Some of the rights and duties of the individual towards his community

in Project HOPElast year (edited)

greetings everyone,i hope you are well.

right and duty are two intertwined concepts, and there can be no right without duty or duty without right,to the extent that a person adheres to his duties in all his social or political activities, this guarantees that he will obtain his legitimate rights.
Rights increase the individual's value and freedom, and duties indicate the individual's respect for his freedom and the freedom of others.


Therefore, it is important for the individual to abide by his duties and obligations that he must complete from a moral or legal standpoint. On the other hand, the individual has the right to enjoy his freedom, which is granted according to the laws،that all persons should enjoy the same rights and assignments.

Some of the individual's rights and obligations towards the society :

The Right to Life: it is a moral principle and it is one of the civil rights. it guarantees the human right to life, and every person has the right to live in peace and security and not be subjected to violence, killing or beating،and international human rights conventions have decided to grant everyone the right to life, which is a legitimate and inherent right for every human being, and it is the duty of the law to protect this right and not arbitrarily deprive anyone of his life.

Freedom of Expression: Everyone has the right to express and express their own point of view, and this right includes freedom to express opinions, which is a basic human right stipulated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The right to equality: It is a fundamental right Positive international law, where this right is represented by the enjoyment of all rights and freedoms by the individual, in which the other individual also enjoys without any discrimination or racism,all people are equal in value to society in terms of their right to protection and safety.

Freedom of religion: This is a legitimate right for every individual in society who has the right to embrace the religion he wants to follow without imposing any restrictions or fanaticism on other religions, and to show his religion in worship without undue interference، it is a fundamental right stipulated by the World Organization for Human Rights under Article 18, and the United Nations for Human Rights has worked to ensure respect for freedom of religion and to prohibit incitement to religious hatred.

As for the duties that the individual must follow, it is to show good morals that build the individual properly. Ethical behavior constitutes the noblest fruits of civilization. It is also one of the duties to contribute to maintaining the cleanliness of facilities and respecting the rights and freedoms of others.
Every person must be committed to mastering his work, being sincere to it, and doing it to the fullest.
Every person must abide by the fulfillment of his requirements towards his society.


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