used for signing or releasing tokens and no value to be burned and or destroyed. Basicly, just a closed payment system, that is it.


When the capacity limit on blocksize is removed then at some point home or hobby systems will stop competing. Therefore the only infrastructure that can keep such a system going has to be extremely powerfull. Imagine hashing TeraByte blocks and sharing them, or just the amount of transactions per second that are needed to fill those blocks. An internet connection with a few Megabit up- and download will fail very quickly. Ultra bandwidth connections are needed.

Direct fiber cable connections really would be prefered. And it would pay off to be able to have ones own Torium reactor near the mining plant. With billions of transactions per year this might be worth the long term investment as such. Even if every of those transactions just would pay 1 Satoshi per KiloByte {KB}. Could this not be done using a second layer, like Bitcoin {BTC} its Lightning Network {LN}? Well, I think it could, it is mainly another approach on solving the same scaling challenge.

What version will win?

There is still the 'doomsday machine' that is supposed to kick in at november the 15th 2018. Actually it is a super-computer as developed by Dr. C.S. Wright and his Nchain company. Or so it was claimed to be. And it was something that I thought about as being the surprise amount of added mining power. This might be what will show off the power of the upcoming 50% more efficient ASIC mining hardware Nchain will release in 2019. It will already be available to Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision to be used...

And so far it looks like the combined mining power is in favor of BSV. Meaning it will become the longest chain with the highest accumulated hashing power. What this means is that it will basicly become the main Bitcoin Cash hardfork. Or to put it in other words: BSV will become BCH. This, as seen from my point of view, will most probably happen. As all connected businesses will go for the most strongest secure chain. Why? Because they want to stay in business...

'Sharkpools' killing the old chain

That this war for business control over Bitcoin Cash {BCH} is deadly serious may be further concluded from the use of so called 'Sharkpools'. These are miningpools that only will mine empty blocks. Meaning they will destroy the transactions inside a Crypto network, while getting the rewards for every newly created block. Where the Cryptos that are earned this way are being used to destroy the that one by dumping it on the market. While the Crypto that the Sharkpool favors will be bought and thus get pumped. (Is this even considered to be legal then?)

And a major Sharkpool has announced it is going to use the ABC version to destroy its chain, in support of Bitcoin Cash SV. While there is a lot of combined mining power needed to be able to do so, every Bitcoin Cash ABC block that gets destroyed that way is another nail on its coffin. That is probably why Dr. C.S. Wright in a recent conversation with Mr. T. Vays (see shared video) was referring to Bitcoin Cash ABC as a corpse. And it does look indeed like it might going to be dead on arrival {DOA}.

No illegal things inside

This is basicly, as far as I understand, the reasoning behind the upcoming Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision coup. Bitcoin (Cash) or any other Crypto could be used for unlawfull purposes, just like money. 'Even', well known, banks launder money by the billions. Weapons are bought with them. Wars are financed with it. Yet it does not have that build in. Money is, more or less, neutral by itself, although I do disagree with that assumption, according to the banking monetary governance system it is.

For Bitcoin (Cash) to have a legal function inside of that realm it has to fit in. Meaning it has to be legal, according to any law of any country. According to Dr. C.S. Wright Bitcoin Cash ABC is now adding things to its code that makes it unlawfull to use. Putting anything into the sourcecode that makes illegal activities possible will keep it from becoming legal. Per definition using the Bitcoin Cash ABC version for 'unlawfull' purposes then would indeed do so, depending on which country (countries) and what law(s). It does not have to be the case using any Crypto, like Bitcoin Cash ABC, per definition. The use cases would, in fact, define whether some action could be considered illegal or not. (Yet, Dr. C.S. Wright probably would disagree on this.)

Sound money or more?

As far as I can see, Bitcoin Cash ABC will need a miracle to win this war. It seems the might is on the Bitcoin Cash SV side. Even some kind of replay protection might not even help the ABC version to be able to split off. (But I think they should add it.) No matter what thoug, the BCH people have seems to safe. Maybe it would be best for them to have control over their private keys. But with previous hardforking splits most exchanges did support the outcome. Hard to imagine any reason they will not do so now.

There is if course still a chance that the BSV version 'support' is hugely based on bluff. That will then be clear very soon after november the 15th 2018. If Dr. C.S. Wright has been playing bluff poker then Bitcoin Cash ABC will win the upcoming mining battle and it will move on as the main BCH chain. And as it seems there is much more to it than just a matter of some code also being able to be used for unlawfull activities.

Old system versus the alternative

There is a possible trillion USA Dollar market ahead, who is getting a share of that? And the banking monetary governance system probably wants to stay in control, for sure. With Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision, maintained by Nchain and Dr. C.S. Wright, they have their own pawn in the Crypto game. To me it is absolutely clear he is on their side of 'the game'. And no matter if he started Bitcoin or not, he sure wants to get it under his command.

Where it all seemed to be an alternative to the current system. In a way to surpas that system that does proof it is rotten all the way through. Money created out off nothing, legally by banks, against a debt, raised by accumulated interest. We have ongoing wars, growing poverty, violence, aggression, surpression, corruption, abuse and so on and so forth. All thanks to thousands of years of the banking monetary governance system ruling over humanity.

Something stinks

Some things seem strange, to state the least, when following the reasoning of Dr. C.S. Wright. The most strange part being, to me, that he supposedly came up with the idea for Bit cash or Bitcoin. Why do I doubt it? Because logically reasoned he would have hired developers and released it as closed source. And protected it mostly by patents and registered the trademark. Making sure it would have been audited by the banking monetary governance system. Yet none of that. So he must have come in at a later stage, or so it now seems highly likely to me.

Maybe trusting the fact that dead people cannot talk anymore, he stated once : "Satoshi is dead." Could be him referring to D. A. Kleiman who died on april the 26th 2013, as the one and only real 'Satoshi Nakamoto'. And it could be that Dr. C.S. Wright was somehow connected to the project, or got involved at a later stage. Could be under the pressure from... Who knows and I would add: Who cares! Something smells fishy about the involvement by Nchain and Dr. C.S. Wright.

Destroy the threat?

Hard to imagine, for me, that a man like Dr. C.S. Wright would support a free and open source co-operation in any way. Let alone that he would have kickstarted a reality changing concept using the free and open source community to do so. Without patents, without trademark, it does make less sense to me the more I think about. Dr. C.S. Wright is a lot, but no way near the legend 'Satoshi Nakamoto'. Yet he probably could not care less for me stating this, I know.

Does it matter? Well yes, for all those who fall for his 'Everybody is a criminal who use any other Crypto except mine!' retoric, it is important to understand, I think, they believe a demiurge who manipulates reality. Maybe he is compromised, or maybe he is just one of the lads serving the banking monetary governance system. Or someone who has some sort of debt to pay off. Could also be that he is just the businessman, he has told us many times before.

Make it happen, lose the bigger battle

If Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision 'wins' this 'war' then the banking monetary governance system will have won a bigger battle. At any cost it wants to keep the monopoly over money, as a means of division and thus a way to stay in central control. The so called capitalism Dr. C.S. Wright claims to stand for is Marxist Capitalism, I think. A small rich elite, bundeld as an oligarchy, ruling the world by dividing humanity, through wealth and entertainment.

His BSV promoted way is no improved at all. It will not make the banking monetary governance system any less corrupt. Nor will it create peace on earth. Poverty will still excist and the resources of the earth will still be drained. Yes, he is a businessman, he will use tricks to manipulate the outcome to his advantage.

Be carefull who you support

Did Dr. C.S. Wright prove he could sign any given message with a 'key' that probably belonged to Satoshi? No, he did not. Then he claimed he could move some early Bitcoin, thought to be owned by Satoshi. Did he? No, he bailed out, stated that he got scared...!? Sorry? Where did his balls go and what happened to his spine, all of a sudden. Hard to trust someone who made it more than once clear that his goal was to privatise Bitcoin (Cash). All within the laws of the banking monetary governance system.

This could end badly for Cryptos, of any kind, if BVS 'wins' this upcoming first big 'battle'. But my guess, and worry, is that many could support the side of Dr. C.S. Wright. Why? Because maybe they are scared by the ongoing wartalk and threats made by Dr. Wright. At some point though it might become evident that they supported the wrong side. Within a few days we will know if Cryptos won as being a substantive alternative system or if the empire struck back.

May the Cryptos be with us!

Check-mate for all Cryptos?
Digital drawing license CC-BY-SA @oaldamster.

Video shared for information purposes only.

Source: Youtube

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