Understanding the Value of Perseverance - What it Is and Why it is Important

in #motivation3 years ago

In the world of martial arts, the art form known as Jeet Kune Do is practiced by many people today. Known as "the way of the fist" this ancient art form is based around power, speed, precision and patience. Today, it continues to be a challenge to study and teach this powerful style, as it is so widely practiced. Jeet Kune Do is actually very simple to learn, but what makes it so special is the perseverance of those who practice it.

Understand the value of perseverance and you will have no trouble living a life filled with happiness and success. Those who practice this art form without patience will often give up quickly before reaching their goal. They will not last long in the sport. It takes true strength of character to keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles you face in the way.

There are many people who choose to train in this sport because they love the challenges that come along the way. Others enjoy the actual physical workout that comes along with it. Still others find great enjoyment in learning new martial arts techniques and applying them in real life scenarios. Whatever the case may be, it's important to remember that training is simply about learning. If you never learn to apply what you've been taught then you will never master it. It's like trying to fly in a plane when you haven't ever flown before.

Understanding the value of perseverance means you must persevere through every minute of your training. Those who give up early aren't usually those who are very intelligent or highly educated. They're usually the ones who have a very short attention span and are easily bored. Those who don't persevere in life, on the other hand, generally have goals lined up and are incredibly disciplined. They also like challenges.

So if the importance of perseverance can be understood, why do so many people fail at it? The short answer is laziness. The people who aren't progressing the most in their chosen field are usually lazy and unmotivated. These people must first acquire the proper tools and motivation before they can become successful. However many people don't know where to get these tools or how to obtain them and therefore they fail.

Another thing that prevents many people from becoming successful in their chosen field is that they are too lax in believing that they have potential. This is where laziness comes in as one of the main reasons for not being able to succeed. People should have the mindset of always thinking of the next level, regardless if they are currently in the process of doing so. While it may seem impossible to constantly think of the next level, it's still something that many people must continually do in order to achieve the maximum potential in their chosen field.

In many cases, people are too worried about the failures and discouragements as if they were already dead or losing all hope. Many of them fail because they don't take failure and discouragement personally. For those who have perseverance, they know that every day they will encounter obstacles and bumps, but they still persevere and keep going. They know that to reach success and to truly prosper in whatever field they're in, it's absolutely necessary to persevere through all the tough times.

Finally, the last important aspect of perseverance is prioritization. Perseverance is not effective if you don't maintain your priorities, which means that you must identify which things are the most important and then work to achieve these first. It is important to remember that perseverance isn't something you can simply learn or acquire, it is a mindset you need to adopt and work towards constantly. Understanding the value of perseverance then is very important in every aspect of life, including your personal and professional life.


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