What type of personality is your cat?

in #scientists8 years ago

It turns out that there are only five types of cat personality. Scientists at the University of Lincoln came to this conclusion after researched more than 200 cats and their owners. The personality type of a cat due to a complex interaction between genetics of each animal, the temperament of the parents and upbringing.
Dr. Lauren Fink, researcher at the University of Lincoln, called the Daily Mail the five categories: cat-man, cat-hunter, a cat-a cat, a feisty cat and inquisitive-inquisitive cat.

Cat-man is glad to share with you your life, your home space. These animals need humans and do not miss a chance to show him my affection. Often pochesyvaya and stroking a cat.

Cat hunter survives poorly in a confined space. She needs the freedom to be wherever they want, and preys on birds and mice. The grasping claws, sometimes they will test on the person. A good type for rural areas.

Cat-cat prefers the company of their kind. She loves to RUB noses with other members of the cat. These cats live better in pairs. But you can leave them alone and they won't be missed.

Grumpy cat has marked its space and does not like when he encroached. The animal usually doesn't need human affection and often rejects it. Not go and might get scratched for trying to pet or caress.

The inquisitive cat is constantly after something. Likes to come to the house meeting new people, exploring other people's bags, shoes. Curiosity is prevalent in this type of cat over carefully.

Scientists do not exclude that the personality types of cats can be combined, but in any case dominates.

P.S. There is my cat on the photo and i guess, he is a cat-man.
Do you agree?)


Hi @natal.katya, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

It look like this cat in the photo's has Russian Blue and is a mix. The Russian Blue is a cat of solitude and very possessive! They have that dark nose and their paw pads are usually mauve or dark pink. These features are unlike other breeds with the typical pink nose! I rarely consider most scientific studies as I have found them to lack the full scope of all that is within physical reality! He looks like a cat-king too these eyes.

yes, you are right! He is mixed Russian blue)

I think I am crypto cat type =・ω・=

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