in Project HOPE3 years ago


So I certainly checked the doomsday clock and we are about 100second to midnight which stands for a global catastrophe that would bring to an end our species and the world we know today. Dramatic.

Well, I believe that our species would someday disintegrate. By what means I do not know, but it is bound to happen one way or another. Everything does come to a sudden or inevitable end, ours might be more catastrophic.

I believe that our species has passed the point of extinction. We've been relatively useless in the grand scheme of things, and this level of uselessness keeps growing every day.

Early this morning I was watching a video on TikTok about how neurological connections are made in the brain. I was fascinated even though I have come across this idea several times.

However, while watching the said video I began to have some doubts about the ideas as it was being portrayed. The commentator did not look or sound particularly smart which did not help my unbelief.

What did strike me was that I did not have the means to counter or even verify the information. I could possibly do research but that would take the time I don't have. So it is either I believe what I have been told or not.

The distrust for information has grown significantly over the past decade with several revelations of the illicit activities of the media. We cannot trust what we see and hear, nor do we have the human and material resources to prove our unbelief.

In a world where there is distrust chaos ensues. Fortunately for us, we have technology that fills the gaps of our mental constraints (even that is being manipulated these days). We can rely on these things we've created to make sense of the plethora of data streaming through the world and minds.

At some point, there was some balance in terms of our relationship with technology. Now that has grown into almost total dependency on these tools we've created. Our tools are replacing us.

Today man accounts for a small portion of the intelligence that exists. Artificial intelligence is taking over gradually. Some AIs write complex codes, even posts such as this one with zero traces of plagiarism.

I cannot help but wonder about the role of the human species in the world of Artificial intelligence. We might want to cling to the uniqueness of the human soul but what usefulness in the grand scheme of things?

I also wonder if we are mere custodians of this fragile world ushering in the new world. I am sorry if I do not have much faith in humanity, there isn't much that inspires such emotion I must confess.

I will say that the only way to preserve our species, in my opinion, is to become one with technology. Today we have cellphones, laptops, etc tomorrow we might need to be those things to survive, or we would be milliseconds away from doomsday.

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