HEADLINES: Tuesday, December 5th, 2017 - Anti-Trump FBI Agent May Haved Saved Hillary From Prison, Mueller/Trump Investigation, North Korea, ALIS - Japan's Steem, Bitcoin, Supereruptions More Common, and More
Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning
Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning
Mainstream Media
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John Conyers Will Leave Congress Amid Harassment Claims The New York Times |
Mueller Said to Have Subpoenaed Deutsche Bank: DealBook Briefing The New York Times |
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The Health 202: Here's why it's been easier for Republicans to pass a tax bill than a health-care one The Washington Post |
‘Out of control’ Southern California fire explodes overnight, forcing tens of thousands to flee The Washington Post |
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The Energy 202: Trump says his Bears Ears decision isn’t 'controversial.' But he's wrong. The Washington Post |
The Latest: Egypt warns of Jerusalem ‘repercussions’ The Washington Post |
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Labour attacks 'embarrassing' Brexit talks BBC News |
Not a final ruling, but justices OK travel ban enforcement The Washington Post |
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Steem #News
Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.
I saw a video today from David Zublick who's been on the pizzagate investigation from the beginning that says the FBI and NYPD have a sex tape of Hillary and an underage girl. Sorry for the lack of lucidity but it was one of the Weiner emails- my pain level is through the roof and I can't sit up any more
you always have the best content
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:News Aggregation and Comparison of Bias
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Wow nice, all the news i am interested in, on one page.
I'm adding you to my SteemVoter rules. Please let me know if you would prefer that I only vote on your posts which I have personally read -- I know that's an issue for some, and I don't want to step on toes.
Thanks for this service!