Earth on the verge of self-destruction?

in Popular STEMlast year

I recently came across an interesting article that reported the results of research, rather analytical work, by physicist, climatologist and sustainable development expert from Harvard University, Allen Egon Cholakian. In his opinion, catastrophic processes are taking place inside the Earth, which can lead to its destruction.

Research results

It should be noted that the article is written in the spirit of "we are all doomed." Knowing how complex and multifactorial the life of the planet is, I am skeptical of the predictions given by the researcher. However, the results of his research deserve attention.

So, Cholakyan managed to analyze the dynamics of cataclysms on the planet and obtained the following results:

  • recently, there has been a significant increase in the frequency and magnitude of seismic anomalies;
  • the number of volcanic eruptions increased;
  • the number of hydrological, atmospheric, gravity and thermal anomalies has increased.

Next, I will quote from the words of the researcher:

We have recently discovered a number of disturbing anomalies in all layers of the Earth system. There is an extraordinary shift and destabilization of the Earth's core, sporadic and chaotic acceleration of the planet's rotation, displacement of its axis of rotation. This scenario is aggravated by the critical weakening and appearance of atypical anomalies of the magnetic field, a change in the composition of the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The scientist is convinced that increased seismic and volcanic activity affects the oceans, reducing their thermal conductivity. The oceans served as the planet's cooling mechanism for millions of years. Now this mechanism is broken and the planet is heating up rapidly.


Allen Egon Cholakian believes that the increasing dynamics and intensity of cataclysms is a sign of the coming apocalypse. According to his calculations, it will happen in a few years. However, I could not find these calculations.

Proposed solutions

The most surprising for me in this article were Cholakyan's suggestions. First he describes an inevitable apocalypse, but then he argues that it can be avoided by creating some new organization:

We urgently need to create a single international scientific center, essentially an international interdisciplinary alliance of the best scientists in the world, who will work on solving this problem.

In my opinion, the creation of such an organization will solve the problem of the apocalypse as effectively as the UN prevents the emergence of new wars on the planet. However, the new organization will effectively use taxpayers' money.


I think any information should be taken critically. In this case, the results of Cholakyan's research are interesting. It cannot be denied that the results obtained as a result of analytical work on the available data indicate an increase in the number of cataclysms in the last period. However, it should be noted that in the recent period, scientific progress allows registering even minor anomalies. For what period are the data available to us? How many cataclysms occurred 4 thousand years ago. More or less? And how many anomalies were registered 100 thousand years ago? Data for what period do we operate and are they significant for the entire period of the planet's existence?

Undoubtedly, the Earth has already experienced serious changes once, at least the same ice age. Can it be called an apocalypse, or is it just a new stage in the life of the planet?

Any drastic changes in climate or other factors will change living conditions. For some species of living organisms, this will be a disaster, and for others a period of prosperity. It is safe to say that soon the world as we know it will change, and people will have to adapt to new conditions.



I think your conclusions are justified.

It is, after all, the essence of scientific work that a (possibly obvious or observed) thesis is put forward and then examined in more detail. I do not know in which stage of the scientific discussion Cholakian is at the moment. But such work obviously needs to be reviewed by other scientists. In this respect, a committee of several scientists may well be helpful. I dare to doubt whether they can prevent the problems - which may have been caused by natural laws. Maybe it is possible to prepare better if certain effects are known, but to prevent them?

For example, it is also not possible to prevent increasing solar activity. We can only prepare for technical failures... or hope that the strong solar activity takes place on the far side of the sun.

Ich finde, deine Schlussfolgerungen sind berechtigt.

Es ist ja das Wesen von wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, dass eine (möglicherweise naheliegende oder beobachtete) These aufgestellt und dann näher untersucht wird. Ich weiß nicht, in welchem Stadium der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung sich Cholakian gerade befindet. Aber eine solche Arbeit muss natürlich von anderen Wissenschaftlicher überprüft werden. Insofern kann ein Gremium mehrere Wissenschaftler durchaus hilfreich sein. Ob diese die Probleme - die möglicherweise durch Naturgesetze ausgelöst wurden - verhindern können, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Vielleicht kann man sich besser darauf vorbereiten, wenn bestimmte Auswirkungen bekannt sind, aber verhindern?

Zum Beispiel ist es auch nicht möglich, eine zunehmende Sonnenaktivität zu verhindern. Wir können uns lediglich auf technische Ausfälle vorbereiten... oder hoffen, dass die starke Sonnenaktivität auf der Erdabgewandten Seite stattfindet.

 last year 

I agree with you. We can roughly predict certain phenomena in order to prepare for them. But it is unlikely to prevent this.

After writing the post, I read a little more about Cholakian and I got the impression that he came to a certain conclusion, believed very strongly in his rightness, and now he is trying to convince the whole world of his rightness. His public appeal to Biden, putin and Xi Jinping looks... weird. This is some kind of not very scientific approach, more like a game for the public.

In short, I don't really trust this scientist and would like his conclusions to be confirmed by one of the scientists.

 last year (edited)

We've been hearing "10 years to save the planet", since the 1970s. So far it has been wrong, every single time. I completely agree with your point, here:

In my opinion, the creation of such an organization will solve the problem of the apocalypse as effectively as the UN prevents the emergence of new wars on the planet. However, the new organization will effectively use taxpayers' money.

According to the video, this process effects the entire solar system, and it happens every 12,000 years. If it has already happened thousands of times, I guess the planet will get through it again this time and if it effects the whole solar system, I'm doubtful that people can change its course.

Cholokian's web site says he's a tax analyst and particle physicist, and the video says he works as a lobbyist. I guess his true expertise is collecting tax subsidies.

 last year 

Cholokian's web site says he's a tax analyst and particle physicist, and the video says he works as a lobbyist. I guess his true expertise is collecting tax subsidies.

It seems that you and I have the same opinion about this scientist :)

Well these unfortunate events occur when the people on top of the world use a weather machine called HAARP. When using that kind of machine to control the weather you basically screw up with the magnetic field or the matrix of the planet. It was something like this, anyway basically using that kind of machine is unnatural for the planet and it comes with let’s say lethal side effects?

 last year 

Officially, HAARP is an aurora research project. Although it appears in numerous conspiracy theories, it is also claimed that HAARP is a kind of geophysical or climate weapon. Personally, I am not very inclined to believe in conspiracy theories and hope that this project is just studying the auroras after all :)


You know if there are other studies related to the subject, to see if the results are verifiable.

It is important to check if this has not happened before on the planet and it is a natural cycle, such as warming and CO2.

As you say, one can already suspect when he argues for the creation of a supraregional body and plenipotentiaries over the countries, plus globalism.

 last year 

There are various studies that deal with climate change, but I have not found any that support Cholakian's conclusions. However, I would like someone to confirm or dispute his conclusions. In general, this scientist does not inspire confidence in me.

Buenos días ☀️ interesante reportaje, todo está escrito en la Biblia hacen 2000 años y lo que ha de ser, será. Habrá guerras y rumores de guerras, señales arriba en los cielos y abajo en la tierra, el sol se tornará en tinieblas y la luna en sangre, habrá terremotos en diversos lugares, los mares se saldrán de sus límites y entonces aparecerá en el cielo la gran señal del Hijo del Hombre.
Good morning ☀️ interesting report, everything was written in the Bible 2000 years ago and what is to be, will be. There will be wars and rumors of wars, signs above in the heavens and below on the earth, the sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood, there will be earthquakes in various places, the seas will rise beyond their limits and then the sky will appear. great sign of the Son of Man.

 last year 

I am also a Christian and of course I have read these prophecies in the Book of Revelation. However, I hope that what is written does not apply to our times. In every era, people waited for the end of the world and believed that it was very close because they saw various signs. But the end of the world never came. I hope we still have some time, but nobody knows.

El tiempo de Dios, no es el nuestro y también dice que El vendrá como ladrón por la noche, entonces no habrá señal porque ladrón no avisa. Gracias por responder. Shalom 🦋

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