in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

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Hello great and wonder members of steemalive and Steemit as a whole. I welcome you all to my blog. It's a great privilege to partake in this wonderful contest set up by @focusnow in steemalive community titled; Our World is sick. I gladly want to participate in the contest through this post. Happy reading.



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Truly and sincerely speaking our world is not just sick but very sick. Sickness in this case has to do with the state of abnormalities that has brought discomfort to human life and existence. There is a great sickness in some minds of human. The way the think and the steps they take about things is irritates. Majority of people take decisions with no consideration of people's feeling or pains. They take these decisions base on their selfish interest.

Incidents, events and occurances has over time proven people's interest and priorities. The way of reacting to things showcases the direction of interest. These days, people got me weeping. Let me highlight event that has constantly shows people priorities. Road accident is one thing that should demand a urgent attention and help. This is one incident that leave people broken, shattered, bleeding and death in most cases. People no more run to rescue victims rather to steal their phones, wallets and other valuable goods. What a sick mindset? I do cry when I see things like this.

Aside from stealing, other set of people rush to the scene to take pictures to speedily upload on social media. Isn't this sickness? This are people we should assist to serve their lives by rushing then to the hospital. I have witness this over time and it's a sickness that must be heal. This attitude is so bad as many has gone down just because there was no urgent intervention. The last one happened right before me, and the guy died finally. Oh! What a sick world.



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Bad parenting is one of the sickness the world is ongoing. We should never forget that the smallest unit of the world is the family. When the people in the family has no good upbringing, the society will definitely be in the state of chaos. My experience is on that if parents leaving the whole nurturing parental care into the hands of nanny that had no good home upbringing. The mother, barely breast feed the child and if she finally does, the child grows up to see his or herself in the hands of a stranger. With this, the child will have no instructions to follow in life.

To waste the whole matter, the parents aren't living together in the same roof. I had relative of mind currently losing vehicle at the park. He is of the same age as me. The parents aren't in good term and he was misled by his friends by into joining bad gangs and now a thwart.

Parents do not even pay attention or support their children any longer. Olden days mothers never allowed their children to suffer but in our days because of the wickedness of some men, mother's love dies off. I had one child in the school I do teach that always appear in school with marks, scars and bruises on his body done by the father who had pursue the mother away. Most time, you will perceive the stinking smell emanating fro the boy's wounds. Isn't this wickedness. Bad parenting should be forbidden because it will produce more people that will still keep the world on a sick bed.



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Justice as long ago been trodden on feet by many. Who get's justice these day? The world is sick up to the state to which justice can only come to you if you have people in high position. The innocent are going down everyday for ever trying to go for justice. People's right are taken from them and no one to speak on their behalf. The land of a poor man is forfeited by the rich because he might be imprison if he tries to speak out.

Matters are settle to favour some persons in place of others. Favourism is the order of the day. Who do you know is the question that is constantly thrown to many in their course to seek for justice.

How much do you have will be the next question. What! Money is the blinding factor for injustice. I know of a case, that a poor man went to lay in the police station as the complainer but surprisingly, he was the one in detention at last. The case was to be to his favour but money from the other end rewrote everything. This is bad because human right is tempered with and people are using their position to inflict pains on others.



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The primary cause of corruption is bribing. People are desperate about money that they can do anything just to get it. Majority of people in positions gets there through bribing. Incompetent people are on authority just because they had the money to fight their way there. As money is the voice so is bribing the most engage act.

A friend of mind had his name shortlisted for a work and was excited. Only for him to get back there and he was demanded to pay about two hundred thousand to retain the work. Since he didn't have that, his name was removed from the new list and he lost the job. This thing, happens everywhere in the society. Bribe as penetrated the thick walls of politics, education, career and religion. Money in our today's world answers all things and stimulates evil all because the poor mindset of some people in our today's world. Money reveals the true characters of people.



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The fraudulent system in banks is another facet of life that is very sick. Majority of people saw bank to be a means to save their money but it's a different ball game entirely. We can't really rely on our banking system for the safety of our funds.

The amount of an money people lose daily for unnecessary and irrelavant charges in banks can't be over emphasis. There is hardly a week you don't recieve debit alert from your bank over nothing. ATM maintanance charges is over high.

Aside from this, how about debited transaction that hasn't been trace. I've heard of many people that has given up on some good money cause by bank transaction. The big question is, Where does all these money go to? Hasn't all this fraudulent heart. This doesn't bring a good reputation to the banking system and the country at large. Some people are left hopeless because of fraudsters that infade people account and withdraw their hard earn money. All these is making our nation sick because of poor people's mindset.



This contest is a beautiful one that dig deep into people's unfair attitudes which causes havoc and crisis in the society thereby making the world sick. Let's consider people's pains when taking up decisions.


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Hmmmm, my brother bad parental is the wost thing that cause the world to sick most

Exactly sir. God will help us.

Bribery and corruption is likely the main culprit behind our backwardness as a country.

The virus is widely spreading. The antidote is in we changing our mindset.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

 3 years ago 

Wow @nsikakedem, i appreciate your sacrificing spirit, you guys un team goal Getters are amazing

Thank you ma. You are coaching us well.

 3 years ago 

Thank you

I pray there should be a cure someday to all these sicknesses

Amen. You and I are they cure. The cure is in the minds of people.

Hola interesante frase que reflejas en el post de que el mundo no solo esta enfermo, sino muy enfermo...

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Thanks @steemalive for the support. I appreciate.

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