My 90 Day Motivation Challenge (experiment)

in #blog6 years ago


90 days from tomorrow my experiment will end, and if all goes to plan, I will have something really awesome to share with you, something that will help you summon super-hero levels of motivation at will. I have a couple of theories about motivation that I want to test, and if I this experiment is a success, I will share with you the simple formula that will give you a massive boost in motivation. I have set some pretty ambitious goals that I must meet before the end of July (about 90 days from now).

I shall reveal all the goals I have set for myself at a later point in time. Some of my goals are as follows:

  • lose 20lbs (my before shots are below)
  • write a book
  • put together a special gift for you (I promise you will love it)
  • record and upload a minimum of 60 podcast episodes (if you click the link, you will see that I have 0 episodes right now
    If I fail to do all four things above, I shall donate $200 dollars to, and I need you to keep me accountable.
    Believe me when I say that stormfront are the last people I would ever think of donating to, I would rather pull my teeth out without anesthetic that give them a single cent. They are the kind of people who write songs in honor of Hitler's birthday, Suffice it to say that if I were to give them a donation, a big part of my soul would die a very painful death.

I will leave the before shots in the comment section below, and before you have a look, I wanted to ask you a question. Are negative thoughts a problem for you in your life? If you answered yes, this video is for you:


Wow! Pretty ambitious. Good luck!

Thank you so much. That means a lot.

Silly me, I forgot the before pics, here they are...

Going to be following you to keep you motivated! I believe you can achieve all four of your goals! :)

Thank you so much for your kind words.

This is pretty ambitous! We need more people like you!

However, if you are struggling with staying motivated, I fear this challenge of yours wont do you much good.

The key is to not "motivate" yourself, but to discipline yourself and realise that success is not something you attain by being "motivated" for the whole journey.

You need to discipline yourself and realise that true success wont happen in 6 months... Heck, not even in a year. If you discipline yourself enough, so that you begin enjoying the process - then and only then, will you attain the success you seek!

If you're interested in disciplining yourself, I will be writing up some posts about it in the near future!

All things aside, I do wish for you to succeed in this challenge of yours! Best of will!


Thank you so much. You honor me with such kindness. Your words are wise. I fear though that you may have ever so slightly misunderstood the intention.

I totally agree with you that success, cannot happen over night. Saying that is will not happen in 6 months is true, but it is also not true. If you can do five years worth of work in 6 months, would you still say that success wont happen in that time period? I agree with you that using certain strategies, success may not come as fast as one would hope. I do not believe in the "magic pill" approach to getting the results you want, and in fact I think that it is harmful and in fact irresponsible to push magic pill remedies, and I thank you for prompting me to make that point clear. With that out of the way, I must also say that if you want to get the results you want in a shorter timeline, you need to have the right strategies in place, to take enough action, and most importantly to make mistakes, learn the lessons you need to learn and make the adjustments you need to based on what you have learned.

I really love that you mentioned the importance of enjoying the process. You did not understand my intention for this little experiment, and I take full responsibility for that. I did not communicate it as well as I should have, and if you would allow me, I would like to take a second stab at it.

I do not believe in the notion that someone has little or no motivation. We all have motivation. Here's the deal though. When you procrastinate or put something off completely, it is not because you have no motivation, it is rather because your motivation to do something else is higher than your motivation to do the things that you end up not doing.

As you very correctly pointed out, enjoying the process is important. It is, however, not the only factor that has to be taken into consideration. My goal is to go beyond motivation. My goal is to have the process pull me into it so that I do not need will power in the same way that it takes very little will power to do the things that often hurt us, like putting things off, or having that slice of chocolate cake and so on. There are four main areas that need to be improved upon for this to happen and enjoyment falls under one of them, namely value. High value, how much you enjoy doing something for example, increases how motivated you feel to do that thing. For many people working out is something that they associate with pain or perhaps they find boring, or maybe some other reason but the result is that they place a low value on it, and as a result, they do not feel motivated to workout.

I hope I have made the actual intention a little clearer.

I really like the way you thing. Perhaps we could work together on something in the future.

Again, thank you for your kind words.

You should write a book on PR! Your response was amazing.

I spoke too soon, as I see now that you've thought all of this through. You see, I just read a book on discipline vs motivation, so I felt compelled to comment about it!

We may very well work on something sometime soon!

Thanks for the response, Nejc

I am really glad you shared the lessons you learned. It is an awesome quality that you have. It truly is, especially in a world that is becoming increasing selfish. It is refreshing to know that people like you exist.

I have a survey for research I am doing on motivation, and if you have 60 seconds I would be very grateful if you helped me out.

Filled out your survey :) Hope you get many entries.

Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

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