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RE: EOS.IO Development Update

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

Downvoted for aggrandizement.


The Streisand Effect here is intentional.

The vote and comment was strictly to make a point and draw out Daniel's long-running, subtextual, subversive intent to compete with Steem, to give the public alignment with his private discourse, which has long been filled with express intent to compete. And of course I will retract the vote.

Dan left Steem expressly to create a competitor to Steem and is advertising it with a supposed “inside track” to the future here on our platform while acting like he is no competitor. And whether he leaves the platform for good today or 6 months from now to join his Steem-competitor depends on if we choose to see through his intentions and care. It’s possible I am making the mistake of caring. It’s hard to really say until these platforms have existed for a while 10 months from now. I would prefer to ship our tokenization platform, Smart Media Tokens (SMTs), which outcompetes any version eos can string together, and get moving without Dan clouding the marketplace. He asked me for the same months ago. This is reasonable and all business. I vastly prefer Steem and SMTs.

More info on Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) at


I think I'm going to have a cardiac arrest if @ned gets another vote

If comments could show on 'trending', that comment will top the list

My jaw dropped a few months ago when ned upvoted himself $600 for a two lined comment. I should have taken a screenshot back then before it got flagged. This time I didn't miss it.
Today rules them all. Is this a competition with grumpycat?

Seriously? Ned upvoted himself for a two line comment and he is now downvoting @dan who declined payment? This is wickedness with total disregard for consequences.

These are interesting times.

Seriously, this is a totally new level of aggrandizement

aggrandizement is the new buzzword.

Misappropriation of corporate resources is a better new word. ;)

I heard my name but seems I'm a little late to the party.

Dilly Dilly!

Hahahahahaha this explains it all.

Oh really! This is not nice at all.

Indeed this is amazingly beautiful, this explains more on network bandwidth and cpu.nice [email protected] for sharing. upvoted.

Wickedness, don't you think that is a little over the top?

It is more of a stunt or a battle of egos?

I tried getting the screen shot now when I heard Ned upvoted himself for a two line comment this is very bad and wickedness of the highest order..a friend of mine told me that
its bad to downvote a post because it reflects bad quality to the post why down vote? If you have any issues solve it amicably because we are following your steps ..Dan keep.up the good work

Upvote for two line comment where I struggle to get up to $1 in my 1k+ posts.... life is not fair atall

Dan is as sick as Ned
Look at all his 100% downvote on me.
My lawyer just gave these children legal notice of the damage they did to me today.
Look at the public ledger DAN is all over it.

These children destroyed their company tonight.


Seriously though, is there something they are not saying? The work @dan and his team have done is immense and can only benefit Steem! Why the down vote by @ned? There's got to be more to it than aggrandizement

Certainly @mosunomotunde but one thing is for sure what ever might have happened that has led to this, no matter the magnitude, it can be put behind by allowing love lead. Both @dan and @ned are two great inventors that has made this idea called Steemit change thousands of lives. I only hope all these doesn't have a negative effect that might lead to regrets later on. #LetLoveLead

I only hope @ned and @dan can see how much vision their project steemit has birthed,maybe they will see themselves in a new light. Steemit is changing the world and you two have made it possible. Love should just lead you two and help put all the bad times behind. You both are bigger and better than this. Please, let love guide you.

I agree with you @thelovejunkie Love conquers all. @dan and @ned should see beyond differences and look at the bigger picture of the greatness we're builiding.#ONELOVE

let love lead. I beliv they can still fix everything wrong. United we stand

Really. Where I make a post of 1k words and still struggle to get up to $1. It's appalling though

$600 Upvote for two line comment where I struggle to get up to $1 in my 1k+ posts.... life is not fair atall . I swear

You're missing a zero there @drakos , i think that particular self upvote was more like 6000

OMG. What is really happening?

600$ is a pretty large sum.

And I wouldn't say this is fair in the most negligible of senses at least for the fact that he declined his payment which points quite explicitly to the fact that he's not after the cash.

But who am I to judge? Maybe there are other reasons attached.
I even just got to know that they were both having a fued. Guess I have been inactive for a long time.

By the way, I love your meme/image. It's just spot on @drakos

Who knows, but honestly lately everyone is aggrandizing themselves.

Consider yourself aggrandized.

Dilly Dilly!

I can't wait for the whale complaining on eos to be similar situation. When everyone thinks the whale problem is unique to the steem blockchain. Steems wealth is similar to USD wealth distribution, with the exception of the steem owned by steemit inc. but then ripple, stellar and Bitcoin all have original creators holding a massive chunk.

That's what I can't understand, why he's getting so many upvotes.
And thank you Dan for what you've been doing. You and your development team have really put in some good work. Looking forward to it

I don't think downvoting @dan was right. He already declined payment and yet was downvoted.

He and his team are building something amazing. He just gave details about it, downvoting him aint cool.

You guys @ned and @dan are both doing great things. Why the public fight.

Exactly, they've created something great here.
Hopefully they'll sort this out in a better way

I Hope they do that .

Why downvote @dan when he's putting in so much effort in developing a software that's beneficial for everyone? It's personal feuds like this that slow down the progress of the general public.

oh god,such payout on a comment..
And why is he downvoting on @dan.
They're doing a great thing ..
Some people just can't appreciate good things

It baffles me really why @ned had to do that... Everyone should be abreast of all that this post is about which is a new development. His comment has just deviated everyone's attention form the real deal and it's saddening. Well great job @dan and whatever the difference between you both is, I pray you resolve it on time.

The elephants are at war!

Yeah. Right


This comment should be nominated for the best comment of the month awards

Yeah Yeah I haven't seen anything this real in a long time. @Dan you rock!

Lol, @berylwills, the votes might not stop coming, many are show either their agreement or disagreement to what @ned sees on @dan information, so let it be a traffic arrest and not cardiac, lol....

Don't worry we have steemit Clinic and steemit doctors here, where you will be treated... Lol

Please@ned why are you getting so much upvote for ruining someone else's post , its unfair.....i beg you to reconsider..

I will ignore the fued here and concentrate on the message in the post . Eos is. The new innovation and its changging lifes.

pretty sure he got some more after that

My thought too. 💪Steem on boss

He got more. How's your heart now? Lol

May be we i guess we all will get the stroke and he will be the only guy standing in the list ... He desrves it 3000 is comin tho

I think I would have an apoplexy if he got any more. So much applause for a down vote. Freaky stuff😅

Lol, please don't oh but i think this comment is showing on trending tho. Check Quite surprised if i must say

@berykwills I think you are right about @ned because the cash out is no longer an alert but an alarm I just wish I could get a a Vote from you at @ned abeg help your boy oooo

Where does it hurt, Ma'am?!

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Please don't, coz I just gave him another...

Wow.. Unbelievable.. Just one line comment and boom $2k+ and struggle to even get up to $1 upvote in my 1k+ posts in my blog... This life is not fair Atall.. Finally, I now agree to the saying The rich gets richer and I'll become the rich someday here on Steemit.. I just have to never give up and keep steeming hard.

Lol. . I tell you

Or yours, it’s worth 2 weeks of my daily articles:)

😲 What the f**** I never see this much payout on any post and it is on a comment !
Let me do some yoga !
And why did you downvote on this post @ned ?
@dan has already declined payout buddy !

wow, so to know that @dan already declined payout and @ned still went ahead to downvote @dan post, it only shows the level of maturity and goodwill of @dan way over @ned. @dan thanks for the awesome work you and your team are doing. I so appreciate you.

Maybe you'd like to transfer that $2800 as of writing over to a worthy cause like

As for aggrandisement - do tell, what exactly offended you so much?

Probably the fact that @dan keeps posting about EOS, while sometimes giving out unsolicited corrections about steem. Also, this is a spill over from long standing disagreement between ned and dan, based on, but not limited to SMTs, linear/super linear vote curve or something, amongst others as listed by ned a few weeks back in one of @dan post.

tl;dr: Dan is the smart one and Ned is jealous and lost without him, and in big trouble now.

personal feud... in my opinion

Seeing this, the average Steemian probably feels like this:

I hope you won't wait until the end of the Steemit movie to do the right thing.

We, as a community and as individuals, need to know you have Steemit's and Steem's best interests at heart.

Stop this pissing contest and focus on what matters!

Exactly my point too... Nations now celebrate you two @ned and @dan for the great work steemit. An average steemian who you have given hope is probably worried already on what happens next. Please let go all this going on and love up because you are leading so many people.

So are our parents filing for a divorce now? 🤔😉

Hmmm... 2.8K For a three word comment, who is raping the reward pool right now?


From Nigeria, what will I do with a 2.7k payout? Damn! It's making me dizzy. 😇
What will I do to have a fraction of that? I would pour my damn soul into it. I still do for
my $5 posts.
Screenshot (169).png

You would have had a fraction of that if he hadn't upvoted himself so heavily that it pulled rewards away from everybody elses posts.

This is awesomely terrible!

Lmao. Kevin Hart knows what's up!

I honestly dunno what to say or think, I'm just gonna stay focus

I thought it was your job to make Steemit better, @ned?

If I wasn't completely and madly in love with the Steem blockchain (which allows me to let go of a ton of bullshit and refocus on the positives) and instead I was someone looking at Steemit with fresh eyes, looking for a place where I can invest my time, money and energy, THIS RIGHT HERE would kill any interest I might have.

I keep telling people about STEEM, raving about its potential, its future, and I always have to explain that poor leadership is the reason for its current undervalued status, but also, hopefully, the reason for its future success - the users who love it will have to take charge instead of relying on the TOP DOGS.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do hope that everyone involved checks their ego. STEEM is an achievement you all should be proud of, and it should be more important to you than petty bullshit.

I am in awe of what you have created here with STEEM and Steemit, and befuddled by this pettiness.

In my heart, you've said all I had in mind. To think about all those I've spread to gospel to and advised to invest, how will they handle this pettiness when and their will to invest when the see this. Thanks for airing this out.

Amen @anarchospace! While this is going on, users of Steemit are organizing meetups in Belgrade, Budapest and Zagreb (as you know), looking to connect, to grow the platform and to add value, true value, to the world.

And this is the kind of encouragement we get from the man on top?!?

Knock it off @ned, and start thinking of Steemit! Everything else is irrelevant and will be forgotten, but with Steemit you have a chance of making a true impact, a real value added to the world.

Start acting like a true Steemian! You have plenty of possible role models that are STEEM 24/7!!!

@anarchospace has said it all, @dan. Steemit, a platform of such elaborate elegance and efficacy, that is so ideally attuned toward positively rewarding positive behaviour ... continues to be undermined by these ridiculous pissing contests. People that should know better, pettily attacking people like you -- heck, people who are you -- who are trying to do better. And for what?

Steemit is an amazing achievement, a Heaven of the Long Spoons made real. Steem the currency is an amazing achievement that already performs better and is more technically superior to most coins on the market. Together they're a game changer for the world. We can either rise to meet the quality of this project, this creation wrought by our hands or we can drag it down with us as we fall, doomed by venality and the dross of human weakness.

247 News
Owners of STEEM accused of THEFT



I couldn't agree more, it's really saddening to see openly that even the Top dogs, seem to have lost their vision for Steemit and have descended into a public show of ego and power. #DoBetter

I guess that is how people grow... This is themost dangerous poison ... The feeling of achievement ...

This comment right here says it all. Who, this is the message @ned and @dan need to read. You have brought a lot of dreams to reality with the steem block chain, don't lose the focus as all eyes are on you. Leadership should take charge of situations and lead others the right way. Everyone right here needs you both to unite and form a bigger team, bigger project and change the world for the best.

What the hell, @ned?

Do you care about Steem? Do you understandthe potential risk of making your emotions public and act like a child with one of the creators and core-minds of Steem? Do you understand you are a public and ethic figure of this platform?

WHY the hell would you flag this content and upvote yourself to be highly-rewarded with such a non-sense/stupid argument...

What do you want us to think? –"Oh, the creator of Steem is also raping the reward pool flagging amazing content and upvoting himself..."

Go and flag the stupid bullshit that is polluting the TRENDING page... Go and flag somehting thats not creating value not just in this platform, but in the CRYPTOCURRENCY technology...

Dammit! Ego always comes to ruin it all...

the reward pool flagging amazing

At the end of it all, I feeel these two elephants would become best of friends. They just need to let go of their egos and get to each other on a plain ground!
I love you both and would love to see this happen!

Exactly. This guys are our role model here so they need fix everything wrong for the growth of Steemit

I'm surprised to see a downvote when the payout has already be declined. You guys are not suppose to be doing this.
I think you two have to settle this amicably cos this will not be good for the system

Yes its nt supposed to be so....i really appreciate wat @dan and his team are doing...dere shouldnt hv been a downvote wen d post has already been declined, to show transparency....@ned plz u arent suppose to flag this content and upvote yourself to be highly-rewarded with such a naive arguments...plz wisen up

@dan @ned peace peace peace.... Its is important to heed the lessons of failure

As a public figure a lot of eyes are on you. Everyone watches to see your reactions to issues and scenarios. I'm in no position to play a pilate here. But I really don't like seeing things done online like this when issues could be sorted amicably in a better place offline.

Yeah, i think it's best they trash out whatever the issue is between them and stop being sentimental.

I'm surprised too but I believe they can settle any issue they have for the betterment of Steemit. They are our role model

@ned and @dan, you guys are leader and please I will want you settle whatever is it for the growth of the system

I want to salute @dan for this post and I appreciate the effort of you guys. You have really done a great job. You guys should keep it up.

Exactly. they should settle any issue so the system grows faster cos united we stand

I think we all have to calm down at this point. Downvoting a post that has declined payout does not really have any effect.
You two are our role models. Please show us some examples of love

Exactly. I love that word there, ROLE MODEL cos we have alot to learn from them

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