Dtube needs impactful and meaningful engagement! So I’m looking for 7 individual Dtubers who can empower Dtube engagement.

in #dtubesnap-timesfour6 years ago (edited)

7 individual dtubers will get my 7777 SP delegation within next 7 days.

Show me your engagement skills on Steem Blockchain (not on Discord channels! ) and if I trust your engagement ability and if I can see some evidence that you’re passionate about engagement then you’ll more likely one of the 7 person who gets my 7777 SP delegation.

Thanks 🙏

▶️ DTube

Money will drive so many people crazy. How many of these DTube snappers will stay on DTube without your upvote? Probably not many.
You have to be the change you want to see. Many of the resteems you do are only upvotes and no comments from you directly.

It's a very flawed system you're sending out to your viewers. You want them to comment and interact on DTube, but you don't want them to comment and interact with your content?

You're also assuming everyone on here wants to grow the DTube platform (a mistake I've thought of as well). There's about 50 other reasons people upload on DTube and not everyone has the motivation like you do to do better. I've been dTubing since December 2017 and I'd love to know your motivation for this movement cause it really seems like it came out of nowhere.

I'm sure I'll run into you at steemfest and we can talk more about it.

I’ll start saying that money is not my motivation for any of my actions here and I’m already living a rich life and I want my fellow human being to enjoy their life.

I saw that Steem Blockchain has the power to change many people’s life positively and give the power back to people and that’s why I started with steem full time 5 months ago.

I understand money is probably the number one reason why people are here on Steem and the more time that everyone spends with steem they’ll realise that there so many things that steem offer like human connection and community building etc and these things can’t be bought with money.

I must say I’m not good at commenting. lol

If I can simply summerise my point..

I wanted people to think little long term, think about how they’re making their money and lastly I want my fellow Dtubers to do dtube for right reasons.

Feel free to ask me anything and I’ll try my best to answer

Thanks, man! Glad u didnt my comment the wrong way. I'll speak more with you in person, you're main goal is very difficult and one I once had.

The nature of some humans will always ensure happiness will never be obtained. As myself and others have realized not everyone is meant to be a video creator, and Dtube being a vidoe platform, they will eventually run out of steem (pun intended) so the less you expect from people - the better.

Have a good day!

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Looking forward to see what you two come to a conclusion about this :) tag me when you do haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looking forward to speaking with you in person at SF3:)

Have a wonderful day too!

Hi @nathanmars... I've really debated leaving a comment here all week - but decided to put myself out there anyway. I think what you are doing by delegating steem power to Dtuber's is one of the most selfless things I've seen anyone do here on the platform.

I have debating leaving this comment because I hate "self-prompting". I know you have probably already chosen the Dtuber's you want to grant this SP delegation too... but here's my case on why I might be a good candidate.

#1 - I'm an original Dtuber. I was one of the first people to start using Dtube consistently on the platform. I have made Dtube content nearly everyday for an entire year. I think my one year anniversary will be coming up in a few weeks.

#2 - I use the majority of my voting power to reward quality comments on my posts and other content creators (many of which are in the dtube family)

#3 - I have worked long and hard to cultivate an environment of quality comments on my posts. I try my best to create a safe space for people to leave comments and interact. I know you talk about engagement being key and I couldn't agree more.

#4 - I founded the Minnow of the Month project where I give 1 100% upvote to the minnow of the month every day to help encourage them to keep up with creating content. So far I have worked with @lifesacirucs and I just announced the November minnow of the month will be @iamjadeline. this is honestly the main reason I decided to put myself out there and leave this comment. A greater voting power means I'd be able to reward these minnows at a greater rate as I work with them throughout the month.

I'm sure whoever you choose will be an awesome choice because we have so many incredible Dtuber's on the platform. Thanks for your consideration!

Thanks for letting me know everything.

Just remember that I only getting started empowering and one day you’ll wake and suprised and but I just can’t tell you when. lol

I will secretly pray she will wake up with a surprise. She totally deserve it. Not because I am minnow of the month. But because way before Dtube revolution, there is already words being passed around that @coruscate supports minnows and even new users. Anyway, only Sir will know when the time. But yes Sir, I salute your for your dedication and how you view life as whole. 😉 I figure I won't do a video to thank you but I thank you here again for the delegation.. I will use it for good purpose. trying and learning

Oh by the way, you will see @coruscate at Steemfest3 too. She is one of the lights in the platform. I will see both of you in my dream..😉. So I am praying for next year Steemfest4. Haha. Too ambitious I guess.

Nathan I know you say do not comment but I have a question, you are not on discord and most of your posts are "please do not comment type." How will we be able to interact with you if everything is on steemit engagement then we need to be able to comment on your posts. At least that's my opinion you of course can do what you please with your channel but would be nice to have some comment able posts. Hope you understand.

I don't really know anyone on this chain but I take it as "do good" and he's looking for people... So I'm just going to keep doing me and hope I get noticed!

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Just break the rules!

Hahahahahahahaha Oh man, that is great. I had to break the rules for this post too, because you said it. I will not sell my SP for less then $100!

That's #intense

I’ll have to re-open my comment and my comment section will be exclusively for Dtubers.

Non-Dtubers going to comment anyway and I’ll try to ignore them

I need to level up my own Dtube journey. lol

Yeah, that's the best way to go about it, just ignore off topic irrelevant comments. This challenge is definitely leveling up your Dtube journey and will spring a lot of content. The quality of content is what has been bothering me. I can only listen to people talk about steem so much, I want more "in-the-life-of" type vlogs. I do like the idea of DtubeSnap (video tweet basically) however, I enjoy editing video, so I prefer vlog style.

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Yes everyone is different and we must stick to our own style!

DtubeSnap is just an addition to long and medium Dtube vlogs. I still love watching valuable dtube contents.

I could watch @theycallmedan dtube contents over and over again because it add tons of value to me. I guess his contents probably kickstarted my own Dtube journey.

I love watching your contents too !!!

Totally agree.. I am running out of steam talking about steem lol. I feel like there needs to be a motivation or reason for me to make videos about steem - eg if I’m using the video to share with family and friends then I would be more motivated.
It does feel more natural for me to just vlog about what I’m learning and my life haha

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I agree, I like the In-the-life-of style vlogs are enjoyable to create (and watch). I want to start something new #read REA[d]. I released a video today about it. Something similar to #dtubesnap but a short video of people reading what they love.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohh that sounds interesting! I was actually recording me reading a book to my toddler just half an hour ago but wondered if anyone would actually want to watch it lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

So I can break the rules? I wanted to comment and say something to you since the beginning but I also respected your stand so I sent 0.777 steem to your wallet with a memo of thank you note. Lol. Now I can comment.

Thank you for helping me to break free from my own lie that I didn't like to be video or record video. Actually I love it to the max. Thank you for that. So I am trying to help people to see actually they also love it and there is no reason to hate seeing your own video.

I’m really enjoying your Dtube journey!

Keep up the good work my friend:)

Thank you 😊

Thank you and I’m happy you’re back on Dtube :)

Arrrrgghhhhh! You are really teasing me to do my first ever video ever!!! 😣😢

I have been tagged by a few wonderful people to start my dtube journey! Its freaking me out cuz i am not used to be talking and recording myself in front of the camera. But I do want to give it a try. Ill find other means to do so.. I hope it is alright.. is it?? Is that allowed?

By the way thanks for the inspiration and constant push to keep making dtubes! Hahahaha

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@maquemali you should totally give it a try!! You would do awesome. Dtube snaps are a great way to get started because The video only needs to be one minute or less. This also means it will upload quickly and you should have a good first experience. :-)

Please reach out with any questions and Dtube! I’d be happy to help. :-)

Thanks @coruscate for helping @maquemali

Looking forward to meeting you in person at SteemFest 3:)

Ohhh wow!! Thank you for the push.. it meant a lot..

By the way, i alreadt uploaded my 1st dtubesnap! Hahahaha hope it is okay that way! I tried! 😊😄

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh my, this is getting serious. I can see you know a lot about timing & momentum

Obviously, as a spiritual gangsta entrepreneur thats nothing strange 😎🐈

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It's funny Nathan, how I break rules all my life and then you (smartass) come here (on STEEM) and try to forbid me to comment on a decentralized blockchain

When I think better I'll comment on every one of your videos from now on... haha

That's good but no need to share it here. I check every single one of my comments so you don't need to spam it on unrelated posts

By the way, you have my Facebook bro :)

Why wont he allow anyone to comment? lol

Cause he is trying to act like the boss... But little did he realizes, there is no bosses in decentraland haha

I don't understand. But I think that's okay :D

Don't try to understand... try not to understand :) its better

all right will do :)

I’m only boss for my own life.lol

There are so many reasons why I didn’t want people to comment. The number one reason is that I rather be part of your Steem journey and I even stopped creating contents because I wanted empower my fellow dtubers expecting noting in return.

Thanks for the help, sir, I managed to upload two videos today, and I have printed a billboard with the words dtube & onelovedtube. Tomorrow I will make the best again.

Good luck my friend

You are so awesome @nathan-mars.I want you to help.me grow in steemit.Thank you for making steemit go alive.I will try dtube.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good luck my friend and I’ll always try my best to to help you :)

Thank you and you are welcome.

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Posted using Partiko Android

Did you realise you’re comment was empty?

I guess you did this intentionally. lol

Anyway have a wonderful day:)

@nathanmars, In my opinion over the time we will see change because, every Initiative will going to become colourful after some period of time and you've taken an great Initiative but sometimes for sure what we expect that initiative will not move into that direction. But the important point to note here is, your idea of #dtubesnap is boosted aspect and through it many new people are Empowering each other and one Dtuber or Steemian Introducing it to another and now they can create an #dtubesnap to share their thoughts and for sure you've invited and presented an Idea which brought Ease Of Content in ACTION. I know i am also lacking but for sure will try to Engage more and more.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you so much my friend!

It’s not about me and it’s all about you guys and I’m happy to be part of your Steem and dtube journey :)

Welcome brother and that's true and will going to try to expand the Engagement Levels. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

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