The Diary Game | April 24, 2024 | Trip to uncle's place

Hi stemians. At 8 am, work time was over and holiday time had arrived, but I couldn't go home yet because there was another activity being held by my place of work, namely hydrant training, namely how to use a water hose to put out a fire.

The hydrant training activity was held once every 6 months and the training took almost an hour and of course it made me feel tired and sleepy because I had worked all night but the training still had to be done because it was a mandatory thing held where I worked.

After the hydrant training is complete, there is one more thing that must be done before returning home, namely socializing standard operating procedures (SOP). and this activity lasted almost 1 hour.

At 10 am I was finally able to go home after carrying out activities organized by my place of work and when I arrived home I immediately went to rest without doing any other activities first.

At 1 pm I finally rushed out of bed and got ready to perform Dhuhur prayers and after performing dhuhur prayers, I immediately did another activity, namely washing a lot of dirty clothes. Of course this is an activity that is mandatory for me when the time off work arrives. .

After finishing washing clothes and having nothing else to do, I finally chose to play games on my cellphone and when the time for Asr prayer arrived, I immediately did it.

when I wanted to go to my uncle's place in Binjai
After finishing doing activities at home, I decided to go to my uncle's place in Binjai. On the way I felt hungry so I stopped at a rice stall on the side of the road and this time the menu I chose was chili chicken, I often ordered a plate. rice with chicken as a side dish because I really like chicken as a side dish to my food.
enjoy a plate of rice with chicken side dish

traffic jam that occurred on the way to my uncle's place
After finishing enjoying a plate of rice, the journey continued and when the journey had reached around 20 km, I was stuck in a long traffic jam at a traffic intersection. This often happens and I waited patiently and the journey continued when the traffic jam was over. When I almost arrived at my uncle's place, I stopped at a vegetable stall to buy some household necessities such as tomatoes, mustard greens, red chilies, eggplant and tempeh.

Below are the price details:

No.itemsprice IDRSteem price
1TomatoIDR 5,0001 Steem
2Mustard greensIDR 6,0001.2 Steem
3Red ChiliIDR 6,0001.2 Steem
4EggplantIDR 5,0001 Steem
5TempehIDR 4,0000.8 Steem
TotalAll itemsIDR 26,0005.2 Steem

The total cost I spent was IDR 26,000 or 5.2 Steem

Conversion Steem

various types of vegetables are available when buying several vegetables for cooking needs

After finishing buying some cooking necessities for home, I went straight to my uncle's house and when I got there I immediately sat for a while while chatting with my uncle and after that I rested so I could carry out tomorrow's activities smoothly.

That's all for my diary and thank you to all the stemians who have supported and read this post. Have a good day for you all stemian

Description: : All images are personal documentation taken using the Oppo A5 2020 smartphone device.

Best Regards


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