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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 10 - Day 5 (Nov. 11, 2017)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Dammit I was hoping I could rip that hulk apart with my bare hands.

I would need 2 Lucky hits though

Action 1 shoot west to get that Walker

Am I able to reach the Walker north west of me? If so I aim for him too


No angle-shooting. 90 degrees only.

Player 2

Action 1: Use pistol to shoot Walker to the West. Roll 3 = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 6 = success! Walker is dead.
Action 3: ???

Actually, to kill a Hulk bare-handed requires 4 hits at 0.5 damage points each.

Yeah but he had 1 damage already from me. So I was hoping to macho man rip him in two

I don't know what else I could do.

LOL... yea... he did have 1 dmg. already, so would need 2 more bare-knuckle sucker punches.

Run down and see what's inside the open building?

Or go pick up an axe from the center building?

It would be like a scene in doom. Yeah I will grab an axe so

So... Action 3: move S.

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