{Story} Rabbit love episode 26-30

in #fiction7 years ago

{Story} Rabbit love episode 26-30
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Episode 26.

I lost track of time while gisting with Sam; he was the most lively person apart from Vivian, that i have ever met.
He was capable of making you forget your sorrows and the whole world around.
I ran to my room when i heard Kelvin’s car horn at about 8PM.
He came in and i heard him slam the door and before you know it, i started hearing his voice and that of Sam.
I didn’t clearly hear what they were saying , but i heard Sam telling Kelvin to forgive me.
I smiled in amusement, how can he be angry when i did nothing wrong in the first place.
The voices stopped and i ran to the bed and pretended to be asleep, incase Kelvin walks in.
I heard him walk in and i was expecting him to slam the door but he closed it gently.
”Maybe his brother talked sense into him” i thought to myself.
I shut my eyes tightly, I knew he was close to me. because i could perceive his scent, i just stayed mute, i didn’t move an inch.
I only moved a little when i felt his hands on my arms.
”Baby, i am sorry for my outburst this morning”
I just twitched my mouth and continued in my pretence.
”Am sorry, please look at me, i know you are not sleeping” he continued.
I still remained silent.
”alright, just look at me even if you will not forgive me”
I turned slowly and i was shocked to see him kneeling beside me.
At the mere sight of him kneeling down, all the anger and hatred i felt towards him disappeared into thin air.
I opened my mouth to speak but no sound came out, i was touched beyond explanation.
”Baby, am so sorry, am sorry for being so unreasonable this morning, am sorry for hurting you, am so sorry for everything, please forgive me” he said while still kneeling.
Tears began pouring down my eyes when i remembered how unfairly he treated me that morning, he tried to wipe my tears with his hands but i pushed it away and got up from the bed.
”am on my knees, please forgive me” he continued pleading and my heart began softening and before you knew it, i was leaning on him and crying.

”Do your like it” he asked, showing his perfect white dentition.
”yes, i love it” i replied touching the diamond encrusted necklace he gave me earlier as a gift for forgiving him.
”We will meet with two of my friends at a resturant for dinner, before going to the Cinema for the late night movie” he said while carassing my exposed thighs.
”it’s alright” i replied shifting my legs away from his hands, I was wearing a skimpy red coloured gown with a deep cut and a sleeveless hand. The clothes were too exposed and i know it but i had to wear it because Kelvin picked it out himself.
”why are you moving away, haven’t you forgiven me” he asked returning his hands to my legs.
”i have forgiven you but i just want you to concentrate on your driving” i lied to him, although it wasn’t far from the truth, his touch was getting me irritated and at the same time my safety was also my priority.
My heart skipped a bit when i remembered what Sam had told me earlier when i came into the sitting room dressed for my outing.
”I have a bad feeling about this outing, please don’t go”
I ignored him and went out.
”maybe he’s jealous of me and his brother” i thought to myself.
”why are you silent” Kelvin asked me, taking the bend that led to the resturant where we were to meet his friends.
”nothing, where were you earlier today?” i asked and his face stiffened a bit before returning to his normal expression.
I just knew he was about to lie to me.
”i was hanging out with my friends and please don’t ask me which friends”
”alright, can you ask you something else”
”yes baby”
”why didn’t you tell your family about our engagement”
He laughed loudly.
”I told them, who told you that lie?”
”your brother said he wasn’t aware of the engagement” i said to him.
”My brother is a big liar then, cos all my family members are aware of our engagement”
”no but, we are already there” he said entering into the resturant. He parked carefully and we walked in hand in hand, we saw his friends already waiting.
We sat down and they both introduced themselves as Clarence and Henry.
They already knew who i was so there was no point in introducing me to them.
We ordered food and started gisting about stuffs happening in Nigeria ranging from politics to entertainment.
We soon finished there, paid the bills and headed out of the resturant.

The last thing i remembered was that i got into the car. When i woke up, i was semi-unclad, my cloth were gone leaving me in just my underwear. I turned around but the place didn’t look familiar, it was probably a hotel, i looked out of the window and everywhere was bright, i didn’t know for how long i had stayed there, i started crying.
Just then Kelvin came in smiling and waving a camera at me.
”everything has been recorded so, henceforth you will do whatever i say or i will release this s*xtape and ruin your career and your perfect life.” he said and walked out laughing loudly.

Episode 27.

It’s been a week since the incident
I was fast becoming a shadow of myself, i was simply dying in silence.
Kelvin my so called fiance was enjoying every bit of pain and emotional torture that i was going through.
It was early in the morning, we were both in bed, he was busy doing only God-knows what on his phone and smiling while i sat down staring into space and silently cursing the day i met him.
My phone rang and i looked at Kelvin to seek his approval.
The past one week since the incident, he has been in-charge of all i do including the clothes i wear and the calls i answer.

”who is that” he said sternly.
”It’s…It’s Vivian” i said in a shaky voice.
He shrugged and continued what he was doing with his phone.
I waited and waited but i saw no sign of disapproval and i answered the call.
”Hello V” i tried to sound cheerful, praying that she doesn’t notice the change in my voice.
”Good morning Becky. Hope you slept well, cos i didn’t, Kola is away on a business trip and the twins have gone to school, it’s just me and the kicking baby in my stomach”
Vivian hasn’t changed a bit, you say a word to her and she will reply you with two hundred words.
”V, did you call me by this time of the day to tell me all this” i asked calmly, trying to hold myself from breaking down into tears at the thought of how ugly my life has now become.
”sorry about the timing, i was just asking if we could hang out tomorrow at our usual spot by 5 or you will come to my house” she said sounding very enthusiastic like she won a lottery game.
The call was on loudspeaker, I looked at Kelvin to know if he will give me any sign to reject the offer but he didn’t so i hastily agreed to the meeting at Olive’s garden and ended the call before she brings up anything that will implicate me and put me in more trouble.

The minute i ended the call, Kelvin stood up from the bed, i was initially scared, i thought i had offended him.

”am going out, and i won’t be back until evening” he said to me without even looking at my face.
”Isn’t it too early” i asked with concern.
”is it your leg or your car” he asked. His eyes dark with anger.
”Sorry” i said and closed my eyes to avoid any further troubles.

He went into the bathroom and came out few minutes later, he started dressing while i pretended to be asleep and after dressing up he left the room without saying a word to me.
I was relieved when i heard his car leave the compound.
Unlike before when we first met, staying without him was like a death sentence but this days staying in the same room with him was becoming unbearable and choking.
I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that this handsome monster was the Kelvin i met at Vivian’s wedding who had looked impeccably handsome and cute in his black tuxedo and his cute smile.
I brushed the thoughts of the happy moments we had and rushed into the bathroom and by the time i came out i was looking better than i was.
I strolled into the sitting room and met Sam on the couch studying his Bible.
I felt a piercing sensation in my heart.
Gone were those days when i will wake up and study my Bible, now i didn’t even own a Bible.
My life has suddenly taken a turn from the once happy school teacher to a modern s*x slave.
”Good morning Becky” he greeted me immediately i came into full view.
”Sam good morning”
”How was your night” he asked keeping his Bible by his side.
”Fine and urs” i replied with a fake smile and went and sat opposite him.
”mine would have also been nice if not for the noise coming outta your room at night during your nightly love making session, please you two should try to keep it low next time” he said and sat upright.
I was embarrassed, ofcourse all he said was true. It was a nightly thing, i dare not refuse Kelvin.
But the cries that were coming out of mouth were not cries of joy or ecstacy but that of pain and anguish and a bleeding heart.

”Becky did i say something wrong”
I opened my eyes to see Sam at my front with concern written all over his face.
I touched my face and felt the liquid, i didn’t realize that i was shedding tears at the thought of Kelvin monstrous acts.
”No, you didn’t” i said and wiped my tears with my palm.
”Becky, am not a kid, I have noticed how moody you have been since the day you left the house with Kelvin and you both returned at daybreak, tell me what’s wrong’
”Nothing” i replied and tried to get up but he held me down.
”what did my brother do to you” he asked looking straight into my eyes.
”nothing, we are just going through a bad phase in our relationship” i lied.
”well, am glad it’s just that, i thought it was worse” he replied.
”why would you think that” i asked him.
”my brother has not been himself since Jemimah’s death, i never knew he could fall in love again”
”who is Jemimah”
”I see he hasn’t told you, that is his secret to tell, ask him” he said and left me.
His words left me confused and curious as to who Jemimah is.

Episode 28.

I was in my room pondering on who this Jemimah lady was when Kelvin drove into the compound that evening.
Earlier on, i had tried all my possible best to get Sam to tell me who she was but he refused blatantly.
I cook and i even stooped as low as trying to seduce him to get the information but no method worked.
It seemed like he was immune to all my charms.
Trust me when i say he was the first red-blooded male that have ever rejected my sexual offer.
I was desperate to know why Kelvin suddenly turn from being nice to a green eyed monster.
I was still in my thoughts when Kelvin walked into the room.
I stared hard at the T-shirt that was tightly mounded to his body which he got from spending his free hours in the Gym.
My lust suddenly turned into hatred when i looked at his face and his face held that grin it normally holds whenever it was time for me to perform my nightly duties.
I felt anger burning in my system, he just walked in from only God knows where, he hasn’t even showered nor eaten yet he wants to have s-x with me. I couldn’t help but wonder if i was still his fiancee’ or a s-x slave.

”hello princess” he said coming closer to the bed where i was sitting, his voice was unmistakeably filled with lust.
I clenched my fist to hide the urgue to bury both my hands on his neck and yanck his head off.
”welcome” i replied, instead of imagining tourturing him.
”is that how to welcome you fiance, come on give me a kiss” he said and brushed his lips against mine.
Is that the smell of cigarrete or is my senses toying with me?
Before i could think about the smell i just perceived his lips came down on mine again and this time it wasn’t a gentle brush of his lips to mine but a demanding, taking and not giving kiss.
Before i knew it his hands was already tugging at my shirt and before five minutes we were both unclad, i couldn’t dare to refuse him, even though me body was aching from the herculean task of making a delicious pot of Egusi soup and Semovita for Sam.

We laid still on the bed with the silk bed cover drapped over our unclad bodies.
I looked over at the monster who i initially thought i knew and loved.
His eyes were still roaming my body clearly showing that he wasn’t yet satisfied.
I drew the sheet up, covering up to my neck.
I can literally say now, that Kelvin is a nymphomaniac.

”why are you silent” he said with his voice harsh, i shrugged it off, atleast he noticed i was silent.
”what is he expecting me to do? Should i start singing after Love- making lullaby” i thought to myself.
”i was just thinking” i replied calmly.
”about what” his voice held no sign of concern.
”about you and your life with Jemimah” i blurted and looked at his face to see his reaction.
His face displayed an array of different emotions; love-anger-joy were all there.
What they had must be really special for him to react that way.
I turned to look at him again and this time his face was red with anger.
I knew i was in deep trouble.
He stood up with shaky hands and started wearing his clothes and at the same cursing and swearing in yoruba.
When he turned to the door that was when i realized that he was about going to rip his brother’s body off.
I immediately ran to the door and knelt down before him in my unclad state and started begging him to forgive his brother.
He finally agreed and relief washed over my face.

The next morning had been normal except that i saw a whole new side of Kelvin, a very silent Kelvin who said less than five words to be before going off to work.
I really enjoyed Sam’s company before heading to the gym at 10AM.
I was beginning to greatly admire Sam’s great sense of humour and his kidness and genuine care.
I pushed the door to the gym open and i was surprised to see Dency working out on the wind miller machine, she smiled to me when i got close and i return the pleasure.
My workout was an intense one, i was trying to get all the bad treatment and torture that i was getting from Kelvin out of my system.
I was feeling better and exhausted by the time i rounded things up.
Dency got up with me as i was about getting into my car.
She told me that she was now cool with her father and i smiled in happiness and hugged her.

I got home and met Kelvin’s car parked at the front of the house.
I pushed the dissappointment away and decide to face whatever it is that brought him home that earlyy.
I pushed open the door and was greeted by silence.
I looked at Sam’s usual position on the couch but he wasn’t also there.
After staying in the house for about five minutes i painfully realizied that Sam moved out of the house or rather Kelvin chased him out of his house for telling me his secret.
I felt broken and empty to loose a friend over Kelvin’s possessive character and secretiveness.

Episode 29.

The next morning.
”Kel, why did your brother leave” i asked gently.
”i said it” he sparked ”there is something going on between you and my brother, you are nothing but a disgrace, jumping from one bed to another at the slightest opportunity” he continued making me boil with rage.
I have had enough of his meaningless accusations but there’s nothing i could do about it. He would ruin my life and career if i get into a fight with him.
”is not what you mean” i said calmly trying to soften his heart but he was getting more and more angry.
”you think am as dumb as you are” he said and smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes.
”Sam is just a friend” i explained.
”a friend with benefit, no need to give me details about how you have been warming his bed, i can imagine” he said coldly and i felt hot tears in my eyes.
I tried to talk but it seemed like his accusation had blocked my throat, no sound came out.
”stop you crocodile tears, you are getting me irritated, we both know that you will greedily jump into any guy’s bed, if he offers you money for your luxurious lifestyle” he said and left me in the bed to wallow in my pains.
He was right, i had sold myself cheaply to him, i wish i could turn back the hands of the clock but it was too late already.
For the first time since i met Kelvin, i closed my eyes and prayed for God to get me out of this mess.

Kelvin left for work and i was alone in the room wallowing in my pains and sorrows and crying like my life depended on it, when my phone rang and i saw the strange number, i was scared to pick it thinking it was one of Kelvin’s monstrous plan.
After it rang for the second time, i answered the call and the sound of the voice brought warmth and joy to my heart, i quickly wiped my tears and concentrated on keeping this feeling of joy that he brought along with him.
”Sam, why did you leave” i asked without even exchanging pleasantries.
”your boyfriend asked me to”
at the mere mention of ‘your boyfriend” my heart sank again.
”so, how are you surviving, do you need money to get an apartment” i asked with genuine concern towards his wellbeing.
He laughed before replying me.
”i have more than enough money in my account to buy the whole of this city”
i momentarily forgot i was talking to billionaire’s son.
”oh, sorry about that”
”nothing to be sorry about, i appreciate your offer, it’s not everyday that we get to see a woman who is willing to give a guy money, it’s always the other way round”
”where do you stay now”
”not very far from you, don’t worry you will get to know my house at the right time” he said like he knew i was about to ask him for his address.
”how do you move around”
”no big deal, my dad got me an SUV with just a phone call, Becky, don’t worry about me, i have more than what i need to survive, you should be more concern about your wellbeing”
”how do you mean” i asked.
”never mind, i just called to check up on you, bye” he said and ended the call before i could say anything further.
Fear gripped me.
Why would he tell me to be more concerned about my wellbeing?
Does he know the kind of monster his brother was or was he just saying it.
Am sure he knew something for him to have abruptly ended the call like that.
I was literally shivering with fear.

I started packing my bags but i soon realized that there was no way out for me, so i just pushed the already packed bag back into the wardrobe.

Three days later.

Kelvin drove in and i ran to the bed the way i have been doing since Sam’s phone call
He came in and slammed the door.
I knew he was angry about something, another thing i realized when he started showing me his realself was that he was quick to anger.
I didn’t turn even when he came out of the bathroom.
He came to the bed and started to move his hands over me but i stayed still.
”Baby, i know you are not sleeping”
His voice alone made me more irritated than i already was.
He began pulling away the sheet covering my body when i refused to move.
I caught the sheet halfway.
”Kelvin, please leave me, am tired already”
”my brother is not here so who did you sleep with that made you this tired for the past three nights, is it the gateman?”
”what, how could you say such a thing to me, am i that cheap” i asked with anger.
”we both know what you are”
”Kelvin can’t you see me as a normal human instead of your s-x object”
He just smiled.
”Kelvin, as for s-x forget it, am not doing this anymore, if you want to kill me, just kill me” i said to him and layed back down.
”you see, that is why i say you are a dummy”
Before i could turn he was already on me, i tried to push him away when i realized that he was about to rape me but i couldn’t. I tried to shout but realized that the maids and cooks don’t come to the side of the house when Kelvin is around.
Nevertheless, i still started shouting for help hoping for a miracle to happen.

Episode 30.

I was still screaming on top of my voice while Kelvin had a devilish smile on his face.
”Try using a megaphone, am sure people will hear you when you do that”
”Kelvin, please let me go, please” i pleaded with tears in my eyes.
”why should i, am only taking what belongs to me, i made you who you are today, i spend money on you, i got you a car and even an expensive engagement ring and the least you could do was just stay faithful to warming my bed everynight but no, you think you’ve grown enough wings” he said while relaxing his heavy weight untop of me.
”Kelvin, please, am begging you don’t do this, i will hate you after this, coupled with the emotional trauma.”
”emotional trauma” he said and laughed ”it’s not like you are a virgin, why would a who*e like you be traumatised for doing what she does best and as for hating me, i don’t give a d--n”
he said and with that he tore the last piece of clothing away from my body and i screamed with the last strenght i had and suddenly the door popped open and Sam came in, i could see the shock on his face.
”Kel, what is this” he said while coming closing and dragged his brother away from my body.
”what are you doing here” Kelvin screamed at his brother and raised his hands to hit him.
Sam was more muscular even though he was younger, so he caught his hand and pushed him down.
”Kel, what’s wrong with you, have you suddenly lost it”
”yes, I lost it when you and your friends killed Jemimah” he said aloud with pure pain in his voice.
”if you think so, but why transfer your anger to Becky?”
”i never transferred any anger to her, i only demanded for the only thing she has to offer, i gave her a good job, popularity and every other thing she wanted, the only thing i wanted was her body” he said aloud and i bent my head and started to cry again, i only looked up when a towel fell on my naked body and Sam looked at me giving me signal to cover up.
”Kelvin, dad will hear this first thing tomorrow money”
”who cares, after you have always been his favourite son” he screamed at Sam and started walking to the bathroom.
”and she is also leaving this house tonight” Sam threw at his back.
”i don’t give a d--n also, am already done with her, I’ve gotten what i wanted”
He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door and i burst into hot tears, Sam came to me and started patting my back and by the time i quietened down. He asked me to dress up and come and spend the night in his house before his brother does something worse to me.
I obeyed and in few minutes i was already at the door step with my bag in my hand and Sam by my side.
I looked at the house where my life turned around for good and then back to worse and i started shedding tears again.
”it’s will be fine, let’s just go don’t worry about anything” Sam said and patted my back before stretching his hand to collect the bag from my hand, i gave him and followed him quietly to the car.

The ride to his apartment was short and quiet.
I only found my voice when i got into the apartment.
”i will keep the bag in the room while you go and take a cold shower” Sam said with a heart felt smile on his face.
i followed the direction of his hand to the bathroom, took a cold shower and washed off all Kelvin’s scent from my body and then came out feeling better.
I realized i hadn’t eaten a single spoon of food since morning when i perceived the sweet aroma that filled the whole house
I followed the aroma and it led me to the kitchen, where i froze when i saw it was Sam cooking and not a maid or a cook.
He looked really nice in the apron and the loosed T-shirt he was wearing.
I shrugged the thought away, now wasn’t the time to be fantasizing about the person who saved me from being raped.
”Sam, thanks for today” i said when i got closer.
”Thank me after dinner, but for now go and make your self comfortable at the sitting room while i serve you dinner” he said with a look clearly stating he was deeply sympathizing with me.
I looked over his shoulder and saw it was spagetti that he was cooking.
”is spagetti the only food you cook” i said and smiled trying to look less vulnerable.
”it’s a fast food or would you have prefered Noodles” he said with concern.
”Noodles is so last year since i realized it was dentrimental to my health”
”am hearing this from a girl for the first time” he said with a mockery smile that showed all his teeths.

We talked about alot of things while the food was cooking and when it was cooked he dished for me and i ate to my satisfaction.
”Becky, how did you get into this mess” he asked after i finished eating.
”i loved him and he loved me, i don’t know what happened” i explained with arms folded.
”well, it’s clear that the true love was one sided, you loved him and he took advantage of your feelings and exploited you and used you to his own advantage despite all the goodies he offered, that kind of love in my book is called a RABBIT LOVE”



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