Hey Steemit! I'm Merel from @natural.cure, finally introducing myself to you

Hey guys! My name is Merel. I am 20 years old and from Amsterdam The Netherlands.

I'm a person who is interested in many different things, but if I had to chose it would be health, nature, animals and learning new skills(like cooking, sewing clothes, growing vegetables & fruit etc.)

My boyfriend, who trades in cryptocurrencies, told me about steemit a while ago. I am really happy to get the chance to be part of this community and I hope to make some friends here!


Although I'm from Amsterdam, I live in Thailand most of the time, working as an English teacher. Thailand is the country I fell in love with 2 years ago and it feels more like home than The Netherlands to me. If you want to read more about my insights on why I have chosen Thailand over The Netherlands you can read it in one of my previous posts:

The life in Thailand brought me to the most beautiful places, craziest events and an inspiring culture which I would love to share with you. This will be my main subject to write about, but it's definitely not the only one!

I will also post what I experience when visiting Amsterdam. It is such a beautiful city with a lot of history. I can show you what life is like there, the beautiful canal houses from in and outside and what you could do if you're ever planning to visit.

I'll try to inspire you with the things I think are valuable to see and learn, as many others here on steemit do to me.

Follow me into the unknown and see where the universe will bring us!


Thank you for reading!


Hopefully we will see you again soon :-)



Welcome to Steemit.com

Thank you! :)

Welcome to Steemit !
You got an upvote by @cryptokraze to start here.

Good Luck

Nice to see you on steemit :D
Have a great day.

Thanks! You too :)

Welcome to steemit

Hello beutiful lady))

Hello and thank you!

Welcome to Steem @natural.cure I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you! That's nice of you :-)

Welcome to Steemit [email protected]. Hopefully comfortable and well received in this community. Always accept constructive suggestions and criticisms. Hope to continue sharing with all of Steemian around the world. Good luck.

Selamat datang. Semoga nyaman dan diterima dengan baik dalam komunitas ini. Selalu terima saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun dan memberi solusi.Semoga terus bisa berbagi dengan seluruh teman Steemian di seluruh dunia. Semoga sukses.


Thanks! I definitely feel comfortable and well received. The people on steemit are very friendly!

welcome here are few tips to grow ur earnings at steemit
also resteem post that other will also get benefit of these tips

Thanks! It's a valuable post. I'll resteem and upvote it!

You are always welcome and thanks for liking n resteeming my post......sure its a valuable post who are serious to earn n grow

welcome @Natural.cure!! Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit ! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure!! Here you can win money while bloging ! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. Wish you much luck! Cheers! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @khunfarang !

Thank you so much! I love writing so I'll probably stick to it, even if i don't make a lot of money :-)

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