Learn to cook with Nicole (& Kris) #4 : Apple Roses Pie 🌹【 跟妮可(和Kris)學甜點 #4:玫瑰蘋果派】🍎

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit friends,


Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today!
This weekend, I was invited by my bestie @krischy to do something new, a crossover on Steemit. ️ We made two delicious, sweet and summer desserts, apple roses pie and fruit jelly bubbles and would like to share these recipes with you. I will share the apple rose pie recipe and Kris will share the fruit jelly bubbles' recipe with you.

這個週末,我的好朋友-這個Steemit平台的大美女@krischy 邀請了我跟她一齊做兩個甜品,分別是玫瑰蘋果批和水果果凍球。這一次我們決定嘗試crossover,每人介紹一樣甜品,這次我會介紹吸睛和健康的玫瑰蘋果派 🌹,而Kris會介紹水果果凍球,大家不要錯過喔!


🍎 Apple Roses Pie's Recipe 玫瑰蘋果派食譜 🍎

Ingredients: 材料:

24 Sheets Puff Pastry24片酥皮
6 red apple6顆蘋果
6 tablespoons lemon juice6匙檸檬汁
200g melted butter200克已溶牛油
Brown Sugar黃糖
Ground cinnamon or Hazelnut sauce肉桂粉或榛子醬
Icing sugar糖霜


Steps: 步驟:

Step 1. Thaw the puff pastry at room temperature, it takes about 20-30 minutes. Wash the apple with warm water to remove insecticide.

  1. 在室溫下解凍酥皮,大約需要20-30分鐘。人工殺蟲劑依附在果皮表面,因此若要將蘋果連皮吃,必須先用暖水清洗乾淨。


Step 2. Prepare a bowl half filled with water and the lemon juice. Cut the apples in half, remove the core and cut the apples in 2-3mm paper-thin slices. Leave the peel so it will give the red color to your roses. Remember to place the sliced apples in the bowl so that they won't change color.

  1. 準備一個大碗,加入檸檬汁。 將蘋果切成兩半,取出核心,將蘋果切成2-3mm紙薄片,保留果皮,這樣會給你的玫瑰留紅色邊。 馬上放置切片的蘋果在碗裡,使它們不會氧化變色。

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Step 3. Cook the apple slices with the water in a small pan (on the stove). Cook the apple slices to soft until it can blend, which is slightly transparent , around 3-4 mins. Take it out and placed them in a bowl.

  1. 用小鍋,加一點水煮蘋果片。 將蘋果片煮軟,直到它可以微微屈曲,稍微透明,約3-4分鐘。 拿出來隔開水放在碗裡。

Step 4. Add honey into the bowl and mix with the apple slices. ( You may add more or less honey according to your favour)

  1. 將蜂蜜加入碗中,並與蘋果片混合。 (你可以根據你的喜好添加或減少的蜂蜜)

Step 5. Spread the melted butter on the puffed slices. And fold it as around 2.5 x 9 inches.

將熔化的牛油撒在酥皮上。 並將其折疊成大約2.5 x 9英寸。

Step 6. Add hazelnut sauce or cinnamon powder on the puffed slices. Place 7-9 apple slices along one half of the pastry slice with the peel side facing out.

條狀酥皮上塗上薄薄一層榛子醬或肉桂粉, 將蘋果片帶皮的圓弧型的邊邊朝上方, 整齊放置在酥皮的邊緣, 上方露出約1/3的蘋果片 (露出的部份為圓弧型的邊邊),約7-9塊蘋果片 。

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Step 7. Fold the pastry in half to cover the apples. Starting on one end, roll the pastry and apples to the other end of the pastry. Now you will see the rose appeared! Continue with the other pieces of pastries until you have 12 apple roses.

將酥皮折疊一半覆蓋蘋果。 從尾端開始,將蘋果酥皮滾到糕點的另一端。你就會發現玫瑰花出現了~用這個方式繼續卷餘下的酥皮,直到你有12個蘋果玫瑰。

Step 8. Place the apple roses in a muffin tin.Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon or icing sugar if desired.


🌷 Finished product 完成品 🌷

這個甜品看似複雜,其實簡單,女孩子看到心都融化了呢~ (是給女朋友驚喜的DIY首選🌷)

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Hope you enjoy these recipes I shared today. And please check out Kris's post if you are interested in making some delicious and cute fruit jelly bubbles.

希望你喜歡我今天分享的食譜。 如果有興趣製作一些清涼又可愛的水果果凍球,大家可以去看看kristy的帖子喔。


👆🏻Upvote & Follow Nicole! 👆🏻


Beautiful food made by beautiful people. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Lawrence !!💓

wow. Nice and clear description to make apple roses pie.

The cooking skill is not normal.

Great post! Thanks for sharing :)


so beautiful !




Please teach me how to cook! haha, up voted and followed:)

newest summer pic ---

Thanks for the article and photos. Great read!
I appreciate if you follow me!

follow me @keks

YUM!!! Keep up the good work!! Resteemed!! :)

It looks delicious food and thanks for recipe.I am voting you.Please check my post.

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