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RE: Man VS Technology

in #technology7 years ago

Yes! absolutely! I think about these situations all the time and love discussing with people.

I agree that the Wall-E situation is much more plausible as well and I think that it will stem from humanity's need to constantly entertain itself. Relying more and more on tech to get more and more entertainment, on demand.

Check out a tv show called 'Caprica.' Its from the Battlestar Galactica universe and (among much else) shows the end game of virtual reality. People completely disengage from the real world whenever possible to live their virtual, much more entertaining life.

Oh, coincidentally... the place where I work already has a system called Skynet. Its always a good opportunity for a Terminator joke whenever we need to reference it :)

No fate but what we make. Ha!


I don't know where you work, but I would reference it as much as possible I think. I only have my boss who talks about stuff like this with me at work. Which gets dangerous, we end up talking about something completely random and get no work done.

I have heard of 'Caprica' and have been meaning to watch it. This might give me the extra "umph" I need.

Just like most, I also fall victim to my own need for entertainment and instant gratification. I acknowledge it when I can and try to stem away from it when possible. I feel my time could be well spent doing something else, but I'm no stranger to this vice. That's part of the reason I find 'Wall-E' most reasonable, because I see how prominent it is in my own life already. Faster food, faster service, faster entertainment, faster sleep if I could...

There is the slight possibility of a peaceful coexistence however, humans don't have the best track record with coexistence. Ruling, powerful, top dog, we're in charge - Yeah - Coexisting - not so much.

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