George Soros, a Year of Manipulation, Deception, and Propaganda

in #informationwar6 years ago

2018 is an extremely busy year for manipulation, deception, and propaganda led by George Soros. With simple internet searches using mainstream sources , I can point out factual manipulation of Social Media Censorship, and Censorship Purge's, and tie it into George Soros, his organizations he funds, and the timing of his investments. It also brings us to the present where George Soros is playing damage control and hiding his trail, disguising it as an attack by right wing organizations unfairly persecuting a giant of Social Justice Warriors.
Let's start with January of 2017. David Brock is the Soros Mafia'sproxy soldier. An interesting side note is that David Brock is also Ex boyfriend of James Alefantis of Planet Ping Pong and Pizza, Pizza Gate fame. In January a 49 page document was given to high rolling donors in the Progressive Liberal movement. Namely Hillary Clinton supporter's that were reeling from the massive upset in the 2016 Presidential Election. The timing of David Brock's conference was also the month the Trump Administration was taking office in January 2017, with the swearing in of Donald Trump. David Brock was also a key supporter and fund raiser for HRC, and was responsible for the army of paid Clinton cyber trolls that spanned any and all advesary's they ran across on Social Media.


To summarize this meeting, and all my evidence throughout this post I will link post's that are dedicated to each subject, and are more detailed and in depth. There is enough information about what I am going to disclose for a professional researcher to write a book


During this meeting David Brock pointed out the obvious. The Progressive cause lost due to Social Media and decentralized information. While the Progressive's own the mainstream media outlets,the mainstream media is in decline, and in order for the Progressive Mafia to regain it's grip on power it must make a presence on Social Media and Decentralized Media, by any means necessary. David Brock outlines a plan to punish any support for Donald Trump even if it's an objective opinion from an objective source. Brock even admits to pressuring Facebook at a Corporate level personally talking to Zuckerberg about going after the Alt media. Zuckerberg's initial reaction was he believed there was nothing wrong with how people were using Facebook at the time, and didn't want to get involved.


Was George Soros involved with this 49 page document David Brock released to 100 wealthy donors at an exclusive retreat in Florida? Absolutely, a Quote from"The Duran" reporting on the night at hand,"The document obtained by The Free Beacon states that Media Matters and other Soros funded groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

A year later in January of 2018, Soros was extremely critical of Social Media and at a privileged elite conference, The World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland even made mention of breaking up Facebook as a monopoly. Despite Soros's criticism of Social Media the following quote will point out how Soros was financially tied to the mainstream Social Media Giants. A quote from Naomi Gray of Market Realist on an article titled"How Does George Soros View Facebook", Jan 30 2018

How Does George Soros View Facebook?
An obstacle to innovation?
Facebook (FB) is preparing to report its 4Q17 results after recently coming under fire from billionaire investor George Soros. Soros owns nearly 110,000 Facebook shares, although he greatly reduced his exposure to the stock alongside others such as Twitter (TWTR) in 3Q17. report its 4Q17 results after recently coming under fire from billionaire investor George Soros. Soros owns nearly 110,000 Facebook shares, although he greatly reduced his exposure to the stock alongside others such as Twitter (TWTR) in 3Q17. The Censorship Purge's of 2018 should come as no surprise considering Soros is not only a Facebook Shareholder, his proxy henchmen David Brock admitted to pressuring Mark Zuckerberg to censor what the Progressive's coined Fake News, which really means anyone in opposition to their message.




Right before the Social Media Censorship Purge's began a forgotten movement again tied to George Soros, was pressuring the FCC to break up Facebook as a monopoly.A quote from a post I previously posted provides the details,"By May a movement developed called," Freedom From Facebook" involving, Demand Progress, Public Citizen, and the Open Markets Institute which are four groups with ties to George Soros. What these companies have in common was a large progressive move to rally support to petition the FCC to break up Facebook as a monopoly. This movement generated alot of Steem going into July when The C.W.A. Union joined forces in the Freedom From Facebook movement petition to the FCC."

This Freedom of Facebook movement went silent right as the very first Censorship Purge's of Alex Jones hit Social Media. The dots are easily connecting in my opinion.

George Soros Bought $3 Million in New York Times Stock Holdings

Soros buys shares in social media companies months after criticising them


In September of 2018 a New York Times op-ed supposedly from a Trump insider hits the mainstream. Though I can't connect Soros directly to this op-ed from the New York Times, I can tie George Soros to the New York Times with a stock purchase of NYT stock right before the times became a leading tool in the Soros propaganda arsenal.

A quote from a past post I reported on,"Liberal billionaire George Soros purchased $3 million worth of stock holdings in the publisher of the New York Times, filings show.

Soros's stock buy included 126,400 shares in the New York Times Company through Soros Fund Management LLC, the billionaire's New York City-based investment firm. The shares were valued at $3,046,000 at the time of purchase and are shown in a May 15 filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)."


This wasn't the only time the New York Times was used in my opinion by the Soros camp as a propaganda tool, In October of 2018 the MAGA Bomber made news headlines with a crude bomb that Investigator's claimed was so poorly constructed it may be a Hoax. George Soros was ironically the first victim of the MAGA Bomber. Again the New York Times was used as a propaganda tool with an instant Op-ed by Alexander Soros, the son of George Soros in the New York Times, railing against right wing extremist and Trump's policies as the catalyst for the fake bomb attempt. I think there's no coincidence with Soros purchasing stock in the New York Times and it's use as propaganda tool by the Soros Mafia.

Some side notes on more Soros mischief this year was the Soros financed resistance and drama of the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings for his nomination to the Supreme Court. Did you know that Russia Gate and the Steele Dossier that was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump, as well as the main evidence in implicating collusion between Trump and the Russians was also in part financed and included the meddling of George Soros? Another peice of Soros Trivia is that his money ties into the creation of the term," Fake News" to be used by the mainstream to discredit Alternative Media.




After what I consider a busy year of George Soros's finger prints all over the manipulation of unprecedented Social Media Censorship, and using organizations that Soros owns stock in as a personal propaganda tool. It was time to cover George's media manipulation with a new propaganda campaign. In November 2018 the media is spinning George Soros as a victim of the very Organizations he manipulated. A quote from the National Review says it all,"Did Facebook finance a right-wing dirty-tricks operation alleging that its critics in the anti-monopoly movement were the pawns of a Jewish conspiracy? That’s the sense you’d get from some of the conversation around the recent reports that Definers Public Affairs, a Republican PR shop, encouraged media organizations to dig into the financial ties between George Soros and many of the organizations at the heart of the anti-Facebook crusade on the left." It was a common recurring theme reported on by multiple media outlets pushing the narrative that George Soros is a victim of right wing conspirators. It was a nice touch how the media went back to the,"Freedom from Facebook" movement as if Soros has been against social media from the beginning. Despite this new narrative of right wing conspirators plotting against George Soros, it can not hide the fact that the key architect of Social Media Censorship and Progressive propaganda is,"George Soros".



This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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Of all the things Soros has been involved into, I think the 'fake news' campaign is the most worrying at the moment, because it goes way beyond politics. Literally every day I hear of another initiative 'to fight fake news', whether from the EU or local authorities. According to these initiatives, people are not to listen to alt-media as they're 'fake news'. And many will do as they're told, fully believing they're being smart and they can spot 'fake news'.... Not to mention the censorship, of course...

Will that vile maggot of a man not die already!

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Wow a lot of crazy stuff, very comprehensive

Thanks for checking it out Scott, there's some information I found doing simple Google searches on Soros this year that paint one hell of a picture of censorship, and media propaganda, I think a researcher who does this for a living not a hobby could put together a hell of story.

Yeah for sure. It's brave putting this out there.

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