I Guess It's Time To Go Back To Being Dumb

in #life6 years ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
I'm always busy trying to play a little game of one-upmanship with myself.
How do I top that?

NoNamesLeftToUse - Good Stuff.jpeg

I don't have much today.

I do want to say thank you though.

That was a nice warm welcome.

My first ever Steem Leo post hits the top of the charts. I'll be remembering that one.

At the same time, the same post was in the top slot on Palnet.

You would not believe how long I've been waiting to be able to do something like that, organically.

All I did was write something and hit the post button; then hoped for the best.

I've been here nearly three years. Never felt better. Had some good times but damn, I think I finally won that little game of one-upmanship, with myself. I suppose that means my life is complete.


Shape up. That post should have been number one trending there as well.

Ha! I'm just messing around. Don't need to be getting all greedy now.

Speaking of greed. Things kind of changed, didn't they?

A top trending post within any one of these tribes turns out to be the most generous offering to the community, under the 50/50 model, taking the organic approach. Isn't that something?

New people coming in; they need to know that. It's a group effort and damn near everyone stepped up to the plate. I don't have a sense of selfishness flowing through my veins. It's an offering to the tribe, like the old days. I brought a dead animal home and everyone gets to eat.

There's always been a lot of animosity; jealousy. Someone starts out fresh. They see all that money. They look at their own post. Not much there. The next day, same thing. The next day, same thing. The next day! Same thing!

"What's going on here!"

"I spent seventeen hours writing my post!"

"The cat was meowing the whole time! And I can't even buy cat food! How am I supposed to explain this to the cat!"

"Sorry kitty!"

"Daddy sucks!"

"I hate my job and it's their fault! Their fault for earning so much!"

"Their cats probably get the gourmet stuff!"

But now all the kitties can eat.


What I meant to say was:

I got to meet a lot of new faces.

And if you're one of those who's new to all things @NoNamesLeftToUse, there's something you should know.

I don't normally write those kind of posts (my previous post).

I don't expect everyone to enjoy what I'm usually doing on this blockchain either. At the same time, I don't want to freak you out. You came here today, maybe. Were you expecting me to explode about cats? Probably not.

I wasn't expecting me to do that either. It just all kinda happened.

I never know what I'm going to do today, or tomorrow. Next Friday, pff, I dunno. I just hit keys and words come out.

I like to be entertaining. Sometimes I try too hard and make an ass outta myself.

I'm an artist, I guess. More of what's known as an outsider artist. According to facts, my stuff won't be well known and appreciated until long after my death. I'm fine with that. I'll be dead, so it won't bother me, plus I put the keys in the will, for my kids. I told them to live as long as they can, even if it means a head inside of a jar with robot legs; because future.

I produce digital art. Scroll down my blog someday and look at all the chaos. I made all that. This is my 751st post. It would take days to look at it all.

Am I crazy?

Yeah. A little bit.

I think it takes a special kind of crazy to come here and put on a show. Blogging for crypto; kinda crazy. We all have a little bit of it inside of us. It's a good thing. We're all pioneers. Hoping for a better future. A better future for our families, our friends here. It's cool.

I like it.

And I like the fact, now, if I feel like putting on my suit and tie, talking some business with you folks out there; there's a place to go. There's a place for me to go to learn from you folks as well. All neatly sorted into a nice little pile.

Steem Leo, that's a nice place you have there. I certainly won't use the tag for this post though. Wouldn't make much sense to do that.

These tribes/communities offer us all more flexibility. It's not easy to pick one topic and roll with it, forever. For nearly three years, I've bounced around.

My following doesn't seem to mind the variety. It's good to keep people on their toes as well, always wondering what's next, but never knowing. I've done a fine job of that, for nearly three years. I think anyone else can as well. Feel free.

Some days the post is long, some days it's short. Some days I ramble, like this.

Other days

I just want to say thanks.

Thanks for that warm welcome. It's nice to meet all you fresh new faces who started following my blog recently. Feel free to shoot the shit with me any time you feel like it.

And with that...

I really like this song. It's a Canadian band. Enjoy it. Look how much fun those people are having. Go to their shows if they come to your city. Subscribe to their Youtube. Tell them @NoNamesLeftToUse sent you. That should be fun. They don't even know who the hell I am but that doesn't matter. Anyway...

Have a nice day.

Youtube video linked to official source.
All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"And apparently @neoxian made his own tribe because he's 'frikkin Neoxian'."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


Boom! and just like that you are trending. I pressed the magic trending button and you are tops in my City. Welcome to City of Neoxian, and try the City Beef.


I can see the steem cat community dropping some meow's on this post, if we had a feline tribe.

Yeah, that was a good one. Top of the pops on the new sites and how many comments? 388 and still rising, damn.

It was a top notch post and so fitting seeing it in lights.

These tribes/communities offer us all more flexibility. It's not easy to pick one topic and roll with it, forever.

They do, and it certainly is not. I've branched out to the tribes I have interest in and being the fairly honorable Steemian that I am, started with new accounts to not collect those auto-votes on content that may not fit the readers that placed them there. But folks are free to do what suits of course.

Congrats on the new followers, I hope they are a solid bunch of shit shooters :)

Those comments are a bit uncontrolled, but there are quite a few, yes. I spent a lot of time doing some customer service. Had a lot of fun talking to everyone. It used to be like that for me quite often, a long time ago, when I was rich... LOL. I missed that. I'm loving it. Feels really good and damn a lot of folks earned my respect pretty fast. Twas a good day. Maybe I'll top it. Hopefully with some comedy though!!

Customer service, that's right. I'm keen on that too, and appreciate others who do the same.

Comedy, trending? That would make a change and would potentially be an excellent sign.

I got close in the earlier days when a trending post was like $40 organic, with comedy. It was something like "A day in the life of a troll". A couple other close calls as well but never #1. I had an art post that hit #1 a long time ago, briefly. Comedy #1 these days... tough one indeed, but a sign there's life and this actually is the internet, because anywhere else, people love that shit. I burned through a lot of material already though. Enough for five specials. Doesn't get any easier.

Hey there @nonameslefttouse, I am one of the newfishs following your blog. I like your attitude and your style on this blockchain.
For some reason, I also believe that you choose to be that person here. Everyone can do what he wants to do.
I see the effort you put in your posts and you deserve it to be on the trending page. At least it is high quality content and no paid shit. I used to do better posts back in the day, but for some reason i got demotivated and started to do some daily updates.
No intellectual stuff though
Keep up your vibe! You are a BA - Blockchain artist :D

It's funny you mention the choice. I'm one of the rare few writers here who will step into character from time to time. At first, people didn't know what the hell to make of it. Some got used to it, some got scared away, much like how a bad guy wrestler would convince people he's actually bad. So yeah, if I don't feel like being myself, I'll step into entertainment mode, do something creative, just have fun, and watch the reactions roll in.

I like your response :) You are completly right! I think you do some good work in this community. And it is a blast to read your post!

You have to take care of those cats, they get down right mean when they get hungry and grumpy. But completely off the topic of cats there is another new place you may want to hang your hat-Creative Coin. - from swelker101 and isaria .

You can certainly say a lot when you don't have much to say. A fine read. keep taking over the world we need more outsiders, not saying your an alien or anything like that...

I saw that announcement. Art used to be one of the most popular tags here, always near the top, and typically paying out the most on average. I'm looking forward to that one.

I'll be a lurker over there, I think most of my amateur photographic tries will just stay on steemit and palnet for now. But I do appreciate the good artist and authors, it was nice to see they were going to represent written art also. Although I am looking forward to the Writers getting stuff together for authors. A nice thing about the tribes/communities, is they so far have short specific tag list so it makes it much easier to find things. Example would be in the sports talk place, American football, The rest of the world football, swimming, baseball, gymnastics. Sam for the art community, Prose, Painting, Sculpture, so that the consumer can pretty much jump to what interest them in a particular subject matter.

I still see it all as the 80's style old magazine rack where everyone had a magazine for every topic.

Yeah, provided folks tag things properly. I see many screw that up, but I also know many are amateurs just learning their craft. There's nothing more annoying though when you leave a comment telling someone they used the wrong tags, and they just get angry.

I like how everything is finding a home but I also enjoy the variety groups, especially when I'm placing my own content within the variety group. One thing I figured out early was to design the OUTSIDE of the post in a way that will appeal to the IMPULSE BUYER. An impulse buyer is someone who went to the store to pick up a few things, but came home with a few more things, simply because it caught their attention. My titles and thumbnails sometimes might look a bit silly to the "professionals", but they serve a strong purpose.

Yeah the old conundrum of "don't judge a book by it's cover", people need to understand that very few are going to go for the book of falling leaves and the title "My Bloody Valentine" they are going to go for the black and red book cover with a blood dripping heart and a sexy woman holding a knife drenched in blood. They are looking for a horror/murder story, the book with the falling leaves and same title may be better written, but what one is going to sell?

I still like some of the nonsense tags I have used, but steem is expanding time to expand the horizons.

At least your cat can have a gourmet can now... Unless you're too greedy to share with it... Right..?

Have a nice day man.

Posted using Partiko Android

There's no way I'm letting the cat eat the gourmet canned stuff. Do you even know how good that stuff is on a sandwich? Spreads so nice. Little bit of lettuce on there. Some mustard. Relish. Italian salad dressing. Kitty just stares at me.

Yeah... For some reason I remembered "The Black Cat" from Edgar Allan Poe...

Posted using Partiko Android

well it's true, we write what we wanted to write. It doesn't need to be focus on one topic, random writing will be more interesting rather than one topic most of the time. That's why people coming back to visit your blog because they're entertained by different types of writing.

Posted using Partiko Android

There's a good reason why we don't wear the same clothes every day. The stink.

one of the new ones here. i think i have a thing about a bit of crazy people (don't tell them, because than they will know that i think they are a bit crazy) so i could enjoy your ramblings. who knows.

cats should not be hungry, they are really annoying when they are.

scrolled through the posts, i like some of the art and some of it is for the future :D

and my thought about trending on pal and leo, i am sure it has nothing to do with 50:50, just that pal was shared and staked by people that curate and do not spend all on themselves

Some is definitely for the future LOL!

About the 50/50. I was just mentioning how generous it is to be on the trending, instead of selfish selfvoting with bidbots for shit posts nobody cares about.

Of course tribes would come into being while I was electronic free...what are these tribes? Where do I go to find out about them? Like newsteem and leosteem and whochawatchasteem?

Well we got The Steem. People just post the word The there all day. Whoever does the best The wins. Then we got ShoeSteem. Shoe selfies, all day, all night. Seen some sneakers there. We got SteemSweatPants. Kinda cool. SteemMacdonalds. Best big macs ever. Then there's Steemfries, but that's extra. We got some STEEMthrowers. People just throw things and record it in slow motion sometimes. I liked the one with the plates. Then there's the STEEMCANS. Recycling I guess. Don't have to go pick from the ditches and garbage cans any more. SteemHeroin. I haven't tried it yet. We got some STEEMBUMS. Some nice asses. STEEMFRIEDRICE. Good stuff there.


I like the third line. "Ice? No problem." Reminds me of a waitress I met once.

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